Send Them All

The light rain begins to stop pouring. Everyone is gathered at the centre. Kassius walks next to Arnold.

President: "Return my daughter this once you damn criminal!"

President guard 1: "Your excellence. Please remain calm."

Kassius: "Alright, listen up! Me and my friend over there have the president's daughter. Now, we'll give her back. But we have some demands."

Lucia: "What are your demands?"

Kassius: "First, you'll hand over that woman over there. A person for another seems like a fair deal."

Lucia: "And why would you need her?"

Kassius: "That's something you don't actually need to know. Now the second demand, is that you'll let us leave the nation undisturbed. That means until we re-enter the nation, you cannot detain us as we leave."

Lucia: "You realise both are very unreasonable demands after what happened today right? What if we refuse?"

Kassius: "Um... Hold on one moment."

Kassius turns to Arnold.

Kassius (whispering): "I can't lie. I didn't think this far ahead."

Arnold (whispering): "Just come up with something."

Kassius looks back at the officers and clears his throat.

Kassius: "If you don't meet our demands... we'll kill her!"

Everybody tenses up.

Lucia: "You're bluffing."

Kassius: "You're going to put the president's daughter's life in the hands of a belief that I'm lying? That's awfully risky if you ask me."

Kassius and Lucia stare down intensly, one not budging.

President: "Fine! We'll meet your demands."

Lucia: "Respectfully Mr. President, I-"

President: "I cannot leave my daughter's life in the hands of a gamble. Fine. Let's have the prisoner exchange. Officers! Send a message to every station."

Kassius: "Great."

The officers start spreading the message. Kassius and Arnold stand in front of Lucia and her officers.

Lucia: "Begin."

Marialette is escorted by Arnold to the center and Valeria is being dragged to the center by an officer. Once both reach the center, Arnold grabs Valeria's arm and pulls her while Marialette walks to the other side, protected by that officer. They both eventually reach their sides safely.

President: "Alright. You have your prisoner."

Kassius: "What about the second one?"

President: "About that..."

Officers start blocking the exit points on the bridges. All the officers at the centre aim their guns at Kassius and Arnold.

Kassius: "Hey! What's going on?"

President: "Did you seriously believe I'd bargain with a bunch of criminals?"

Kassius: "Then the call-"

President: "Was an alert to all officers in the nation about the both of you. In case you miraculously escape here, you won't get far in the city. Enjoy your last moments of freedom."

Ulqora: "Let go of me!"

Arnold: "Ulqora!"

Ulqora: "Help! Help!"

Kassius: "Let her go! She's not a part of this."

Lucia: "It is now. Mr. President. We've found this little girl hiding in their vehicle."

Arnold: "Maria! Are you really going to nothing?! Knowing what we're trying to do?!"

President: "Keep my daughter's name out of your mouth, you disgusting criminal!"

Lucia: "What do we do with the little girl sir?"

President: "She's just a little girl. Have her checked up and placed in an institution where she can be cared for. We'll find her a loving home from there."

Arnold: "Maria. You can hate me all you want. You can even send people to kill me it makes you feel better for what I did. But please..."

Arnold gets on his knees and bows his head onto the wet, cold ground.

Arnold: "Please don't ruin this little girl's life. She's been through enough."

Some of the officers look in shock while others chuckle. Marialette starts to cry. More and more tears start to fall from Marialette's face until she can't control it anymore.

Marialette: "Fa... father... father!"

The President turns to her.

Marialette: "Please listen to them."

President: "What?"

Marialette: "Tell the officers to give the girl back to them and give them immunity. All they are trying to do is help her."

President: "Marialette, what are you saying right now? Have they corrupted your mind? Criminals... They do nothing but cause problems. And I'm supposed to believe they are trying to help this little girl?"

Marialette: "But..."

President: "And what about what they've caused tonight? They've stolen one of the most treasured jewels in our nation, they kidnapped you and now we find out they had this girl hostage as well?"

Marialette: "Father, if they wanted to seriously kidnap me, they could've. But they didn't. The reason I'm even here right now is because they actually saved me. I know these thieves have caused plenty of problems tonight, but just this once I ask you to listen to these ones here."

President: "But Maria... you know thieves... how they can be... what they do..."

Marialette: "Father, I do. But I don't think holding onto the past is going to do us any good. What happened with mama, I can't forget. But if I've learnt anything from today, is that not all of them are the same."

The President stands in silence, looking at his daughter.

President: "Maria... you remind me of your mother so much, you know. Stubborn, always trying to get what she wants, but has the purest of heart... Alright, just this once, I'll listen just this once."

Marialette: "Oh thank you, Father."

Marialette hugs her father, making him smile.

President: "Return the girl to them. Send a message to all officers of the city that an immunity call is being requested by the president."

The officers lower their weapons, and they let go off Ulqora. She runs to Arnold as he stands up and she hugs him.

Arnold: "It's alright now, Ulqora. I won't let this happen again, I promise."

Phone: "Brrrrrrrr... Brrrrrrrrrrr... Brrrrrrrrrrr..."

Everyone looks around after they hear the ring.

Lucia spots the phone and picks it up. She sees the screen and it says "Boss". Lucia answers the call.

(Phone) Boss: "Put the boy on the phone."

Lucia: "Who is this?"

(Phone) Man: "Ahhh! Is that you Lucia? Don't listen to these sc- ahhhhhh!"

Lucia: "Captain! Where are you?! How did you-"

(Phone) Boss: "Put the boy on the phone."

Lucia gets pissed but she decides to toss the phone to Kassius, and he catches it.

Kassius: "Uh... hello?"

(Phone) Boss: "So you're the boy who beat Valeria."

Kassius: "Yes, that was me. Who is this?"

(Phone) Boss: "I'm the leader of the Black Sand Bandits."

Kassius: "So you're the guy Ayana's been listening to?"

(Phone) Boss: "Ayana... one of my most loyal associates. I hope she didn't cause you any trouble. That aside, I've actually called because I wanted to recruit you. You and your friend seem like formiddable rookies, which impressed me quite a bit."

Kassius: "Forget it. I'm not joining you. All I want is the diamond. So tell me where you are and we can settle this face to face. Who knows, I might even give you Valeria back."

(Phone) Boss: "Hahahahahaha! You are an interesting one, I'll tell you that. But, if you are using Valeria as leverage, I will say you poorly thought out your plans. If Valeria is there, tell her I thank her for her service to the cause. As for you and your friend, since you've caused irreparable damage to my assets, I'm afraid you've left me no other choice but to do the same to you."

Kassius: "Then do it. Send all the people you can. I'll just beat them too. Maybe you'll show your face instead of hiding when you run out of options."

(Phone) Boss: "Hahahaha! Only time will tell. Actions speak louder than words. What is your name?"

Kassius: "Kassius Moore."

(Phone) Boss: "Well, Mr. Kassius Moore. With all that talk, I hope you don't disappoint."

The phone hangs up. The officers start chattering amongst themselves.

Lucia: "So you're Kassius Moore... Isn't that just funny? All the way from the station. That means him over there... Arnold Jenovise."

Kassius turns to Arnold.

Arnold: "It's good. No point in hiding it any further now."

Kassius: "Alright, we'll be leaving now. Tell your officers to clear the way."

Kassius and Ulqora enter the car. Arnold puts Valeria in the backseat with Ulqora while Kassius sits up front. Arnold goes around and enters the driver's seat and turns the car on.

Kassius: "Let's get out of here. I'm ready to leave."

Arnold starts driving. He goes past the officers and slows down as he passes Marialette. They lock eyes, but he doesn't say a word. Arnold looks back forward and drives away. They leave the bridge and start heading North West of the city.

Kassius: "How far is the border?"

Arnold: "It doesn't look that far. I'd say maybe two and a half hours?"

Kassius: "Good, maybe I can catch some sleep... Wait! Stop the car."

Arnold stops the car immediately. Kassius gets out the car and looks back.

Kassius: "Bonnie?! Is that you?"

Bonnie: "Kas? It is you."

Bonnie runs towards Kassius with bags of cash in her hand.

Kassius: "Whoa! How much?"

Bonnie: "About $50,000 each. Not too bad for my first run right? Hey, can I catch a ride?"

Kassius: "Sure. Put the bags in the back though."

Kassius opens the trunk and they notice the guy they tied up earlier unconscious.

Bonnie: "Uh..."

Kassius: "It's a long story. Help me out here."

They lift out the guy, untie him and leave him on the side of the road. Bonnie places her bags in the trunk and they close it. They both head in the car and Arnold drives off.

Bonnie: "Oh, hi Arnold. How are you doing?"

Arnold: "I'm alright."

Bonnie: "Kas. Who's that lady?"

Kassius: "Some crazy lady I fought. I was going to use her as leverage but it just never worked so why not use her to get to her boss instead, right?"

Bonnie: "I see."

Kassius: "And the little girl next to you is Ulqora."

Bonnie: "Little girl? ..."

Bonnie notices Ulqora next to her with her hoodie down.

Bonnie: "Awwwww. She's so cute!"

Bonnie starts hugging Ulqora.

Bonnie: "Wait. Why do you guys have her?"

Kassius: "Well it's a long story so I'll just tell you what happened."

As they drive along the roads, Kassius tells Bonnie the story. He tells her everything from how they got off the train, to the slave auctions in Ritetown.

Bonnie: "That's so awful."

Kassius: "I know. That's why we're trying to help her first. But we ended up having complications. Just glad we're here right now."

(Radio): "In other news, the streets of Umoja are in confusion after what has transpired today."

Kassius: "Hmm?"

(Radio): "The issue of concern is the heist that occurred at the Imperial museum. The two criminals that are responsible for this have been identified as Kassius Moore and Arnold Jenovise, however the police have said they have no records on the two. They've been charged with many crimes following today's events, including robbery, destruction of public property, assault of officers, of which one is in intensive care, and kidnapping which happened to involve the President's daughter herself. Given all of these crimes, the ACO has taken focus to them, as they have been placed on Green Notice today."