I.. hesitated a bit.
It's not my novel or anything so intervening would be just wrong. All because of my selfish wish to be honest. I pity Ellios.
He was never a bad person in the first place..it was just his strong desire of revenge that made him the way he was but he was originally never like that. He's a good person, specially now.. A innocent teen who's being treated like trash in reality by his own father. There is no way I'll let him miserably die.
Asher, his previous lover who I consider the antagonist, was a kind boy according to the novel.
Did he betray Ellios because he picked the Emperor's side since the beginning? Or was he forced to betray Ellios by the Emperor? The answer is; I don't know. It was never mentioned in the novel. Not going to lie, the novel was not well written and the plot twists where really messy despite all that, I was mainly hooked by Ellio's revenge too. I wanted him to do whatever necessary in order to make him feel better and wished the best for him. The details felt irrelevant.. nothing was more important than his revenge.
Of course now being stuck here, not paying attention to that is my biggest regret right now.
I won't prevent his meet up with Asher because that's something that can't be helped anyways.
There is something more important than that.
Why am I here? Isn't Sebastian a magic freak? Why am I in the swordsman section in the Academy?
The worst thing is—since the Academy was never a long term setting in the original novel, not even I know how this all works. Maybe everyone from each department can live together?.. I doub—
What's this?
"Sebastian.. am I clear?"
"Yes.. I know."
"Thank you. This is for your own good..you know that right?
Are this Sebastian memories?..
"I know. I promise to become stronger in both magic and swor….."
Huh? This is..
"You make me proud.. my dear grandchild."
Heavy breathing took over me. A lot of unknown memories filled up my mind and I was sweating. Why am I so nervous?
Suddenly a cup of water was in front of my face.
"Hey.. are you alright? Why are you sweating so much.. is the temperature too hot?.. if you want we can tell the.."
"Ellios?" He was in front of me, he seemed bothered and pissed but I could tell he was worried about me for some reason.
"Again? Shut up! Don't say my name so carelessly! Can't you see I'm trying to hide my identity as the Duke's son? How do you know me in the first place?! You shouldn't recognize me.. no one should so why..?" He seemed confused the more he looked at me.
"Your black hair and red eyes.. those are the colors of a Solace member..your family is known all over the Empire. Really noticeable if you ask me.. so how do you expect me to not know you?"
"You mean..is the magic not working?" Ellios seemed even more confused than before and nervous.
"What magic?"
Oh..is he using 'that'?
"..also known as 'Double mask' magic spell?.." Oh shit. I said that at loud..now I'm done for.
"…how do you know that? who are you?!" Ellios got alerted and took his sword out.
Damn shit.
"Are you saying you're a 'wind' ability person.."
"Yes." I tried to be honest and explained everything to him, making Ellios my enemy was the least thing I was hoping for so I had to prove myself innocent.
I showed him some of the magic I knew and tried to show him off the most advance ones for example teleportation and the one he's using right now, Double mask spell. I showed him the appearance of a hot celebrity I saw at the Grammys last year.
"Ok that's enough! Take that off!" Ellios flushed as he saw the appearance and seemed into it. That was hilarious not gonna lie.
"Double Mask and teleportation are level 4 mage spells.. no one other than a mage can do this to someone or themselves. Which means are you a mage? Why are you here? Shouldn't you be at the Magic department with the others?.."
Oh so they are called departments after all.
"Well yes but I..wanted to become a swordsman plus my level of magic is enough so it's fine."
"You're really peculiar, you know." Ellios seemed suspicious of me but it was obvious he trusted me a little.
I also told him my background and more about me in order to clarify everything , the only thing was how I was able to break free from his spell which is something not even I am aware of.
The only reason it came to my mind was because it's one of the things Sebastian's grandfather taught him, if I am correct, according to Sebastian's memories, he's a mid level 4 mage. Almost level 5 which is insane. Most teens awaken at 13 but they start at level 1 while Sebastian is 14 near level 5. A average level of adults, he could even become a master if he keeps increasing..I think that was part of his goal too?
Anyways, The Double Mask spell is like he said, a spell only level 4 or more can do. Otherwise done by a person with that skill. He was really confused and I am guessing he plans on telling the one responsible for doing the spell to him.
Ellios didn't ask much so I guessed all of that was taken care of.
It's amusing to know this about him too. The fact he hid his identity in the Academy which was something never mentioned in the novel. Nevertheless I kept a straight face and heard him out as much as I could. He was really talkative which was surprisingly but I was happy with the current situation . We talked for 30 minutes and they felt really long.. man.. I wished this never ended but sadly it did.
"Students! How have you been? Are you happy with your dorms? Your afternoon classes are about to start. As you all know, the school has both morning and afternoon classes depending on your department.
The following will currently go to class while the rest could head to your living room down stairs. Hope you meet new friends and get along! See you!" A paper looking thing was floating in the air with a joyful looking guy as a host. It was similar to those windows from action game comics but a little different of course.
[List of afternoon classes]
1. Magic Department
2. Swordsman Department
"Seems like it's our time to shine.. so.. where do we go?"
"I'm not sure either but let's just follow the others."
We both followed along the others and met up outside in our spot.
It was 5 pm. I am really curious on how this will go..taking classes with the protagonist that is.