Male Lead

"Let go of me right now." Nadia held her ground but inside was honestly terrified of what he could do. Xyle had both her wrist and was really damn strong. Her grey eyes met his green ones solidly. He took several steps forward and that made her walk back or trip.

"Your logic doesn't make sense at all." She tried to reason her heart might just beat out of her chest. The scent of sandalwood was really strong all of a sudden and that natural allure he clearly was not trying to hide. It did start to do things physically but her mind did not cloud like the allure should.

"Of course it does. Especially since you don't have your counterpart yet. I'll take it." He nearly growled at her. The air nearly let her lungs at the way he came against her. He was a solid wall. She never felt so weak and oddly feminine as being trapped between him and the wall. He was taller than her by a bit. The man was as masculine as they came.

"You can't you're a cursed Xyle. Cursed can't have children, you need to have your mate." Which was also impossible. She shivered a bit at the way he inhaled near her throat. She was really tense. She got it, he didn't want to die but this wasn't how. What would it take to have him see reason?

"This is your story, I'm willing to try and see what happens. If it was your life you'd understand." Xyle noted that she was fighting the natural allure his kind had. She was mortal, human. That made her prey to vampires and the natural allure should fog their mind quite a bit. She was not susceptible to it like normal. Just solidified his thought she was indeed a main character.

"I'll change it." She said quickly short of breath feeling his lips brush the pulse beating so rapidly in her throat.

"You'll just delete it if I left. No, I like this better. Let's see what a bite does. Best let it work Nadia. I've made up my mind." Her fight was honestly exciting to him, this working for a female. Before he'd always just gotten any of them. They were all written to easily fall in his bed, but to him it was always hollow. Something about this was starting to feel very different and he liked that. She was really damn soft and her lilac scent was very appealing suddenly.

"What if you're wrong and tomorrow I meet my mate? This isn't the plot you think." Nadia said in a rush feeling the sharpness of his teeth. They just barely pierced her skin. He paused at her words. This was so very messed up and a chaotic situation she didn't know how to get out of. She had no idea what would happen if he bit into her. It was supposed to be incredibly erotic after the initial pain. She didn't want to be manipulated and used. She shivered slightly feeling the slide of his tongue on her neck getting just a bit of blood there.

"Then this still won't matter will it?" She swallowed and honestly didn't know how she was keeping herself from shaking with nervousness. Her words though seemed to get to him.

"My story might have a fated mate, you still won't be a lead." She said and felt his mouth graze her ear.

"You're right." She nearly breathed a sigh of relief at the words and how his grip lightened a bit. "Let's change that." He made a very dark sound that was something like a snarl in her opinion. Clearly not happy with the difficulty. He let go of her and turned. He practically marched forward toward the computer still on the table. It had slid teetering on the edge when she shovedt he table. Nadia was moving forward fast, suddenly seeing him grab it.

"What are you doing!" She called out rushing toward him. He stepped away from her. He held it in one hand and pressed a few keys and eyed the thing. He stopped her from trying to grab it putting a solid hand to her shoulder and his arm straight. Xyle noticed that it would not let you type, but he bet there was one thing that would work.

"Activate voice commands." The story stopped typing. Then the female automated voice spoke.

"Story in progress unable to pause story." The words typing didn't stop this time but a small box popped up.

"Character recognition, Xyle."

"Put that down, seriously what are you doing?" Nadia felt this drop in her stomach. She looked at the computer.

"Stop vo…." Nadia made a muffled sound as he got a hand on her mouth. The positon was awkward for them both. She pulled back but he half tossed the computer on the table. He then had a swift struggle with her pulling her to him. Xyle got her restrained, an arm wrapped around her. It pinned her arms to her sides. Jesus he was strong, and he held her back to his front this way. His other hand over her mouth. She had to breath through her nose and she struggled a bit, he didn't seem to notice.

"Character recognition, Nadia. Please repeat suggestion." The voice had said this a couple times as they struggled. Which the whole thing was now written on the computer.

"Name female lead." Xyle demanded. He lifted Nadia up a bit as she was trying to push back and use the floor to get leverage. He didn't think so, she was going to need to try harder. So feisty, he felt an odd smile at this silent battle they were having. A will of iron this one.

"Female lead recognized as Nadia Vantguar."

"Name male lead." There was silence as they both waited for the voice to speak.

"Male lead has not yet been identified up to the current chapter." He felt her bite into his hand but he didn't move it. He leaned his head closer to the side of hers.

"Try harder sweetheart, I've felt far worse. Just remember what ingesting blood from one like me can do." He felt her try to turn her head but he didn't let her. He just held his hand tighter. She wanted to fight fine.

"Male lead suggestion." He growled, feeling really tense. This better fucking work or he was going with plan A and she 'd deal with it.

"Please state suggestions followed by character type such as ML, FL etcetera." Nadia hated that damn happy computer voice with no emotion. She tried to kick him but he took the kick and he lifted her up a bit more she made a very angry sound. She hated that he handled her like she had the strength of a child.

"Xyle of the cursed pack, ML fated to mate Nadia Vantguar." The two of them stood there staring at the screen. Both having a very different hope at that moment. The typing paused and the dialogue box flashed for a moment.

"Suggestion valid only in new story mode. Input data to new story, save character backgrounds?"

"Yes, start new story." He said feeling this sudden elation. Holy shit was this going to work? Could he write himself out of the other and move here?

"Current work paused, saved as draft for data only. New story title decision Desires of a Lead. Applying characters to new work." The screen was flipping through files and they could see words starting to fill the pages. The room was growing cold and Nadia really thrashed to get out of his hold. How dare he do that to her! Was this seriously real? He held on and she bit even deeper into his hand. He did wince this time but held on, no not yet. It had to be almost done.

"Activate voice commands." He said feeling this really strange tingle go through his body. He recognized magic at work but welcomed it this time. He was suddenly way more aware of Nadia against him in a far more intimate way.

"Story in progress, unable to pause story. Character recognition Xyle." His heart was beating faster and honestly it felt like his mouth was dry. His grip loosened slightly on Nadia, for a moment he was concerned he was holding to tight. If he was causing her pain started to matter and that told him a lot. For the love of the moon, please be what he thought. His animal half was the most anxious.

"Can voice activation be locked to one character?"

"Yes, name primary character voice." Nadia hip checked him and got out of his grip for a second. She started to speak but he was on her and pulled her back silencing her again. She was facing him this time and he looked over her head. He didn't make eye contact with her. Not yet. This had to be done first.

"Xyle of the cursed pack." He said. Nadia just stared at him wide eyed. What had he done? What had that computer done? She felt strange and different suddenly, she was staring up at him and this foreign part was begging for him to look down. It scared her honestly. It was strange, like some part of her left for the moment. In the back of her head she knew that she couldn't have it until he looked down.

"Xyle of the cursed pack or Xyle cursed pack fated mate FL Nadia?" The voice asked like you were making a call and had two options. He chose the second.

"Voice activation locked to only Xyle cursed pack fated mate FL Nadia." It then silenced again and just typed soundlessly on the white screen. The two of them standing there in the silent room suddenly feeling different in a way that they could name.

Feeling this pull he couldn't ignore he looked down at Nadia meeting her wide grey eyes and immediately felt like he dropped off a steep cliff. Both of his halves immediately recognized her as mate and if he knew how he might have shed a tear. So this was what it was like to recognize and see your mate. The painful hole that had always been there was suddenly erased and replaced with need.

His only thought had been honestly to stop his death. To go somewhere else and escape the misery of that other story. Looking at her he realized that what he'd done was so much more. Xyle realized that for him he'd just found a way like his brother to find the other half of his soul. However the other half of his soul narrowed her eyes. She was mad, and even still he felt no remorse for his actions.

Xyle met those stormy grey eyes and pulled his hand from her. He really could not help the slow smile that came to him. It was satisfied and clearly angered her more. The moment he let go of her she reached up lighting quick and slapped him hard across the face.