What Kind of Story?

Xyle looked at this Nadia. She was staring at him clearly trying to decide just how serious he was. Just what action he would take. Xyle was honestly beyond pissed. When whatever magic program she initiated started, it made all the characters aware in the coding of that computer. The knowledge he was going to be killed at first made him shocked and then feel rage. That at least some of his suffering was unnecessary and for entertainment.

He hated the woman that wrote his life. All this torture, all the hardships, having to live as a cursed was horrible. Do you know what it was like to live and know you'd never be happy, never find the other half of your soul? Yeah he had his clan and pack, his brother who he was close to but it was a very hard world. There was war, dangerous creatures ready to tear you apart around every corner. Some that had tried to do it to him. He was just really hard to kill being an immortal in that world. However there were obviously ways to die still and the pain coming for his end was not going to be small.

You better damn well believe he was going to change that. When he'd been pulled instantly into her world, to her story he'd thought to just kill her. However that still wouldn't change his fate. Nor change the things that happened to those he cared for. Xyle was also tired of being given nothing. Just a tool to further his brother and the happiness that kept being pulled from him. Both Zyer and Lillian were tired of the vicious circle too now that they were aware. They were back there though, and this was Xyle's chance he guessed.

"I can't change the story. It's not mine to change." She said carefully and he clenched his jaw for a second. Her grey eyes didn't waiver from his. She had backbone this female. No she didn't create his world, just fixed the issues in it. Helped stop them from sounding like idiots when they spoke he guessed. Still she had the story right there.

"Of course you can." He pointed. "Start typing."

"First of all," She started pointing back at him. "That is incredibly illegal here. This is not my intellectual property. I was hired to edit, not change. Number two the computer clearly has a mind of its own and is typing itself. It deleted the portion of the story you want me to change. I can't get to the saved copy. It won't let me." She gave him a shrug. He eyed her, she didn't smell deceitful and that made him unhappy. So was he now a god damn side character in her story? That sounded like a faster way to die. No one cared about him here. Where was her counterpart? Would he come in here and try to kill Xyle too? Xyle would not go down that easy.

"Then I want to be written in your story and live." Nadia stared at him, written in her story? What was he even talking about? This was real life, he was crazy.

"I don't have a story being written. This is real life." He raised an eyebrow at her and had near amusement then.

"Then what is that writing?" Xyle asked looking her over and gestured to the computer. "Put me in there and let me live with out torture for once." He didn't care how demanding his tone was.

"I can't put you in there, and it's just typing. It's recording what we are saying." She countered. Xyle rubbed his chin and thought for a second.

"No, you are a lead in this story. That is clear, I was pulled into this. Now do what I'm asking or we can start changing this mundane story of yours to a horror." He glanced about the place, it was pretty mundane. Neat and tidy place, she sure didn't look stressed about unholy creatures. Seemed like a low key type of world to him. He could deal with that.

"Excuse me! Mundane? You just hopped out of a freaking computer, that is not mundane." Nadia said feeling slightly offended that he might be suggesting her life was boring.

"That's pretty mundane with the magic I've seen. What kind of world is this? Are you one of those cheesy romance female leads? You kind of have that vibe, perfect features, stubborn and sitting at home reading alone." Did he just say she had perfect features? That was kind of nice coming from someone like him who seriously was perfect looking. That wasn't the point though.

"I am not a female lead. You are seriously mixed up. I really think you need to go back." He tipped his head.

"I came out of that story and you think it's beyond reason that you might be a character in someone else's story Nadia? After all that screen is typing this out, adding descriptions even. Who's to say that it isn't what another author is writing." He countered.

"Yeah well then they are writing you too, so guess we don't have any control. Which is it Xyle? Real world or a story?" He tipped his head thinking.

"It's both, our reality is their dream." However right now he did not feel aware of being written. To him though the only reason he knew in his other world he was a character was because of the magic she invoked. The program making the characters in that world self aware. So he was going to treat this as an opportunity and take it before the magic ran out giving them a choice.

"It can't be both." She quipped trying to move her chair back again and he didn't let her.

"Then you are the female lead of this story I was pulled into. Side characters don't get magical items that screw with their lives. Leads always have crazy shit happen and side characters that come and go to further them along. Trust me I know." Xyle had a dark idea strike him. Could he maybe take the male lead's spot here? Even if he had to kill him? He was really serious, he did not want to die. If being a villian got him longer life so be it.

"Who's your male lead?" He asked, but it was clear she was not self aware that she could be a story like he was. Then again guess he was thinking along those lines too. That here he was yet to be a stabilized character. He needed to get that or he'd be back in the story where he died. This place sounded more like freedom.

"Male lead?" She looked a bit embarrassed with a slight red tint to her cheeks. The blush looked nice on her. Honestly she was a rather good looking female, he was surprised. He'd expected some unkempt woman stuck on a computer. She looked well put together. Good looking, then again he didn't actually know what his real author looked like.

"Your boyfriend, husband, mate or romantic interest. Take your pick." There was no way this female was not in that type of story. Look at her, he'd bet his life on it. Which he kind of was.

"Not everyone has a significant other. I'm fine how I am." Nadia said, though she had a date tomorrow night. Not that it was any of his business. She wasn't explaining anything to him. Second why did she even think that? This was really bizarre. He raised an eyebrow at her again, an odd kind of smirk.

"You don't have a male?" There was no way, and his tone said he didn't believe her. However it dawned on him slightly. What if this was just the start of her story and she had not met him yet? Oh that was good then, if she hadn't met him that meant it was open right? Now that was fortunate for him. Xyle was very willing to do what he had to to get the right result. His character always had been darker at times. He could be good or bad depending on the scenario. He was half vampire after all.

"It's not really your business. I do have a date tomorrow. Now can you please just end this and go back. This is really starting to get bizarre." Nadia didn't like the way that he was suddenly looking at her. Her heart beat a little faster. She wasn't sure if it was fear or not.

"Are you poor? Fall on hard times?" She gave him a nearly offended look.

"Excuse me what?" What the hell kind of question was that? That came from no where.

"You know, one of those billionaire story things. I heard a lot about those, Laural was working on them while our file was open. Are you going to sleep with that guy tomorrow for that reason?" He asked and Nadia's jaw nearly hit the floor. What exactly was he insinuating!

"Are you freaking serious? No! I'm not sleeping with some guy for money tomorrow!" She said angrily at him. He didn't look put off or anything.

"Well not money, that's not normally how it goes right?" He was trying to think, what kind of story might this be? Ceo/billionaire seemed to fit the non magical part. She was an editor, maybe her boss or something? What stupid stories in his opinion, but whatever if that was her plot he'd work with it. Like he said, he was not going back in his plot to die. Fuck that, he'd rather get stuck in this type of fantasy alive.

"How what goes?" Nadia nearly snapped trying to push her chair back. She was growing more angry with this.

"Those types of stories. Yeah you fit that, all that righteous anger. You'd probably be the accidental drunk one that got pregnant by the rich guy." This would be funny if he wasn't making her feel like he was accusing her of being a drunk hussy. To think she'd liked his character.

"I would not!" Now she was just feeling personally attacked.

"Exactly, but it happens. Why bother with the entire thing? I'll knock you up, won't leave you to raise them either. Not that type of character." Nadia's eyes were so wide and she was in shock of what he just said. He reached for her and Nadia shoved the table hard this time and was up. With quick reflexes she had her chair and swung. He got up too and paused as she swung the chair. He used his forearm to block it and moved his head back. The chair cracked and blood ran down his arm but clearly stopped it dead.

"A fighter, that's appealing. Never liked mousey women." Xyle supplied, his eyes black again. Nadia swung it again but he grabbed it this time and yanked it hard. The chair pulled from her and was flung back slamming into the cabinets breaking more and putting a hole in the door there. Nadia went down and like some quick action movie rolled below the table coming up on the side he'd been as he'd lunged to grab her.

"I swear to god, you come near me I will break it off." Nadia was serious and nearly shouted it at him. She glanced about her small kitchen. The dining area was connected to it and if she managed to run around it she could get to the door. The living room was behind him, so she wasn't going that way.

"You refused to change it, so I'm going to save my own life. I'm sick of saving others. If you won't change mine, I'll change yours." He was damn serious too, obviously. In all honesty he wasn't doing it because he wanted to. Xyle had to, she didn't get the consequences of going back, he did. He would pay the price, hers for this was not as steep as Xyle's in his opinion. He needed to change his fate and status.

"This is not some story, I am not some female in a screwed up romance." He gave her a look.

"You are now." He stated uncompromising and in a blink was across the room. He stopped her from trying to hit him again with some object she grabbed from the counter. Xyle twisted slightly as she tried to knee him. She really was a fighter and he was glad for that. He despised the weak whining kind of leads. A strong female was far more attractive in his opinion.