Green Notice

(Radio): "Reports also indicate the President has put an immunity protocol in place for the two. For those at home who do not know, this means they are free from the restrictions of the law for three hours. The question on everybody's mind is, why the President would do this? We'll be back right after a short break."

Kassius: "Did you hear that?! We're green notice!"

Arnold: "We're going to be international targets from now on. We have to be ready now more than ever."

Bonnie: "Wow! You guys are lucky. I guess I need to step up my game if I ever want to make a name for myself."

Kassius: "Hehe. Don't worry, you'll definitely do it."

They continue driving on the road, headed for the border. Meanwhile back in the capital, the people are in confusion. While there are groups marching up and down heckling at the President for his decision, there are groups actually celebrating what happened. In the center of the city, at the ACO official building, Lucia returns with her group.

Lucia: "File a report for the captain's kidnapping. I want as much information about his previous whereabouts in the next few hours. Dismissed."

Her group walks away. Lucia walks down a hall towards a conference room. She barges in and shocks the people in the room, however the man leading the conversation, all the way across the room is unfazed.

Officer 1: "Lucia! How can you barge in here like you own the damn place? Show some respect!"

Lucia: "The situation is dire. But it's not your concern so I suggest you mind your own business, Michael."

Michael: "Why you-"

Leader: "Cool it, lieutenant."

Michael: "Captain John."

The leader of the group is a captain called John. He's a six foot male, with pale skin, slicked back white hair and blue eyes. His lieutenant Michael, is about six foot and three inches, same skin tone, smooth black hair and brown eyes.

Captain John: "You guys are of same status here. So I'd hope you could show each other some respect. Now Lucia, I believe you're here because of the recent kidnapping of Captain Tobias, no?"

Lucia: "Yes, that is correct. But how did you-"

Captain John: "One of his officers was present during the kidnapping. Although he survived, he was seriously injured and could only tell us the captain was kidnapped. So we are waiting for his recovery to learn more."

Lucia: "I know who did it. It was the leader of the Black Sand Bandits."

Everybody in the room is flabbergasted.

Deputy Michael: "What are your sources?!"

Lucia: "Directly from the man himself. It happened during the incident that occurred recently with the president's daughter."

Captain John: "Hmm. This actually might be good."

Lucia: "How so?"

Captain John: "I've had some attempts at apprehending the black sand bandits myself. Most have failed, however one of my men managed to successfully infiltrate their ranks."

Lucia: "That's amazing sir."

Captain John: "So far, we've only learnt that they are based in the nation of Thari. However, I'm expecting information soon, one piece of information being the exact location of their base of operations. If we manage to get this information, we will be able to take down the black sand bandits and free the Captain."

Lucia: "Do not get me wrong, sir. This is an excellent plan. However, we cannot be certain they will let the Captain live. We have to act now. I cannot wait for a source of information."

Captain John: "I get the urgency. Funnily enough, you barged in as we were planning our search party. We've selected some certain locations and we were planning to go ahead before the information got to us. You and your squadron are more than welcome to join us if you please."

Lucia: "I would be grateful sir."

As that is occurring, far off in the center of the world, a ship is sailing across the sea. The waves start getting more and more ferocious even as the sun starts to rise early in the morning, skies clear of any cloud. On the ship, is a member of the G8, Louisa Dubois.

Crewmember: "Miss Dubois, there's no need to worry. I'm sure they're closing in on him as we speak."

Louisa: "No need to worry?!"

She imposes her presence even more and some crewmates actually start to collapse unconscious.

(Speakers) Ship captain: "Miss Dubois. Kindly relax or I do not believe my crew will live to the end of this journey."

Louisa: "Hmph."

Louisa stops imposing her presence. She kicks her chair away.

Louisa: "Dammit! I leave for a few days, and it's already gone to shit. First, I hear this news about the daughter of the President of Umoja, and then this. And of all prisoners, he escaped... you! File a report to all possible ACO headquarters in the four nations. This is an international emergency."

ACO officer: "Y-yes ma'am!"

On an Island in Lake Suba, this incident only occurred hours earlier. Yesterday night, around the same time Kassius and Arnold were put on Green Notice, a batch of new guards reached the island. They exited their ship and the ship drifted away into the vast sea.

Prison Head Guard: "Welcome officers! I hope you have had a safe journey. From now on, you have the honor of watching over these pieces of scum. I will be providing you with a small tour, to help you grasp the concept of your new job here. Follow me."

The head guard leads the other officers into the tunnel.

Prison Head Guard: "This island hosts the second largest prison in the world, which is maintained, lead and owned by the G8 member, Louisa Dubois. This prison is unique compared to others you have probably worked in. On the outside, it appears to just look like a tall cylindrical building with a long tunnel entrance. But as you reach the end of the tunnel..."

They reach the end of the tunnel and walk on a narrow path.

Prison Head Guard: "It is far larger than it seems. Not only does it go up for a while, it also stretches down for a while. At the bottom, is where the criminals work, and are forced to mine for resources. They usually return back to their quarters which is on the outside of this building. However that isn't all this building is used for. Climbing up and up, are multiple paths which are guarded by armed officers. At the top, is where we keep the worst criminals we have. These criminals are placed in extremely humid white rooms and we intentionally ensure they rarely eat or sleep so they are very weak and cannot retaliate. Who knows, you may get a chance to torture some hahaha! On this level however, right in front of us is the facilities for us guards. My associate will take you to your rooms. I have urgent business to attend to."

As the Associate Guard leads the group to the guard facilities, the Prison Head Guard heads to a room on the ground floor. He enters and there are a large group of guards monitoring surveillance of each sector of the prison. He heads over to one group of three.

Prison Guard 1: "Sir!"

Prison Head Guard: "At ease. Are the prisoners in control?"

Prison Guard 2: "About that, all the other prisoners have fallen asleep. Even the top sector ones. However prisoner 43879 has not shown signs of fatigue, even in these harsh conditions."

The prison head guard looks at the surveillance camera and sees the prisoner sat on the ground of his cell, facing the opposite way so his face can't be seen.

Prison Head Guard: "How are you holding up in there?"

Prisoner 43879: "If I'm being honest, it isn't so great in here."

Prison Head Guard: "I imagine so. I've been made aware you aren't following your regular sleep patterns. I hope you don't have any plans of trying to escape. You know what happens to plotters."

Prisoner 43878: "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. You know, around this time, good ol' Louisa comes around to check up on me. I wonder where she is right now."

Prison Head Guard: "Miss Louisa is busy. She sent me to deal with you. If you'd prefer silence, I guess I'll leave you to rot then."

Prisoner 43879: "Wait! Before you go, at least tell me what's happening on the outside."

Prison Head Guard: "For what good reason?"

Prisoner 43878: "I want to know of the many criminals I've missed the chance to kill."

Prison Head Guard: "Seems you haven't changed a single bit. Maybe it is time we finally kill you."

Prison Guard 3: "Sir, I don't think this is a good idea. I don't believe Madame Louisa would approve."

Prison Head Guard: "Well, Madame Louisa might not approve, but she isn't here right now, is she? Men, prepare to administer a lethal shock."

Prison Guard 1: "But sir... it'll take too much power. Electrical circuits in that area will malfunction."

Prison Head Guard: "We have back up power, and the other prisoners are in manageable condition. Now do it!"

The guards start tweaking with the controls.

Prisoner 43879 (in head): "I... can't feel it anymore."

The prisoner starts standing up.

Prisoner 43879: "I guess it is really time."

Prison Head Guard: "Faster!"

Prisoner 43879: "Oy! Guards. If you can hear me, I'll say this once.. if you try to stop me... you're dead."

Prison Head Guard: "Now!"

The guards administer the shock. The prisoner starts getting electrocuted and the lights start flickering. After a while, the main lights shut down.

Prison Head Guard: "Stop."

The guards stop the shock.

Prisoner Head Guard: "Send a squad to contain the area right now."

The alarms are rung. The whole prison gets chaotic. Guards force prisoners back into their cells while others rush up towards the area. Prison guards on the top floor are alerted and rush down a tunnel towards his cell. Two make it down the tunnel first.

Guard 1: "The cell is empty. He's escaped."

Guard 2: "How could he have escaped? The cell is intact."

Guard 1: "Then where did he go?"

In a flash, he breaks straight through the pane of glass and grabs both of them by the face.

Prisoner 43879: "Right here."

He slams them both to the ground, shoving them through the concrete. They both pass out. The prisoner is a seven foot male, with a white skin tone, grey messy hair and very dark brown eyes. A group of guards reach his area and start rushing towards him. He runs towards them and throws both the guards towards the other group rushing him. One guard runs up to him and tries attacking him.

Prisoner 43879: "Confidence and weakness..."

They both throw a punch and their fists collide. The guard screams in pain as his arm breaks.

Prisoner 43878: " only foolishness."

He grabs the guard by the broken arm and tosses him into the wall. The other guards look in fear as he rushes towards them.

Guard 3: "Shoot hi-"

Prisoner 43879: "Too slow."

He ruthlessly knocks them all out, one by one. The Prisoner gets to the end and stops in his tracks as he almost falls off the edge of the stairs. He looks up the stairs and sees a group of guards running down towards him. He looks up the stairs and sees a group of guard running up towards him as well. He immediately rushes down the stairs. The guards coming up notice him and try to pull out their weapons but he immediately attacks them all, throwing them over the edge. He continues running down but he notices a group that's aiming at him already. They start firing at him so he runs on the wall and jumps up. As he starts coming down he kicks the one in the front and he knocks all of them back down the stairs. The prisoner continues running down the stairs. He notices more and more guards coming from both directions.

Prison Head Guard: "Call all units on the island, this is an emergency!"

The Prisoner jumps over the ledge and lands on a different level. He continues running towards the stairs, going through every guard that encounters him. As he finally reaches the main sector level, he jumps down onto it from the staircase.

Prisoner 43879: "Empty?"

The Prisoner walks into the tunnel, lights off.

Prisoner 43879: "... Hmph. Nice work. You got me."

The lights turn on. All around him are armed guards. Coming from the tunnel too, are more guards along with the head guard. The tunnel starts closing, with more and more walls of steel coming down.

Prison Head Guard: "Never have I been more frustrated than I am now. I hope you got a kick out of this because this is where you draw your last breath. But do tell, how did you have the energy to pull any of this off, given the way we keep you prisoners?"

Prisoner 43879: "Hehe. That's an interesting question. I can't really put my finger on it."

As he raises his hand towards his face, all the guards stare in shock, as he is missing the fingers on his left hand.

Prison Head Guard: "You're... you're a madman."

Prisoner 43879: "You know, I believe I heard that once the lock down is initiated, it won't open until the expected time is finished. Guess you should've made my cage sound proof hehehe. But anyways, I have one last question to ask."

The Prisoner starts walking towards the head guard.

Prison Head Guard: "Prepare to shoot."

Prisoner 43879: "How tall is this building?"

The Prison Head Guard pulls his gun and attempts to shoot him but as he looks up, the Prisoner is no longer there.

Prison Head Guard: "Where'd he go?!"

Guard: "Behind you sir."

The Prisoner heads back to the main sector. He starts running up the wall and jumps onto the next level above. He continues to run up in the same manner, going higher and higher.

Prison Head Guard: "So this was his real plan all along. Trap us down here and escape from the top. Guards! Stay here incase he plans to come back down."

The head guard goes up the stairs alone and heads for the top. He pulls out a communication device.

(On device) Prison Head Guard: "Attention top floor. The prisoner coming your way."

ACO Captain 1: "This is going to be interesting."

ACO Captain 2: "Agreed."

The Prisoner reaches the top floor and runs down the only tunnel on that level. He reaches the end of it and arrives at a door that has a sign that says "W. Louisa Dubois' office". He opens the door and enters a very spacious room. Directly in front of him is the desk of Louisa along with a glass window wall. On both sides of the room are sofas, with one captain sitting on each side looking at him.

Prisoner 43879: "Ahh. The ACO. Let's get this over with."

The captains both stand up. The Prisoner tries attacking one but the other blocks him with a special glove.

Prisoner 43879: "Hmm?"

The captain that was saved then kicks the Prisoner back.

ACO Captain 2: "With both of us here, you don't have a chance at escaping."

Prisoner 43879: "I guess it was my fault for underestimating you. Seems like you aren't scrubs. At least the escape isn't boring."

Captain 1: "Try as much as you want. We are well prepared to deal with you."

The head guard and his group finally reach the top. They rush towards Louisa's office and open the door. In complete horror, they stare at the Prisoner, who's holding one of them by their bleeding face, while the other is face down on the ground, leaking blood as well.

Prisoner 43879: "Wow. I guess you really weren't as prepared as you thought."

He tosses the body through the glass wall window, shattering it. With the full moon directly shining in his face, he takes a deep breath.

Prisoner 43879: "Fresh air. It's beautiful, don't you agree?"

Prison Head Guard: "Men, prepare to fi-"

He notices the guards running away.

Prison Head Guard: "Hey, get back here!"

Prisoner 43879: "I don't know why you haven't but they get it. It's pointless."

Prisoner 43879 turns the radio on Louisa's desk on.

(Radio) Man 1: "The president's daughter got kidnapped! They should've been shot on the spot."

Prisoner 43879: "Hmm? Letting the president's daughter get kidnapped? The ACO as incompetent as ever."

(Radio) Man 2: "It's true they kidnapped her but they didn't harm her and she didn't seem distressed. Was it really as bad as you paint it to be?"

(Radio) Man 1: "Are you justifying this?!"

(Radio) Man 2: "Not at all. I just want to observe and analyse from an objective standpoint."

(Radio) Man 1: "That's fine however what of the officers that were hurt? Let's just hope this Kassius Moore and Arnold Jenovise are brought to justice."

The Prisoner's eyes widen and he grips the radio.

Prisoner 43878: "Is this a joke?!"

He tosses the radio out the building.

Prisoner 43879: "Just like him, Kassius... Moore!"

He jumps out the broken glass wall. The Prison Head Guard runs towards it and sees him falling towards ocean. The Prisoner lands in the water and he can't be seen anymore. The Prison Head Guard lifts his communication device.

Prison Head Guard: "Attention all guards, the Prisoner has escaped. Inform all nearby ACO branches, and get word of this to Madame Louisa Dubois."

All the way across the world in a city in the nation of Windsaw, a man is sitted at the top of a building. He's eating bread and listening to the radio beside him.

(Radio) Lady: "Profilers are suggesting these criminals Kassius Moore and Arnold Jenovise are teenagers. But there is currently no information on their backgrounds."

Man 1: "Haha! You finally made it. I was getting bored."

Man 2: "Mekai. Are you ready?"

The man is Mekai Ventra.

Mekai: "Yeah, I'm ready."

He stands up and turns off the radio.