The Last Title Was An Accident But It's Funny So.

So. >rectified< is getting turned into a very large, human-flavoured popsicle, and if they are, probably the rest of my friends are too. Why am I the only that managed to get out of the room? I mean what. I have the least chance of surviving this situation and yet somehow I got out? Unlikely. There's got to be a reason... SHIT. I can figure that out later. People still freezing to death! God I'm so distractible. I can hardly release them one by one- it would never work. And I can hardly walk. So I think the only option left is sheer destruction and frankly I'm happy about it. Who doesn't love unmitigated destruction? I certainly do.

Especially when it helps me to help other people. Not that I seem to be very good at that lately... I can't even help Rectified. Wait wait wait- I had a thought for once. I can try to follow the coldness back to its source, and if I destroy that then the rooms will all begin to slowly acclimatise and everyone will be fine. Of course, this requires me to find the source of the cold, likely a generator of some sort. So where is the cold coming from? I scan the room, but everything seems equally frozen. My breath mists in front of my face, obscuring my vision ever so slightly. I move to the side and hold my breath, and now that the pale cloud of air isn't in front of my eyes, I can see sort of well- still weird red things around my eyes. The redness has some distinct jagged edges to it, like I have little red gems around my eyes. But even through the little shards, I can see enough to notice one patch where the ice seems different to the rest- and looking closer, I can see it blocks my view of a vent, well disguised because the angle of the vent is so close to the wall that the ice hides it perfectly. It's a great idea, for the creator of it, but not very convenient for me. Making it worse, the grate is very high up, hard for me to get to, especially while injured as I am. I can just reach it when I jump, but I can't really do anything. I look around once again for something that can help me, and then I see the strapping around my leg. I look back up at the grate, and back down again. There's metal rods in the strapping, keeping it in place- really I should have a cast, but can't really do that at home. If I took out one of those, I could use it to pry open the grate- but that means I'd be much less stable, and could hurt my leg even worse than it already is.

Ah well. That's the best and only idea I've got, so I guess this is it. I bend now, sitting on the freezing floor for only the length of time it takes to carefully draw one of the bits of metal from the bandaging around it. With it, I carefully, very carefully, stand back up, placing most of my weight on the good foot, and poke it into the slats of the vents, being it back to pull the vent loose of the wall. It takes a while, but eventually I drag it free of the wall, where it falls to the ground with a very loud clatter. I cringe, hoping nobody heard that, and sit completely silently, breath held while I wait to see if someone comes to investigate the noise. Thankfully, nobody does. In dragging it loose, the screws fall out of it onto the floor, and I pocket them, thinking they could be useful later. Then I scrape the ice that I can off the vent and push the grate into it ahead of me, preparing to climb into it. I shove the metal rod in after the grate, and position myself to jump so I can climb into the bed, hoping I don't fall back down. If I do, it might hurt my leg and leave me immobile. With a slight hop, I can push myself awkwardly into the vent. I bump my head against the roof of the metal, having overestimated the amount of jump I needed, but I do make it. The vent is freezing cold, and shards of ice coat the sides. I try to turn, and with a lot of shuffling around I manage to spin around and place the vent vaguely back where it was- if anyone looks closely they would notice it was removed, but at least there's not a gaping hole in the wall I guess.

Turning back around so I'm facing the right direction, and slowly make my way down the narrow passage. It's small- but nowhere near as small as most vents are. I think maybe because if it's too small the ice will freeze and block it up? That's the best idea I can think of explaining it, but hey, I'm not a person that makes vents. Not complaining either, considering my plan would be ruined if I couldn't fit in the vents. Shuffling further through, I can hear myself clanging and echoing throughout the vents, which is very not good for me, all things considered. Still, keep crawling and eventually I'll make it to the location of the cold- I think I might just stop for a second though... rest my eyes...