Changing a Plot

"Our bond doesn't break, he doesn't leave me in that sense. Laural makes it so his grief clouds his mind and to get to Kane he goes to Adrellie." Lillian did actually have a tear this time. Nadia felt her jaw drop a bit.

"Adrellie? Kane's sister?" Xyle was watching his brother and Lillian. Zyer was feeling incredible shame at the moment. Lillian felt pain, and it was all because of words on a page. Xyle was already starting to plan on finding Laural Benis and making her pay for this. Xyle did not know what happens after his death. He was dead, this part of the story was just a blank in his mind. Having heard it from them prior he now felt rage. The need to defend is family as he always did. Them and their honor, and knowing he was a reason left a bitter taste in his mouth.

"Throughout our stories it was made very clear that Adrellie has a desire for me. I would never do that." Zyer growled and then said no more. Lillian pulled back on her tears a bit.

"That is not all though, I lose the baby. In my own grief over Xyle and Zyer taking another to his bed it causes a dangerous depressive slide for my character too." Lillian had several tears now and a slight sob. Nadia didn't know what to say just then. It was very clear that Lillian was most upset at this. In a swift motion Zyer turned and pulled Lillian into his lap. She was sitting sideways and he took her face in his hands. His forehead touched hers. A silent mental talk happening and she saw Lillian nod slightly. Zyer kissed her rather fiercely and Nadia looked away. Though her gaze met Xyle's.

"Desperate people do desperate things Nadia." Xyle stated and Nadia was silent just thinking.

"We do not care if we are side characters here. This sounds like a very mundane world and that is exciting. Not having to fight and get maimed every goddamn day." Zyer said still holding Lillian to him who seemed fine sitting in his lap for the moment.

"Mundane? He said that too. You people jumped out of a computer screen might I remind you." Nadia said annoyed at Zyer's same tone as Xyle's.

"Yes well, mundane for us. What type of world you think this is?" Zyer asked looking at his brother.

"Not sure, kind of changed it I guess. I thought maybe like one of those billionaire or sleep with your boss kind of thing. Had that vibe from those stories that were open along with ours from time to time."

"This could just be real life you know." Nadia said annoyed. She did not know anyone that was rich. She didn't even have a real boss.She was offended.

"How do those ones work? Aren't you worried she's going to like get drunk and sleep with someone?" Zyer asked ignoring Nadia's comment.

"What the hell! I'm right here stop talking about me like I can't hear." Nadia snapped, these two were brothers indeed. She saw Lillian smack Zyer shoulder with a frown.

"Zyer, Nadia is not some loose tramp. What if she can't help her story either. Don't talk like that." Lillian defended and Zyer just raised an eyebrow at her. Xyle had a smile on his face. Nadia glared at him. He just shrugged back at her.

"You have a profile that you just fit. I'm sorry." Xyle commented back. He looked at his brother.

"Guess I'll just have to keep a sharp eye for drama is all. I think those stories are full of them. Little stupid drama where people get slapped or shoved a lot. I mean she's already slapped me. Seems to fit the bill."

"I'm about to slap you again Xyle. Every time you open your mouth it pisses me off." Zyer laughed. The tension left him more from the conversation prior. Probably a good thing.

"Already slapped you, I think I like her." Zyer said. Xyle shook his head and looked up at the ceiling.

"No dangers here like our world then?" Zyer asked glancing at Nadia and then to Xyle.

"Not that I've seen." Xyle supplied.

"Nadia, we suggested ourselves as characters. Side characters to try this here as Xyle has, it accepted the suggestion. I know it might not be what you want, but it truly means a chance for us. Not everyone is happy with their life or story, we want to keep the good parts and escape the bad." Lillian explained. "So while I know you might not want to, will you help? We don't have to stay here. We just aren't sure where to go." Nadia stared at Lillian, then let out a harsh sigh. She wasn't cold hearted like that, to push this pregnant woman out or send her back to her story.

"How about I show you what my world looks like before you decide to stay. Here is way different. You'll need jobs and papers, so many things. It's not like your more wild world with territories. I don't mind helping you Lillian, the other two, I need some persuasion though." Nadia said and Lillian gave her a bright smile. This warmer sense kind of filled the room.

"That would be so amazing of you. They are always going to need work by the way, they are men. Enough said." Lillian kind of hopped up happily. Zyer rolled his eyes at her comment.

"I wish to see this world, the differences. It is odd to have this knowledge in my head and yet not know what it looks like." Lillian said smiling and Nadia stood up. God this was freaking weird and Nadia was still wondering if she was losing her mind.

"How about I get my keys and we go for a drive. Then you can see if you want to stay." Nadia said and walked over to the counter where her keys and phone were. She glanced at the battery life. There was enough still on it, and now was a good time for a drive. It was still really early. She glanced down the hall half wanting a shower and change of clothes. Nadia heard her door open as Zyer and Lillian moved to step out. She turned and jumped badly as Xyle was right there staring at her.

"What?" She snipped, feeling her heart rate pick up. She refused to acknowledge it was for more than the fact he startled her. Xyle was very close to her, and his silent movements were something she needed to remember to look out for.

"You don't get to decide if they stay or go just so we are clear Nadia. I won't send them back there to the fate waiting." He warned her. Xyle half heard in her tone that she seemed to want this all gone. Though she was sincere in offering Lillian the help, she wasn't a cold blooded person he knew. However she was not happy with the hand dealt.

"The only one I want to send away is you." Nadia said sharply, jabbing a finger in his chest. He snatched her wrist before she could lower her hand and had a firm grip on it. Her forearm was more against his chest now with how he held it.

Nadia narrowed her gaze at him having to take a jerky step forward with the way he pulled her closer. His other hand on her back bringing her front nearly flush with his. Nadia leaned back from him as he leaned down a bit toward her. She wasn't sure what he was doing and turned her head from his. She heard him give a slightly amused sound. She was so very tense and she wanted him to let go. Even as the heat from his body soaked into hers. He sure liked to get in her space. He spoke closer to her ear.

"Don't think I can't hear how fast your heart is racing Nadia. Your scent does not speak of fear and we both know it. I'll change that mindset of yours. Deny the feeling all you want, it will still be there at the end of the day." He inhaled near her throat. "Remember what I am, careful how hard you push Nadia." His hand slid down her back. Nadia shivered then had a flash of anger. Before she could try to do something he stepped away. His gaze heated and swept over her. They both heard Lillian call back toward the house waiting. He gave her the slightest smirk looking her over. Xyle was very aware that he had an effect on her, she was just hiding it. Good, because her effect on him was growing fast. He wasn't ignoring it like she was, hours or not.

Xyle moved from the house and was quick down the few steps of her front porch. Nadia locked the door narrowing her gaze at Xyle. He stopped by Lillian who was looking at the homes up and down the street. She was standing in the small front lawn and seemed excited. Nadia was really lost in thought about this whole situation. Was she seriously about to drive three fictional character around? That was the problem though, they were fictional anymore were they?

She wasn't paying attention much as she went to move by Zyer. He had been standing in the walkway watching an older man across the way. Nadia was stopped very abruptly by a hand around her upper arm. She glanced down at it and then up at Zyer who was staring at her very intensely. The other two were farther up looking at the neighborhood from where they stood.

"Whether you wanted this or not Nadia doesn't matter. It is what it is, just like our fates before today." His tone was rather dark and Nadia did feel suddenly really nervous in his presence. Here was the dangerous character that only Lillian had truly managed to tame. This was the fierce side, the alpha that protected what was his.

"If you think to screw with his life, or find a way to send him back to his death I'll come for you. I'll come for you Nadia and take satisfaction from watching you drop dead to the ground if you break him." Zyer was very aware of what mates were now. How dangerous they were to your mindset and soul. Yet at the same time could be the very thing that saved you in all ways. This Nadia did not yet understand this. She was still dangerous to Xyle in his opinion. Nadia jerked just a bit and he let her pull from his grip.

"Threaten someone else Zyer. I was never planning on sending him back to die. Just to leave me alone. You should know what it's like to have your fate twisted around. Unlike you I don't have someone that is willing to threaten another to protect my mind and safety. I have every right to protect myself how I know how. That is by keeping this dangerous ship sailing and out of my life. So don't threaten the only help you have here. I can take it back just as fast." With that Nadia turned and left him standing there. Zyer eyed her and felt a dark smile oddly.

Zyer realized something right there with her words. Xyle's mate indeed. Not many ever talked back to him. Most bent to the air he gave off, he was alpha after all. Good, Xyle needed a strong female that could meet him in all things. Not surrender to hardship, and her words also stuck with him. Sounded to him that Nadia needed Xyle just as much as he needed her. Just in a far different way. This, he felt, was going to be damn interesting to watch play out.