Let's Be Clear

"Can't be a decent human being?" Nadia snipped as Xyle still would not let her by to the bathroom.

"I'm not a human being." He corrected.

"You know what I mean." She shot back.

"No, my decency is not just taking a hold of you and pinning you to that bed to do what I want. Any way I want, you've no idea how badly my animal wishes too. Best give this time Nadia. Though I think you like pushing me to that edge. I bet you're a little darker in taste than you let yourself know." Nadia really tried to not let her face burn but it was hard. Standing here staring at him, her mind was starting to wander a bit. Just what would he do? Why did that excite her more than scare her suddenly?

"What do you want?" Nadia asked staring at him. A bit of warning in her eyes, it just brought him humor.

"A touch, a simple taste of my mate." He reached and touched her chin. With his other hand he fast ripped the clothes from her hands. The distraction of touching her chin loosened her grip and he got the few clothing items. Her brush and couple other things hit the floor. Clothes in his hand.

"Or you can stand here and dress instead. I'll give them to you after you're done removing them." What the hell? She felt so many things, clearly he was not going to pretend and be as forward as he wanted.

"I'm not letting you exchange with me again." She snapped. "Not for some clothes." He raised an eyebrow at her.

"I didn't ask for an exchange, that's not a simple taste is it?" His gaze went to her neck and then to her lips. "You can have them and I'll let you run off thinking it safer there then here if you let me." Nadia had a very strong suspicion if she kissed him, or let him bite her that it was going to escalate badly. Just like before, she wasn't stupid. This mate thing was not a simple desire.

"Give me those." She held out her hand seriously. He raised an eyebrow at her.

"If that's the way you wanted then off with it." He stated gesturing to her other clothes. Nadia clenched her fist and tried to snatch the clothes back from him. He just moved them and she let out an irritated sound. Asshole.

"No. You aren't getting either." She snapped at him. "You know what Xyle," Nadia turned and grabbed her bag behind her with anger.

"Not all of us are comfortable with such things." She snapped and he was watching her with a slight tip of his head. She could see the gesture was wolf-like. His gaze held the animal too. Nadia shifted a bit closer to the bed.

"Not all of us are built like a freaking greek statute." She gestured to him and felt oddly embarrassed. Whatever, he wasn't getting anything. "Must be nice to have such confidence when you're physically perfect and don't have anything to judge." She didn't look at him.

Xyle narrowed his gaze a bit. What the hell was that supposed to mean? What did that have to do with anything he'd just said? Did she think he'd asked her to undress to have her stand there and he'd judge her body or something? That was not why he gave her the option, who the hell had she been with that made her feel that way? There was nothing wrong with Nadia's form at all in his opinion.

Nadia got a knee on the bed to go around him with her bag. You know what, fuck him. She did not need this kind of thing in her life. She was a grown ass woman and if she wasn't comfortable undressing before someone she sure as shit did not have to do it. Nadia nearly lost her balance, almost fell off the bed with the way that he tore the duffle bag from her. He immediately got a hold of her upper arm. The harsh way he did it caught her off guard.

"What are you doing?!" She said in a surprised tone. His grip on her upper arm was tight but not hurtful. Nadia felt the breath rush from her lungs with how he shoved her down coming over her. She felt her heart beating really hard in her chest. He had her arms pinned for the moment at her sides. Her back pressed down into the bed as he leaned over her.

"Let's get something very clear Nadia." His eyes were black and she felt her mouth go dry. As he spoke he got a knee between hers, he slid her up a bit more before crushing his mouth to hers. It was harsh and needy, the feel of his much harder form pressing down on hers was rather stimulating to be honest. He let go of her arms, his forearms on either side of her head. His mouth lifted brushing hers.

"I do not care how physically perfect you are or aren't." He nearly growled. He lowered his head and let his tongue slide up her neck and he felt her swallow. Felt the strong fast pulse before his mouth stopped by her ear.

"Your physical perfection is not the reason I'll learn to love you Nadia. I find the real draw to you is that fire you have. The fierce warrior you have below this beautiful facade." Nadia just felt like she couldn't talk to be honest. He shifted between her legs his one hand came around her and gripped her backside hard, lifting her up to press against him. His mouth took hers again with desperate need. She was as breathless as he was when he stopped.

"I honestly love just how soft you are, how nicely you fit against me." He held her up and pressed his hips a bit harder into hers. Grinding just slightly against her so she could feel just what she did to his body.

"I…" Nadia wasn't sure what she wanted to say as he bit at her lip. She met that black gaze filled with so many things. She felt another swallow, he was so intense. His words also made her speechless. That he meant them and it sure felt like he did. It made something inside her nearly break toward him in a very elemental way.

"Nothing to say now?" He met her mouth lightly. Oh he wanted her, he needed her and if he did have her, he was going to sink his teeth in again. Sink them deep just like he told her before. Her eyes were a bit wider, softer and he could see a lot of things passing through them. Unable to help himself, he scrapped his teeth across the delicate skin of her neck.

"It's just one word Nadia. You already know how it's going to feel, it'll just grow." Please let her say yes, he wanted that yes. To hear it because that would really make the bond real. Make it form the way it should. Her acceptance of it, allowing him too. She made a very slight sound, but it wasn't a yes. He loved the fact that right now she seemed to struggle to find words. That he made her feel so out of place it took her breath away.

"The longer you make me wait, the harder and faster I'm going to take you when you do say yes." Xyle more breathed into her ear. "Once I have you tied to me, then I'll savor the rest of you slowly." He nearly bit down and she moaned harshly. His breath was hot on her neck and made her arousal spike. A harsh rush flooded her and pooled right between her legs. The way he ground against her then nearly had her crying out a yes.

Xyle had to hold himself very still for a moment or he was going to straight out attack her. The spike of her pheromones nearly sent him over the edge. There was a rather hard authoritative knock on their door. Xyle made a rather aggravated sound into her shoulder and bed. Best to stop though, she had not said yes but she sure felt damn close there. Xyle came up on his hands pushing himself up to look down at her and then down the rest of her body.

"Next time then." He said his gaze dropping to her neck and then got up rather swiftly. Nadia sat up and was watching him. His gaze was green again looking down at Nadia, they were just staring at each other.

'Xyle, you awake or need a minute with your female?' Xyle glanced at the door hearing Zyer's voice in his head. Nadia stood up next to him when he looked away.

'One minute Zyer.' He growled back at his brother and felt Zyer's slight amusement mentally.

"You…." Nadia let out a rush of air and turned looking down at the clothes on the floor. "Are intense." She finally said not sure what else to say. Nadia did see the bit of an up turn of the corner of his mouth. Nadia bent down to grab the clothes now on the floor. Whoever was at the door hadn't knocked again.

"You like it." He commented rather assuredly. Nadia gave a suddenly shocked near yelp, and straightened up fast. Xyle gave a laugh having rather sharply slapped her ass. She was right there and the temptation was to high. Besides, she deserved it for thinking so foolishly.

"Xyle!" She snapped at him putting a hand to where he so smartly slapped. What the hell! He shrugged.

"That's one. In case you were keeping count like me. Don't bend over in front of me. One of two things are going to happen when you do." He said and Nadia felt her face burn at how his gaze slowly went over her. She felt like she was undressed just then.

"Get your mind out of the gutter for ten seconds Xyle!" She said defensively and he gave a brighter smile stepping forward.

"Why? I enjoy where it goes around you, besides I love the sight of your shapely backside Nadia." He really did, a lovely sight. His gaze sure did stray there a lot. She was crazy if she thought she wasn't a beautiful and perfectly shaped woman. She looked healthy and perfectly proportioned to him. She better not question it again, then again if it let him remind her of how desirable she was all the better for him.

"Unbelievable." Nadia grumbled rubbing the spot, that was sharp. Maybe a little part kind of thought a few things. She shook her head at herself and at him as he pulled the door open. Zyer was there, Lillian just behind him.

"Sure you don't need another minute? Your female being difficult again?" Zyer commented with a smile. He could very much smell the pheromones that were high in the room. Also a twist of frustration, and he knew all to well how that felt.

"Lillian smack him would you?" Nadia said moving into the bathroom to change now that the two of them were there. She heard an amused sound from a couple of them and shut the bathroom door. Nadia stood there for a minute and put her hands on the counter. She just stared at herself in the mirror. Clearly there was no getting off this rollercoaster ride.

Nadia thought about Xyle's words. What stuck with her, that he would learn to love her. That he seemed to plan on it. It made her look down, yeah hearing that from someone sure did take some wind from your sails. Nadia just let out a hard breath and changed to go back out by the others.