Pushing Buttons

Nadia was woken by a sharp tone. It was her phone and she gave a slight moan. She was still really tired. She just laid there and wasn't sure if she was fighting to wake up or fall back asleep. There was another ding, and she shifted slightly. Nadia stretched slightly and realized that she was against something very solid and warm.

Actually she was the one on her side with her arm flung over his stomach and a leg over one of his. He was on his back. Nadia immediately woke a bit more. This was not the position they had fallen asleep in. She felt really awkward suddenly. She was pretty much hugging Xyle. She did not like how easily in her sleep she seemed to have laid with him. She went to move off him. However she felt his arm along her back, then his hand press a bit more to keep her there.

"Where are you going? It's too early to get up." He grumbled and she tipped her head up. He had an arm over his eyes at the moment. Nadia glanced at the clock, and blinked a few times. You know, it felt really bright in here even with the blinds drawn.

"Early? It's like one pm." Nadia told him. Nadia found herself breathing in just a bit deeper for a moment. She noted this sharper scent to him and the natural sandalwood. It was nice, and made her want to pull closer. Right on the heels of that she frowned. Why would she do that, and second why did she notice it so much more. Like the scent pulled at her?

"Nadia, we went to sleep at dawn. It's fucking early." Xyle and his people tended to live more night hours. You didn't want to be sleeping when the enemy was awake and plotting. Yesterday had been different for them. They weren't used to the solar cycle yet either. So he'd been up an entire day. He did need sleep, mythical creature or not.

"Yes, well some of us live life in normal time." She also just wanted space. This felt a little too comfortable and intimate for her. He clearly didn't care. Nadia rolled this time getting out of his one arm along her back. This made her face the windows and she squinted a bit. Her eyes felt like they were going to water or something. She wasn't able to get up as he moved too. His arm snagged her and pulled her back.

"Stay, sleep." Xyle didn't see why she would want to get up at all. They should sleep for a few more hours. He and Zyer would go out again and see if they could find Kane and Adrellie. He wanted Nadia's presence while he rested, he liked it. Xyle just pulled her softer form back to him. His face more in her hair. Didn't bother him at all the dark wealth in his face. Her wonderful scent was there. Need and desire was creeping in a bit too. Having his mate lay with him in such a simple way was fantastic. It just felt complete. So to him she didn't need to get up.

"I want to check my phone." She had it charging on the table a couple feet from the bed by the window.

"For what?" His voice was a bit muffled in her hair. Nadia felt hyper aware of him and his body along hers. This heat was slowly starting to spread into her. His hand that was around her hip on the bed moved up slightly. It slid under the edge of the shirt she had. His fingers feathering back and forth a bit over the soft skin of her stomach.

"I have a message. It could be Laural, I sent her a message last night." He made a darker sound.

"Where is she exactly? I still want to give her a piece of my mind." He nearly growled and Nadia was sure he did.

"Well if you let me up I can find out." She heard him give an amused sound and she shifted a bit as his hand moved a bit more up her ribs.

"That's convenient." He said and she heard him inhale. She felt something in her try to melt into him. That was the only way she could describe it, a melting sensation. She once more held it back. How fast this was starting to consume her was crazy in her opinion.

"It's the truth. Also what did I say about wandering hands?" She said gripping his wrist, his fingers brush just below her the edge of the bra she wore. This man, liberties he sure liked to freely take. Though she was feeling a little more heat where his fingers brushed. Stupid mate thing, trying to crack her from just one touch.

"I don't recall. What did you say?" Xyle asked her and let his hand slide back down toward the edge of her pants.

"Xyle, let me check my phone. I asked her about who sent the computer." He let out a sigh after pausing in touching her. His grip loosened and she was up immediately. She hadn't been under the covers, but now she was feeling hot. She glanced at the split in the curtains and blinked a bit harder. God that light was bright she noted that his scent was nearly just as strong as laying there with him in here. She frowned.

"That bite last night, it was an exchange?" She narrowed her eyes a bit, grabbing her phone. She barely looked over at him, he was on his back and turned his head to look at her. His light green gaze moving over her.

"Yes, if you are searching for an apology it won't be coming." That annoyed her, but she just let it go. What was she going to do about it now?

"Figured as much, I noticed that it seems brighter in here. My eyes feel like they are going to water, and things smell stronger. It's kind of distracting." Xyle moved to sit up, he scooted and swung his legs to the edge of the bed where she was. His feet touched the floor and he leaned a bit to the side on one hand. Couldn't help how his gaze roamed down her backside again. Nice view in his opinion.

"Well you should feel some effects, two exchanges are the bond. Three will change you to what I am. So traits will begin to wake. If you are one with latent talents they may start to manifest." He said and Nadia turned holding her phone, she hadn't been thinking about that.

"Like what?" She asked him, what would happen? How did it feel? Maybe she should talk to Lillian. Xyle shrugged.

"Depends I guess. Lillian is able to heal others but not herself. Just the natural healing our kind has. I know she is able to change now and has all the physical abilities that we do. She is the only one I know that changed to a hybrid. Hybrids don't change others, it would curse them like us." She did remember that.

"What are your talents?" She asked him and he shrugged again, rubbing his face a bit. He did still look tired.

"I was a kid when our town was cursed, teenager when the Hex came to be. So I can't remember anything but now. I don't remember it hurting at all except the first change." He seemed to think for a moment. Nadia let her gaze take him in a bit, wow. It was easy to examine him in the light. He was in really damn good shape, and it wasn't from hitting the gym everyday. He wasn't wearing a shirt and she bet she could bounce a quarter off those abs. Honestly looking at him she felt a bit self conscious. She'd never been this casually close with someone who looked like him. Obviously having physical attraction to your partner was real. Still on a scale he felt like a ten to her and she was down at level five. She cleared her head that didn't matter.

"My intuition is on a level of being clairvoyant. I am able to heal others with a touch, the physical attributes of course. The allure and voice persuasion. Though strong minds are harder to manipulate, telepathy but long distance is hard." Was that it? Xyle didn't really think about gifts, he just used them.

"I see." Nadia looked down and unlocked her phone. She had a couple text messages from Laural with information. Just a name and a number, a small description of the woman that gave it to her. Nadia bit her lip thinking and then put the number in her phone and sent a message to it. She explained that Laural had a few questions about the computer and how it worked. That she would like to meet and discuss it.

Xyle tipped his head seeing Nadia's face get serious. She was typing something on the phone. She was clearly contemplating something, and whatever got them some answers. Honestly he'd love it if they could get the answer that they could use the computer to just erase Kane and Adrellie. How easy that would be. His gaze went to the computer sitting there as well. He was tempted to open it and see if anything had changed but he doubted it.

"There, I have the name of the person that gave her the computer. Just a first name, Jena." He watched her and she set the phone down and also glanced at the computer.

"Does that mean we can sleep more?" He commented and she raised an eyebrow at him.

"Never said you had to get up." He eyed her.

"Not sure I trust you up and roaming around. Something tells me you might do something ill advised." Nadia crossed her arms narrowing her gaze at him.

"You aren't my keeper Xyle. I can go out if I want to." She said. Nadia moved over by the dresser and looked in the bag she had pulling out a few items to set on the dresser. She felt awareness shoot up her spine. Her body recognized that he'd come closer before anything else. She glanced up in the mirror there. How did he move so damn quietly? Nadia just pulled out a few more items.

"I think you are really just running away from me." Xyle noticed how she glanced up at him through the mirror. She looked a little more rigid than a moment ago. She quickly sidestepped with her new clothes in hand. A couple other objects with them as well. Her quick step stopped him from placing his hands on either side of her to block her in. He raised an eyebrow at her.

"I let you share the bed. That's all you get, be glad I let you have that." She said with a sarcastic look. Xyle felt a darker humor come up in him. This need to push her a bit and he also wasn't going to just let her run away from him. Oh no, his little mate had a thing or two to learn about him yet it would seem. Xyle was very fast to move and slide before her, stopping Nadia's progress to the bathroom. Nadia looked up at him, eyes narrowed.

"You want to run away from me, have space, you'll have to give me more than laying in your bed. Honestly I was rather behaved. So I think that deserves a reward no?" He saw the smallest bit of pink on her cheeks. Though her gaze narrowed. Oh she was to much fun, and yeah he wanted more from her.

"Your reward is me not smacking that stupid grin off your face." Nadia said with a sarcastic smile. Xyle flashed her a quick bit of white teeth. His gaze was a bit darker with things Nadia didn't want to name. She went to step around him, but he followed her movement staying in her way.

"Xyle." She said irritated. He just had that same half smile.

"Come now Nadia, I was nice and played by your rules. You can play by mine now." Nadia pursed her lips.

"No, whatever game you think you are playing, definitely not as bad as mine. I don't trust that smirk of yours. Move, I want the bathroom." He was blocking the way rather well and she knew he'd move with her if she tried again. She also just knew he'd grab her if she were to try and move around him or the bed.

"Sure thing sweet heart." He flashed a boyish grin and she glared at him a bit more. "After you make a choice."

"Xyle…" she started annoyed but he kept talking over her.

"You might think your rule isn't so bad, for you. It's quite hard to deny my nature, very hard actually." Xyle told her. Which he was good at hiding his turmoil inside. Waking with her against him had a lot of needs and wants running around in him. Pressing him.

"You want me to keep behaving, especially in public, how about you give me what I want." She stared at him, her grey eyes looking more stormy by the second. Oh he loved that fire. Goddess he just could not help but toy with her a little to see it. To know how wonderful her passion tasted. Oh he was going to get her to let him have another taste too.