Chapter 7: Loki needs Help?

*SpiderChild, Confusion, LittlePanther, FeMan, and StarSpangledMan logged on*

SpiderChild: Has Loki been acting odd lately? Or is it just me?

Confusion: Loki has always been odd

LittlePanther: I think he means different then usual

FeMan: Yeah Shuri is definitely correct

StarSpangledMan: For once, I agree with Tony

SpiderChild: ANYWAY, Has he?

FeMan: Well ever since Nat said something about Thanos yes he has

SpiderChild: That's what I thought

Confusion: I haven't noticed this, what kind of odd?

SpiderChild: I don't know, like a little more spacey, a little more tense, a little more on edge I guess?

Confusion: Oh, well maybe he is ill?

LittlePanther: Your name makes a lot of sense

FeMan: Don't worry about him kid, I'm sure he just needs some time

SpiderChild: Yeah

*ASnek logged in*

ASnek: I would appreciate it if you didn't chat about me behind my back

SpiderChild: Wait! Is this on the main group chat?!?!?

ASnek: Yes, everyone can read the messages, including me

SpiderChild: Whoops

ASnek: So you were planning on speaking behind my back without my knowing, and never telling me?

SpiderCHild: Loki! It's not like that!

FeMan: It really isn't like that Loki

Confusion: Yes Brother! Listen to the others


Confusion: Loki you know blood matters not! We are brothers, we always will be

ASnek: What was that thing you always used to say to me, KNOW YOUR PLACE THOR

*ASnek logged off*

LittlePanther: ….

SpiderChild: Mr.Stark I messed up badly didn't I?

FeMan: No you were just trying to help Peter

LittlePanther: Thor? What was Loki talking about when he said know your place?

Confusion: I realize now I haven't always been the kindest to Loki

FeMan: no duh

SpiderChild: Someone should check on him

Confusion: I will

*Confusion logged off*

2 minutes later

SpiderChild: Are Loki's and Thor's rooms near mine?

FeMan: Yeah why?

SpiderChild: Well they're yelling very loudly at each other

FeMan: So that's what that noise is

LittlePanther: Can you make out what there saying

SpiderChild: Yeah

LittlePanther: Tell us!

SpiderChild: OK so Loki is yelling at Thor and he said "I am not your brother Thor, stop deluding yourself! Now leave me alone!"

And Thor said, "Loki how many times do I need to tell you we are brothers blood or not", that was all I could make out but there still yelling

FeMan: Why did we send Thor to Loki?

SpiderChild: I honestly don't know

SpiderChild: Now I hear footsteps stomping down the hallway, and Loki just entered my room

*SpiderChild logged off*

FeMan: Peter? Are you ok?

FeMan: Peter?

FeMan: Peter?

LittlePanther: He'll tell us later Im sure

FeMan: Yeah

*FeMan and LittlePanther logged off*

StarSpangledMan: I'm still here

*StarSpangledMan logged off*

2 Hours Later

*SpiderChild, and FeMan logged on to the group chat "Loki Is Complicated"*

*SpiderChild added LittlePanther*

SpiderChild: Hey guys

FeMan: Are you ok?!?!?!

SpiderChild: Yeah

FeMan: Tell us what happened

SpiderChild: Well Loki came to my room and at first he seemed angry but then I noticed the tears in his eyes. He didn't talk for a while. He just sat on my desk chair with tears in his eyes and the first thing he said was "The Scale". And I asked him what he meant. He then replied "It only covers anger". I caught on to what he was saying and I said " Well on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the happiest ever and 1 being the saddest ever, how are you feeling?". He took a while to answer. As in about 10 minutes of sitting there. He finally said "2? 3? I guess, I dont know". I was a little shocked but not really. He seemed to barely be keeping his tears from leaving his eyes, so I asked if he wanted to talk about it and that released the floodgates. Like that was the only time I've ever seen him cry

FeMan: Wow that is a lot to unpack

SpiderChild: Yeah

LittlePanther: Continue?

SpiderChild: Yeah ok, So basically he realized he was crying and he froze until he said "Yes". Which I really wasn't expecting. Basically, he told me about his time with Thanos and on Asgard and how Nat kinda reminded him of that and then how Thor was, you know, being Thor.

FeMan: Oh…

LittlePanther: Understatement Stark

SpiderChild: I knew about the whole mind control thing but...

FeMan: Yeah

LittlePanther: Where is he now?

SpiderChild: Asleep, on the floor of my room

FeMan: Asleep?

SpiderChild: After we talked he kinda laid down on the floor in a little ball and eventually fell asleep, I let him because it looked like he hadn't slept well in a while

FeMan: Just keep him there until he wakes I guess

SpiderChild: Ok, I'm worried about him Mr. Stark

FeMan: I know kid

SpiderChild: Like seriously no one person should go through what he has

SpiderChild: He barely talks to anyone either!

FeMan: He talked to you

SpiderChild: I guess that's a step forward!

FeMan: Yeah

SpiderChild: Oh he just woke up

*SpiderChild logged off*

FeMan: Wish he would stop doing that

LittlePanther: Again he'll tell us later

2 Minutes Later

SpiderChild: That was weird

FeMan: What happened?

SpiderChild: Well Loki got up sleepily to a sitting position and then he kinda sat there for a minute and then I think he realized what just happened and then he ran out of my room

LittlePanther: I'm confused he came to you right?

SpiderChild: Yeah

FeMan: Well he did just pour his heart out to you

SpiderChild: Yeah, I don't think he has ever told someone half the stuff he told me

LittlePanther: Fight or Flight

*Confusion logged on*

Confusion: Hello Friends, do you know where my brother is?

SpiderChild: Yes but I don't think you should talk to him right now

Confusion: Why?

SpiderChild: He's not exactly feeling up to talking right now

Confusion: Why not?

SpiderChild: Just dont bother him, it's hard to explain

Confusion: Ok?

SpiderChild: Everyone one move to the main group chat

*SpiderChild, Confusion, FeMan, and LittlePanther*

SpiderChild: Loki!!

SpiderChild: Loki!!!

SpiderChild: Loki!!!

SpiderChild: Loki!!!

SpiderChild: Loki!!!

*ASnek logged on*

ASnek: what

SpiderChild: Hi!

ASnek: Goodbye

SpiderChild: Wait!

ASnek: What do you want!

SpiderChild: Just checking how you are!

ASnek: i am fine

SpiderChild: Yeah I don't believe that

ASnek: What's not to believe

SpiderChild: Everything! You just ran out of my room without saying a word after dropping the biggest emotional bomb of emotional bombs!!!

ASnek: I think I will take my leave

SpiderChild: Loki please stay on the chat!

ASnek: You are an annoying Spider Child you know that

SpiderChild: Thank you

LittlePanther: That was kinda adorable

FeMan: Yes

ASnek: Hisssss

Confusion: Have you transformed into a snake again brother? You do that a lot when you're upset

ASnek: How would I be typing!

Confusion: Tail

ASnek: You are an idiot

FeMan: Back up a bit! Did you say Loki turns into a snake when he's upset

ASnek: No!

Confusion: Yes! Either that or a kitten, depending on if he's feeling defensive or in need of attention

ASnek: You have no proof!

Confusion: When you're a snake you try to bite me, when you're a kitten you cuddle up to me

FeMan: That is…. no comment

ASnek: >:(

Confusion: :)

SpiderChild: You're welcome to transform into any animal you want Loki!

ASnek: Oh

SpiderChild: Oh?

Confusion: Father did not like when Loki turned into an animal

ASnek: Yes he said I was escaping my problems rather than facing them like a true man

SpiderChild: Oh

LittlePanther: Ah, yes, toxic masculinity

LittlePanther: I think we need to make a list of all the bs that Odins pulled

LittlePanther: Anyway

ASnek: Yes, anyway I appreciate the sentiment

*ASnek logged off*

SpiderChild: And he's gone again

FeMan: KID! You have school tomorrow, go to bed!!

SpiderChild: UGGGHHH Fine

*SpiderCHild and LittlePanther logged off*

*FeMan and Confusion logged off*

Chapter ?: The Date

*SpiderChild, FeMan, 7PHDsInLove, and OblivousSpyInLove*

FeMan: So how as the date?

SpiderChild: So up front!

7PHDsInLove: It was good. Nat?

OblivousSpyInLove: Yes it was pleasant

FeMan: She basically just declared her love for you Banner

7PHDsInLove: …

SpiderChild: It's true

7PHDsInLove: I and Nat need to go bye guys!

*7PHDsInLove and OblivousSpyInLove logged off*

SpiderChild: Oh

*SpiderChild logged off*

FeMan: :(

*FeMan logged off*