Chapter 6: A Set-Up

*AngyMan, PoisonousSpider, ASnek, SpiderChild, OldBird, and FeMan logged on to the group chat "Avengers Assemble"*

PosionousSpider: This is getting annoying! Why do people always say to go on to the group chat!

AngyMan: Yeah! I agree!

ASnek: Of Course you do ;)

SpiderChild: Awww :)

OldBird: I would start singing but I almost died last time

OldBird: Wait you can't find me! I am in a perfect hiding place!

PoisonousSpider: You're in the vents

OldBird: I won't sing, don't worry *-*

FeMan: I think I need a better vent cleaner

PoisonousSpider: :)

AngyMan: :)

SpiderChild: She wouldn't dare harm me :) I'm the favorite. Period!

SpiderChild: Bruce and Natasha sittin in a tree

OldBird: K

ASnek: I

LittlePanther: S

FeMan: S

AngyMan: STOP

SpiderChild: I

OldBird: N

ASnek: G!

SpiderChild: Love will not stop!

*Vision logged on*

Vision: What is grief but love persevering

*Vision logged off*

SpiderChild: I mean that too, but you guys are oblivious

AngyMan: You say to a person with 7 PHDs and a World-renowned Spy!

FeMan: I need to tell Vis that if he's not added to a group chat he shouldn't be barging into it

OldBird: It's the whole wall and door situation again

FeMan: And also believe me bruce you can still be oblivious

AngyMan: Sounds like you know from experience

FeMan: You're a very passive-aggressive person you know that Bruce

AngyMan: Yes, it is very effective

SpiderChild: WE ARE GETTING DISTRACTED, we need to go back to the topic at hand!

AngyMan: No

ASnek: I agree with the Spider Child

SpiderChild: Just had good name ideas for the two of them!

PoisonousSpider: Oh no

*SpiderChild changed AngyMans' name to 7PHDsInlove*

*SpiderChild changed Poisonous Spiders name to OblivousSpyInLove*

ASnek: I love it!

7PHDsInLove: I just…. Don't know anymore

OblivousSpyInLove: You're lucky you are a Spider Child, or else you would have died a long time ago

*Yelena logged on*

Yelena: HAHA

FeMan: Who tf are you? How did you get here?

*Capsicle logged on*

Capsicle: Language

*Capsicle logged off*

Yelena: Ask Natasha she knows, also congrats Natasha you finally found somebody!

OldBird: Hi Yelena

FeMan: You know them too?!?!?!

OldBird: Nat's told me about her

7PHDsInlove: Yes, a distraction

SpiderChild: UH UH UH NO!

OblivousSpyInLove: You had to say something

Yelena: Love your name, Natasha!

ASnek: I think shes a 10 on our scale lol

SpiderChild: Definitely

Yelena: Not even going to question it

FeMan: That's for the best if you don't

SpiderChild: Just admit you love each other :)

OblivousSpyInLove and 7PHDsInlove: No!

7PHDsInlove: *-*

ASnek: Adorable

OblivousSpyInLove: I will make Thanos look like a bug in feat of what I will do to you

*ASnek logged off*

SpiderChild: That was uncalled for

Yelena: I don't understand?

7PHDsInlove: It's a sensitive subject for him

SpiderChild: I've only just managed to get him opening up a bit, he's probably gone straight back into his shell!

OblivousSpyInLove: Maybe I took it a bit to far

FeMan: MaYbE!

Yelena: What is his real name?

SpiderChild: ASnek? His real name is Loki

*ASnek logged on*

ASnek: We ned to grt basck tp the situaison at hand

SpiderChild: Are your hands shaking?

ASnek: A tasd

Yelena: Anyway, let's get back to the situation like he said!

OblivousSpyInLove: Yelena why must you do this to me?

7PHDsInlove: -_-

SpiderChild: Look, just go on date! Say something if you are opposed to it!

ASnek: There isd no oppositorn

7PHDsInlove: I…. fine if Nat is fine with it

OblivousSpyInLove: Might as well, it will get them off our backs

7PHDsInlove: True, Also guys it's getting late I think I'm going to log off!

OblivousSpyInLove: Goodnight Bruce

7PHDsInlove: Night Nat

*7PHDsInlove logged off*

*Yelena and FeMan logged off*

OblivousSpyInLove: Hey Loki?

ASnek: Yes?

OblivousSpyInLove: Are you ok? I shouldn't have said that earlier

ASnek: Yes…. It just brought up…. Unpleasant memories is all

OblivousSpyInLove: My apologies

ASnek: It's fine

SpiderChild: Hate to ruin the moment but we should probably log off its 3 in the morning right now!

OblivousSpyInLove: The Spider Child is right

ASnek: Not like I'll get much rest but yes I suppose he is

SpiderChild: :(

ASnek: Goodnight

*ASnek logged off*

SpiderChild: I worry about him sometimes

OblivousSpyInLove: Understandable

SpiderChild: Goodnight

OblivousSpyInLove: Night

*SpiderChild and OblivousSpyInLove logged off*