Lia’s Brother

Lia has returned home. Helped by the driver, she unloaded her mother's order. She brought in carefully the taro chips and mushroom chips that she had taken at Mrs. Siti's place so that they would not fall apart and turn into fried crumbs.

"Hi, Lia. Come here." Sekar who was in the house, immediately came out when she heard the sound of a car stopping in front of the house and also the voice of the girl.

"Let me take it, Mom. Put in the dining room?" said Lia when her mother was about to bring the things that were already in her hands.

"Yes. The dining room, okay? Come on, sir, just come in and follow Lia," said Sekar, inviting the driver to come into the house.

While answering with a nod of his head accompanied by a smile, he obeyed the command of the hostess. It was only after putting down the taro chips that he brought, the driver said goodbye to go home.

"How was the trip?" asked the mother again to her daughter.

"Fine, Mom. Let me just change clothes first, okay? The weither is so hot."

Sekar nodded in agreement to permit her daughter to leave the room. Meanwhile, she decided to disassemble the plastic containing mushroom chips and taro chips to be broken down into smaller containers.

The plan is to give some of the light snacks to "Cinta Kasih" Orphanage and at the same time leave a small donation for the children there. This is indeed routinely done by Sekar on behalf of the family, especially if she gets more sustenance like today.


Before changing clothes, Lia decided to sit for a while on the edge of the bed so that the sweat slowly dried. The weather that day was quite hot. Even though it was still at 25 degrees, the temperature was already hot enough for mountain people like Lia. Because usually, the normal temperature in the city is always between 20-23 degrees Celsius.

In her relaxed state, suddenly the conversation between herself and Mrs. Azam flashed back into Lia's mind. There were still some questions she wanted to ask.

But the presence of Mr. Azam in their midst seemed to have implied a firm sign. And in an instant, Lia immediately understood that the man was not happy if she discussed the continuation of her conversation with Mrs. Azam about the construction of a Supermarket. The one who started the topic was Mrs. Azam herself.

But despite all that, Lia still had to come to the orphanage and ask Mother Raisa directly—the owner and manager of the orphanage to get the correct information.


"Mom, earlier Mrs. Azam told us that in our area there would be the construction of a Supermarket." Lia opened her conversation with Sekar when she helped her mother pack the mushroom and taro chips that she had brought with her.

"Really? Nice indeed. Our place will be more crowded. In addition, job vacancies must be wide open," said Sekar enthusiastically.

"Yes, Mom. The positive side is like that but there is one thing that makes Lia think." Respond to the child quickly.

Sekar frowned confused. Then just go back and say, "why?" so she asked.

"Mrs. Azam said that the information regarding the Supermarket development plan is not yet known to the general public because it is still being kept secret. It's still in the negotiation stage. But because Mr. Azam is one of the owners of the land where the supermarket will be built, so she knows the info…" the girl tried to explain.

"Well then, what makes you think, Lia?" said the mother with a little surprise.

"The plan is that the supermarket will be built on a large area close to the "Cinta Kasih" Orphanage. You know that vacant lot, right?"

Sekar nodded firmly.

"Mrs. Azam said they didn't just use the vacant land. But also plans to evict the orphanage," continued Lia added.

For a moment Sekar stopped her activity of wrapping the snack and her gaze turned to Lia.

"If you're planning... that means you're not sure yet, right, Lia?" Sekar asked, then resumed her activities.

"Yes, Mom. But, does the Supermarket development take a long time to plan? If the issue of eviction comes up, certainly, the company will evict the orphanage." Not wanting to lose, Lia persisted in her argument.

"The news hasn't spread widely to the public, has it? That means the decision is uncertain, Lia. Perhaps, it was just a rumor that was blown out on purpose."

"What do you mean, Mother?"

"Yeah, that rumor is a piece of news that was deliberately blown to achieve a certain goal. For example, to thwart the project. Just like our efforts, when we want to do renewal or whatever. Because there must be obstacles and obstacles, right? Even though that is just a plan, there is no absolute certainty." Wisely, the mother began to enlighten her daughter.

Lia was silent for a moment hearing the explanation given by her mother. It's still a plan and not many people know, so it can't be determined whether the orphanage will be evicted or not.

"I don't mean to be pretentious or anything, okay… because I've also just heard this news from you. Especially if it is related to the orphanage, Mother Raisa will tell me if there is have a problem. Isn't it?" thus added the mother's explanation.

"Hmm… that's right. Mrs. Azam said the supermarket will be built by one of the largest retail companies in Indonesia, Galaxy Hemachandra Group, the name is. She also said that the CEO is a good person and there's no way he'll just evict the orphanage." Slightly lowering her tone, Lia spoke casually again.

Sekar frowned because he was thinking. He felt familiar with the name of the company and seemed to have heard it before.

"I've never heard of that company before. But who said that?" so she said.

"That company owns Galaxy Malls throughout Indonesia, Mom. So yeah… it's natural to be famous right."

"Yes, I know. I mean, how come someone once said that to Mom, but who said that I forgot hehe."


"Yes, Honey. Hmmm... just like this, it's better tomorrow we ask directly to Mother Raisa. So, the information we get is also clear."

Lia nodded in agreement at the suggestion from her mother.


At night ...

As usual, Lia was relaxing on the terrace after finishing her coursework. Not long after, Ares joined in and sat next to her carrying taro chips that had been put in a jar for snacks at home.

"Why not on Sunday, anyway? I want to come with you, Sis."

"It's not good to delay sustenance for them. The goods are already there. If you usually go there on Sunday, then you can go there on Sunday, Res."

"Hehe, that's right, too."

Lia chuckled while rolling her eyes annoyed at her brother's behavior.

"Oh I remember. Sis Lia, have you heard yet? the orphanage wants to be evicted for the construction of a Supermarket, do you know about that?"

As fast as lightning, Lia turned to her brother, then tightened her seat so that she could be closer to Ares.

"Ugh, what the hell, Sis?! It's sitting there too," protested the boy when his older sister suddenly clung to him.

"Where did you hear the news from???"

"Earlier I heard from one of the children whose house is near the orphanage. He got the information from his parents. So, Galaxy Group doesn't just want to build on empty land near the orphanage, but also wants to demolish the orphanage because they want to build a super big supermarket. It's like a department store, but you can't say it's a department store yet. But it's so big," Ares explained at length which for a moment had succeeded in making Lia silent.


"Then he said that he wanted to protest because he didn't agree that the orphanage wanted to be evicted."

"So, is this an orphanage going to be evicted?"

"Yes, Sis. He said so. Ugh, I have no idea. Yes, it's good to have a Supermarket, but if it's an orphanage, it's too much. That place has been around for a long time, is it time to get rid of it?"

Lia was silent again after hearing that answer.

"Business, Sis," Ares said again while enjoying his snack.

"That's right. Although the orphanage area cannot be said to be strategic, there is good potential there."

"Maybe that's what the company sees, Sis. In other words, they must have seen the gold mine there before panning for the gold," Ares said firmly.

"Outrageous. At first, I was happy that there was a supermarket here, but if that's the case, it's a shame that there is one." Lia responded with a gloomy face.

"But the news is still not clear, Sis."

"Yeah. Mrs. Azam also said that. But, why has the news spread? Even your friends already know, Res."

"Well, I don't know that, Sis. Tomorrow, you want to go there. So, you can ask directly to Mother Raisa."

"Yeah, that's the plan too."

The two brothers and sisters then became silent and immersed in their respective activities. Ares is busy snacking while playing on his cellphone, while Lia is daydreaming about thinking about the "Cinta Kasih" Orphanage which is reportedly about to be evicted.

In her heart, Lia will not forgive the company, especially the CEO, if they want to evict the orphanage for their business. Even if necessary, she will help out in any way so that the plan does not happen if it is true that an eviction will be carried out.

"Sis?! Hellooo. Don't daydream. It sucks, you know!" Ares shouted half-screaming which instantly broke Lia's daydream.

"What is it?! Just get used to it, don't startle," snarled Lia in reply, staring fiercely at her brother.

"Said too. Hey, Sis, when I got home, I had a snack in front of the school. Continue, ..."

"Well, it's not important, Res. Let's just say that," said Lia deliberately before her brother finished speaking.

"Oh, my sister is not very polite. She said if someone says don't interrupt, what do you do?! It's not very consistent being a person." Annoyed, Ares replied while elbowing his sister on the shoulder.

"Haha, geez! just kidding. Hahaha." Lia laughed because she felt that she had succeeded in working on her brother.

Ares couldn't help but sigh because his sister had succeeded in tricking him again.

"Will you continue?" he asked still in a high voice.

"Hahaha, of course. So, what's next??"

"Watch out if I cut it again, I'll hit you, Sis," threatened Ares, which made Lia burst out laughing again.

"Yes yes. Ah, don't be so suffocating, hahaha."

"Tsk! So, when I was having a snack, suddenly a car pulled up. It turns out that Angga, who at that time met at the mini-market. He got out of the car and approached me. But he's not alone, Sis. Together ... with what is the name, Ivan ... er, Evan if I'm not mistaken."

Hearing that name, suddenly Lia's heart fluttered for some reason. Evan's smile flashed across his mind.

"Oooooohhhhh… so??"

"Then I get paid. They even eat snacks too. It feels weird, you know. Their car is really good, their clothes are also neat with suits that are not cheap. But instead of eating on the side of the road. I swear, I'll just make people excited," said Ares full of appreciation so that it succeeded in making Lia stunned to hear it, a few moments later the girl smiled.

"The name is also street food, Res. So, anyone can buy it. After all, that's what Angga and Evan have known so far. Even though they are bourgeois entrants, their attitude is down to earth."

"Never mind that. But, that's what Brother Evan asks you to do first. Hmm, maybe he has a crush on my sister. Mother said the two of them had come to the home, right? Then, Evan brought you home too, right when Daddy checked?" Chatty and deliberately teasing his sister, Ares said that he managed to get a hit on the arm. He winced in pain.

"What the hell, Res. Don't keep talking about the person. Then he sneezes."
