Heading Out!

A week or two has passed since Yukino, Maiagru and Saigo has learned Total Concentration

Today the sun has barely risen and the bird has started to chirp

Shinobu walks in and wakes up Yukino

Shinobu taps him a few time

Yukino: Huh Uh yeah?

Shinobu: Sorry to wake you up can you walk with me?

Yukino: Ok….

Yukino slip into his slippers and walks with her

Yukino: So... wassup?

Shinobu: Yukino today you will go on a new journey with your friends

Yukino: We can leave already?

Shinobu: Yes…. Your leaving today and so are your friends

Yukino: But that isn't the reason you woke me up like this for. Right?

Shinobu: No…. There's a mission for you three that you must attend today

Yukino: What is it?

Shinobu: There has been many people going missing in a town west from here

Shinobu: And most of the slayers in the core are busy including the Hashira

Yukino: So they had to send us three

Shinobu: That is correct and you will be working with the snake Hashira, Obanai Iguro

Yukino: I understand there must be a big threat for you to send a Hashira with us

Shinobu: I don't know but I wanted to tell you to be careful as possible

Yukino: Understood!

Shinobu: When the others are woke please tell them everything I've told you

Yukino: Yes ma'am

Yukino heads back inside to head back to sleep

A few hours pass and he explain everything to the others

Maiagru: I see so that's why they have packed our stuff so quickly

The women of the mansion enter the room and smile

Yukino: I wanted to thank all of you for your time and effort and the willingness to train us

They grab there bags and walk outside

Iguro is outside waiting for them

Iguro: Are you three ready?

Yukino: Yeah let's get going

Shinobu stands outside smiling

Yukino runs and hugs Shinobu

Yukino: Thank you for everything….

Shinobu smiles

Yukino and the others walk off and begin their journey

Yukino sees his shelter family and smiles

To be continued…..