Simple Moments

Well it was quite a morning and afternoon. All three of them had honestly been rather full of questions. It kind of made Nadia realize just how easy she had it. They were not used to seeing the abundance of supplies. How easy it was to just walk in and buy food. Granted they did not eat normal food as much as others. Lillian had been super excited about how easy it would be to get clothes. Though Nadia had to explain how money worked and how they earned it. Xyle had chimed in at this point. Zyer was standing arms crossed watching anyone that came near like a hawk.

"Laural should give us earnings. It's our lives that made her the money she has. You said she is doing well from it. How do we get it from her?" He more demanded and the other two looked at Nadia.

"Um, I don't know. I really doubt she's just going to hand over anything. Number two, she's not going to believe this at all. I barely believed it." The three of them seemed to think. Lillian spoke.

"I sort of came from a very similar world prior to meeting Zyer. Can't you use the computer to just transfer money or take it? Xyle is right, why should we not be allowed benefits to get a life we want? She does owe us I think. Your computer has magic no?" Lillian was much softer spoken, but Nadia really couldn't argue. Lillian might be the nicer one, but she was clearly just as upset. Plus Nadia noted how she kept glancing at any kids they passed. Then would touch her stomach and Nadia had a feeling that she was very nervous. She felt for the woman.

"Why don't you just tell us where she lives? I think a visit is in order regardless if she believes or not." Zyer's voice was very dark. Nadia swallowed a bit. Oh she kind of feared allowing the two brothers to meet Laural. The look on their faces said it was not going to be pleasant.

"Actually she is out of town right now. So you will have to wait until she is back." Nadia told them and then moved on. The three following her, and by the time noon rolled around she told them that she needed to go back home. She had some work to finish as Laural was not her only source of income. She also had her date tonight and she had no idea how she was going to handle that. She didn't add that detail, just said she needed to get home. She hoped Xyle did not remember her stating that detail last night. Both Zyer and Lillian wanted to stay and wander. In the end she got them a room for the next two days at the hotel in town. They seemed completely fine with it.

"Are you following me home?" Nadia said a bit dryly to Xyle who glanced about the hotel room and then back at Nadia. He raised an eyebrow at her but shrugged.

"I will, I want to see more as well. Besides, we've not had much time together that wasn't filled with turmoil. I know where you are, even if you picked up and left I'd be able to find you." Nadia clenched her jaw. Freaking best tracker besides Zyer in the pack if she remembered right. Plus he made himself her mate so there was that too. Laural sure gave them an arsenal of gifts in Nadia's opinion.

"Of course you would." She grumbled and looked over at the other two. They were farther in the room by the window. Nadia felt an odd longing seeing the two over there. It was just the way they stood looking at each other. There was a small smile on Lillian's face as Zyer reached up and pushed hair back behind her ear and cupped her face for a moment. A clear silent but intimate moment.

"I'm assuming I will see you both later at some point. Lillian," Nadia started and honestly wasn't sure why didn't just close the door and leave the three of them to whatever fate, spoke. "If you need it, I can help set you up to see a doctor just for a check up. I know of some clinics here that will be good to go too." Lillian looked at her with a bright smile and Zyer dropped his hand.

"I would like to be checked yes. I know doctors here are different from healers. Will you come by tomorrow? I would like to learn more about this place, you're very knowledgeable." Nadia didn't think she was more knowledgeable than the next person but probably best. She had no idea just how well any of them were going to fit in. She did feel somewhat responsible here. On the heels of that she also knew she needed to get a hold of Laural and find out about the person that gave her that damn computer.

"As long as everyone can stay out of trouble. Then I will stop by tomorrow and help you with whatever questions you have." Lillian was quick to bounce over and hug Nadia again rather fiercely.

"Thank you, oh it's so nice to not have to make someone help you. Just a friendly honest answer. I appreciate it so much Nadia, really." Nadia oddly felt a tint to her cheeks.

"You're welcome." She would have felt more manipulated if Lillian didn't look at her with such relief. Nadia thought about the stories again. She frowned a bit, you know Lillian really didn't have much in the way of friends in the series. The two close ones she had, had been killed off. Plus most in the pack had not been accepting at first of Lillian being mate to Zyer as they didn't believe it until they bonded. Wow, looking at it now Laural was quite mean to them wasn't she?

"Well don't work too hard? You're sure that you can't stay just a little longer?" Lillian asked and Nadia shook her head. Lillian was a much softer character. Not quite mousy but very soft hearted. She'd been thrown into a world that ate people alive. Clearly she wanted and needed others. Lillian was more a social creature than Nadia.

"Tomorrow then." Lillian said to her shake of the head and moved back to Zyer. He had been staring at Xyle. Nadia didn't like the knowledge that they were privately communicating. Wished she could telepathically talk to others. Nadia turned to leave.

"I will be back later Nadia. Just so we are clear, whether you want to acknowledge the bond or not." Xyle said as she turned to leave. Nadia looked at him, meeting his gaze solidly.

"We are not bonded. Just remember that." He shrugged at her.

"We are not physically bonded, but the fact we are mates starts deeper. You know it and so do I. The longer time goes the tighter the stitch of souls gets." Where he came from it was the werewolf half that recognized the mate instantly. It would form an unseen bond with its mate. There was no changing it, once seen, it could not be unseen. As for the vampire half, the darker part also had what they called life pairings. That was done by physical bonding and blood. Vampires had a bit more choice, werewolves did not. Obviously he landed on the one mate only side. She was it, like it or not. He would be driven to find her and complete the bonding for both halves. She would feel it too, she was just too stubborn to admit it.

"Not sure I do. You are in my world, it may not be as deep or bonded as you think." Nadia challenged him. He looked annoyed.

"I've already warned you once Nadia. Don't push me, you see what I will do. I'm not afraid to take action and do what is needed. You are my mate, nothing is going to change that now." He was sure of it. Why? Because this was a new fate created with the story on that computer. He'd asked a couple questions of whatever automated voice was on there before she'd gotten up. There was no changing it now, the premise and plot were becoming far to set. It simply did not compute the question and told him so. Which he was relieved, his mate could not be taken away so easily. Xyle could not go back to that hollow half feeling. Having to struggle with Nadia about it was far better than living a half life with no hope of more.

"We will see won't we?" She shot back and walked out the door. Xyle narrowed his gaze and a tic worked in his jaw. God she was fucking stubborn. Tenacious, stubborn, and willful. Was it messed up that as much as it annoyed and angered him it drew him in? Her feisty stubborn attitude was as much a draw as it was annoying for him. He felt like opening that door and following her back home. His animal urged him too, Xyle felt a growl in his throat.

"Let her have that space again Xyle. She'll come around, it is hard. Trust me I know." Lillian spoke and Xyle looked at her and then to his brother.

"She is going to test my will power and patience. Test it hard, I can already tell." Honestly he was pretty used to others doing as he said. He was only second to Zyer after all. He heard an amused sound from Zyer.

"Yes she will. It's worth it Xyle, even if it doesn't feel like it sometimes." Lillian raised an eyebrow at him.

"Sorry, and when does it not feel like it?" Lillian asked crossing her arms. Zyer flashed her a bright smile.

"It was a comment regarding everyone else, love. Promise." He said with a near purr and touched his chest. Xyle crossed his arms as Lillian shook her head.

"Smooth." Xyle commented. "You're whipped." Xyle teased as Zyer sure would never recant or joke so easily with others. Just them and it was nice to hear it again. It had been a while.

"Don't worry Xyle, you'll have a pretty collar soon too. She's already training you and you don't even know it. All good men are whipped." Lillian stated and that got a laugh from both men. The moment of levity and humor easing the weight that had built up so heavily in their minds. To them this felt like freedom and was worth the risk they had taken.