And then everything goes black, once again. I wish I weren't accustomed to the feeling of falling unconscious, but at this point... I am. The light dims, my eyes close, and I feel my body falling to the ground... mercifully, I pass out before I feel the painful crack of my head hitting the pavement.
Waking once again, opening my eyes to blinding light and glinting red crystals, causing a strange distortion of colour around the rims of my eyes. Everything looks red.
Now I can see, but only sort of. I can feel cold metal against my back and I start to shiver. What is this place? And what happened? All I remember was falling to the pavement in front of my house- how did I get here? I wish I had some answers for this nightmarish situation that I keep getting myself into. On that note- I try to sit up, but find I'm stuck. I hear a cracking noise when I try to pull myself up, and on laying back down I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder blade, making me yank myself back up out of instinct, making more cracking noises. I feel like I'm more free now though, so I try it again. On the third yank, it gives, and I sit up to see ice crystals everywhere and one large, metallic wall ahead of me. It reflects slightly, but it's mostly covered by the whiteness of ice covering it completely
It's so bright it almost hurts to look at anything in this room, and I feel like I'm getting a headache. I try to stand up but I can't feel my legs under me, and the sensation of being unable to move them panics me deeply. Looking down, my legs are free, but frozen to the table and one of them is still broken. Not that I really thought it would have healed since I last saw it but hey, a girl can hope, right? It would be really convenient if it had. Make my life so much easier. But anyway... I'm so cold and stuck to a table so I have bigger problems. (Story of my goddamn life. 'Bigger problems') So I start to poke at the ice around my legs, shattering little icicles everywhere and trying to get myself up. It hurts to peel my legs away from the cold surface, but I need to get up and move, or I think I'll probably freeze to death. 'But is that so bad', I wonder, before getting myself up and trying to stand. It doesn't work, and I fall to the floor once again. (This situation is giving me some serious déjà vu, and not in a good way)
Crawling to the door, I can barely move, it's so cold. I feel like my body has frozen solid, and moving is like the ice is snapping inside of me. It hurts so much, but my fingers can just graze against the door now. Just a little bit closer and I can open the door and feel the heat rush in. I need the heat now. Yanking myself closer, I can't feel the ice slashing at my fingers, but I can see the bloodless cuts opening. Then I'm finally there. It takes a second to get myself up to grab the door handle, but I do, and grab hold of it tightly, oblivious to the coldness of the metal. Yanking down on it, it doesn't shift, and my heart sinks like a stone to the bottom of my chest. 'Come on!' I think, before throwing all my weight onto the handle, which gives way in a flurry of shattered ice and leaving me on the floor. I'm not sure whether it's a better idea to leave immediately or to wait for the room to heat up- isn't rapid change in temperature really bad for your body? I can't remember- my brain feels all fuzzy. It's like nothing I've felt before- and I hate it. I need to make it stop, but I can't decide what I should be doing. Do I walk out or do I stay here? I need to choose soon or my body will choose for me, and I'll fall unconscious yet again. No- that would be very bad. I need to get out and risk the consequences, which are presumably bad. Very, very bad. But my other choice is likely death. Ain't no healing from being dead.
Walking out of the room, my body feels like it's fizzing- the blood in my veins feels carbonated, like it's popping with every step. But I need to keep moving- at least to find some place to hide before my body gives way once again. Thankfully, my legs are too numb to feel my sore leg, so it doesn't hurt when I step- but surely this is not good for the break. Not like I have any other choice though- I can't stay here. So keep stepping away. One foot in front of the other. I can't drag my head up to look ahead- save every little bit of energy for walking. But at my feet I can see shiny plates of metal at my feet, reflecting a vague amorphous form that must be me.
Later, I realise I've passed several doors, and there's another coming up. They blend in so well with the walls, but they seem to be near a little step down in the metal. Getting to the nearest one, I open it to see another room, with a frozen body lying in the centre on a table. I walk to the centre, trying to recognise the frozen person from beneath the ice, but its hard to tell between the ice and the slight red aura around my vision. Clearing away the ice gently and blinking away the red as best I can, I can almost tell who it is- I think it's >rectified<. I can't get them off the table though- shit. I bend down, slowly because my body is not working as it should, and see if the table has wheels- it doesn't. It's bolted to the floor, even. Maybe I can find a way to warm them up with something outside- but there were all of the other doors. There were probably people inside all of them, slowly freezing to death. I shiver, and this time it's not due to the cold. What kind of psychopath could do this?
I know exactly one person known for this. A sadistic man from off of Desolation. Known for this kind of thing. But why? None of the Seven Devils would piss off anyone on Desolation. We take risks, but we're not stupid. So who?
Well. Who's been trying to get us all killed for so long? Whinery comes to mind, but we have no proof xe are the person behind all of this- it could be someone else. Or someone telling xem to do it. Is someone more sinister pulling the strings?