Change It

Nadia had this odd clarity hit her, at the same time as panic. She planned out her moves and tossed her drinking glass at him. It was a solid glass and her aim was pretty spot on. He was damn quick though and caught it, stopping it from hitting his head. His reflexes completely in human. He barely flinched.

Before she could push back and out of her chair he had moved from his with inhuman speed. He managed to catch the leg of her chair with his foot and that stopped her from backing out. He was closer now and just the way the black shirt her wore hugged him showed the defined muscles below. He earned that the hard way too. There sure didn't look to be an ounce of fat on him, how was she supposed to fight that?

He grabbed the chair on this side and rather harshly set it down before looking at her. His light green eyes were really full of a darker seething. Nadia watched him and her heart was slamming against her ribs. Who was this man? How had he moved so fast?

"You summon me here, and then try to run? What's wrong Laural? Can't face the one of the people you plan to murder?" Nadia just gave him a shocked look.

"First of all, stop calling me Luaral. I am not her. I'm just her editor. Second, who the hell are you and why are you in my home?" She demanded and figured that she needed to be a bit more hard ass if she was going to get out of this. He was clearly not a pushover.

"You don't think I'm aware of a pen name? Is this your real name? You know exactly who I am. Forget your own descriptions? What and who you made me or my brother? Do you even give a shit the pain you've put us through and continue to deny us? We are real goddamn people in that world Luaral." His hand gestured hard, nearly hitting the computer that had speeding lines of text writing, but neither were reading it.

"Those are words on a page. You are incredibly confused sir." Nadia said and tried to get up. He had leaned forward a bit toward her. His foot was still keeping her chair from moving.

"Those words on a page are lives in another world. We live between those lines, you don't think I didn't feel every second of it? The torture by the purebloods? Think my nerve endings just ceased to be because I'm words on a page?" His tone was flat, quiet and cold.

"You think all those times being injured in this tale, or our backstory was a quick written passage, means we didn't live it? I am not just some piece of entertainment that wants to die to please or tear the hearts out of your readers." Nadia was feeling that panic again. This man was getting angry, and she could see this black starting to spill over his eyes. Nadia glanced toward the computer. Her gaze caught that it was writing out what was happening here in her kitchen like a scene. It also put, Xyle for who was speaking.

"Look at me!" He snapped and Nadia felt this harsh tug in her head. She did look at him, but of her own will. She remembered that compulsion was a thing for the vampires in Laural's book. Holy mother of god, was Laural's character seriously sitting here yelling at her? Was this happening? Had Nadia been drugged? Even if she had been, this was incredibly real right now.

"You change what you are going to do to me. I don't have to die for her to be saved, and Lillian shouldn't even be in that predicament in the first place." He started talking about where he dies helping save Luna Lillian.

"It doesn't make sense, other than to kill me for entertainment." He hissed a bit. Nadia cleared her throat and met his gaze very seriously. She was swallowing the bitter pill that either this was Xyle, or a very mixed up human being that thought he was.

"I am not Laural Benis. Her real name is Laura Bertner. I am just her editor." Nadia said calmly. "You are yelling at the wrong person. Now how about you stop keeping me prisoner in my chair and we have an actual civil conversation." Nadia held his gaze and felt this odd tug she couldn't name. He stared at her.

"I don't believe you. Give me your hand." Xyle demanded and Nadia looked at her hand and did not offer it to him.

"No, what do you need my hand for? You are being seriously creepy, and I need you to leave. Either back to this," She gestured to the computer. "Or out there." She then pointed to the door. Lightning fast he reached out and got a strong hold on her wrist. His hand was large and easily wrapped around her wrist.

"Stop, let go!" Nadia demanded and he ignored her. She felt her eyes go wide when he pulled her arm toward him. His strength was incredible, beyond anyone she'd met. It felt like her joint would snap if she tried to pull back. He kind of bit the side of her palm and she gasped trying to pull agian but he didn't let her. She did feel his tongue slide over where his one canine bit into her flesh. His eyes were black then and he tipped his head studying her.

"Oh my god, this can't be." Nadia said seeing those black eyes. There was a freaking werewolf vampire hybrid in her kitchen that walked off the pages on a screen. This was insane. He was clearly angry and upset at his treatment, and that he was going to die. How could she get out of this?

"Huh." He commented looking down at her palm he blinked and his eyes were their sea foam green again.

"I would apologize if you weren't a party to allowing the things that go on in our world. I must admit though, you have a lovely sweet taste." He let go of her hand and Nadia felt heat flare in her face. She also felt righteous anger and before she knew what she was doing she nearly smacked him across the face.

Xyle stopped her gripping her wrist. Not painfully but with strength, he was staring at her, seeming to try and decide something. Blood could tell you a lot, and he had tasted hers to know if she was lying or not. He was old enough to be able to see memories in blood.

"Don't do that again." He warned her and Nadia pulled her hand back. He let her and they awkwardly stared at each other for a moment longer. His gaze moved to the screen and then back to her.

"If she gave you the story then you are going to change it. Write a better ending, I want fairness. You're going to do that."

"Or what?" Nadia shot back at him and he narrowed his gaze. His eyes went black.

"You do know what I'm capable of don't you? What I've done to protect and serve my people? My brother? You are currently standing in the way of that. Standing in the way of whether I live or die." He reached up and got a hold of her chin. He brought his face really close to hears. Nadia swallowed, her nerves were fried and the natural alluring scent of sandalwood he had seemed to want to cloud her mind. To make do what he said. Nadia steeled herself, she would not let his abilities control her. This shouldn't even be real.

"Try me Nadia, I can promise you will regret it." He nearly purred at her. Nadia honestly had no idea what she was going to do.