Chapter 4

"Stop!" Yang Shuting let out a scream!

She hated this devil! And she hated herself even more! She was the one who couldn't let him bully her and had to endure his insults over and over again to pay her mother's medical bills!

Tears slid down her face, Yang Shuting pleaded, "President, please ... let me go ..."

Ling Weihao's thin lips pulled a wicked curve, narrow eyes full of interest, "Miss Yang, the game is on, let's play slowly ..."

Yang Shuting walked out of his office with a pale face.

The secretary Li led her into a spacious and bright office and arranged her work .

She studied gratefully and looked anxiously at the closed door of the president s office from time to time .

Fortunately Ling Weihao gave him no further trouble that day.

At the end of the day Yang Shuting quickly took the elevator and went down to the first floor. At the gate she met Bai Wei.

She was dressed in a pure white chiffon dress, playful and lovely like a princess .

Bai Wei stared at Yang Shuting and grumbled condescendingly, "I heard that you have become Mr. Ling's secretary ... You can trade your body for a position ."

Yang Shuting looked at Bai Wei and said, "It doesn't matter what you say, I hope Tang Bin really likes you ."

Bai Wei stiffened for a moment and said in amusement ,

"Tang Bin, that idiot, only you treat him like a sweetheart, a slut with an idiot, you and her are a very good match! Yang Shuting , you also dare to steal man from me, smug bitch! You ..." Bai Wei 's beautiful face was full of malice and she was about to curse again when she was suddenly interrupted by a storm of applause.

Both of them turned around and suddenly changed their faces.

Ling Weihao was leaning against a black sports car , looking at them with a smile.

Bai Wei's face flashed a trace of excitement, she said in a delicate voice, "Ling, I'm just joking with her, you can ..." Ling Weihao slowly pursed his thin lips and spat out one word, "Out."

Bai Wei's face changed, Yang Shuting glared at him and left.

Ling Weihao glared at Yang Shuting mockingly, his narrow eyes flashed a trace of disdain, he yanked open the car door and got in, then the black sports car flew away like an arrow!

Late at night, the Night Rose Club.

The wavering lights met the faces of men and women who were enjoying themselves .

Yang Shuting timidly followed Ai Qian to the second floor.

The supervisor, Lian, smoked a cigarette and said softly, "The guests tonight are not good to serve, you must be careful ." Yang Shuting was stunned and nodded with a pale face .

Lian pushed open the door and led them inside, where there was a smell of cigarettes and alcohol, men and women were dancing, and lascivious noises could be heard constantly .

Yang Shuting kept her head lowered, her mind buzzing, she couldn't remember how she could sit next to Mr. Zhang.

She heard the man next to her ask, "Miss, you're new here, right, what's your name?"Yang Shuting turned around and saw his yellow-black teeth, only feeling disgusted, but for her mother's sake, she had to comply.

With a faint smile on her face, she said, "My name is Yang ... My name is Xiao Ting!"

"What a beautiful name!" Mr. Zhang tugged on Yang Shuting 's hand and said with a smile. Then his eyes moved to her breasts.

Yang Shuting calmly withdrew her hand, took the beer and poured it into the cup. But Mr. Zhang interrupted the action, he looked at her lustfully, "How boring to drink beer, drink something else!" He took the whiskey, handed it to Yang Shuting and said, "Drink up!"

Yang Shuting timidly took the wine, hesitantly drank it, the wine seeped through her throat like a fire, her whole body burned, her face instantly turned red.

She drank the entire glass of wine, Yang Shuting's eyes seemed to become dizzy. The dim light of the room wavered, and she saw in the haze an icy handsome face looking at her angrily!

Yang Shuting blinked hard, her vision gradually cleared, but her heart sank and her body shivered with cold.

This man was her boss Ling Weihao! Ling Weihao's sharp gaze shot towards her, the disgust and contempt in those eyes like a sword bore down on her body!

Yang Shuting hastily turned her face away, standing up, "Excuse me, I'm going to the restroom!"

Mr. Zhang took her hand and said with a lecherous smile, "You just had a glass of wine with me and you're going to the toilet? If you don't drink much, how can you be a prostitute? " As soon as the words left his mouth, a hint of lust flashed in Mr. Zhang's eyes, and with a strong jerk, he held her in his arms and kissed her neck and face with all his might.

His mouth was full of wine, breath and smoke, disgusting to the extreme! He smelled so bad that Yang Shuting wanted to throw up! She turned around desperately, her hands pressed against Mr. Zhang's face, her eyes fixed on Ling Weihao for help, but all she saw was his cold and heartless gaze and seemingly contemptuous smile. Yang Shuting 's eyes darkened a little, and her heart was desperate to the core!

The corners of Mr. Zhang's mouth twisted into a smile, he approached Yang Shuting's ear, clasped her earlobe, and said softly, "Beauty, tonight I will love you well ... come, drink!"

Yang Shuting refused to drink the wine, pushing it away.

"I let you drink."

Yang Shuting reluctantly stared at the glass table, she picked up the wine, tilted her head and drank!

After drinking this cup of liquid mixed with all kinds of wine, Yang Shuting only felt her whole body become feverish, a wave of nausea rose, she had no time to react, She vomited onto Mr. Zhang's shoes, a foul sour smell filled the air!

Mr. Zhang stood up violently and cursed angrily, "Damn, my shoes are very expensive, can you afford them? " He grabbed Yang Shuting's shoulders and waved a slap .

Yang Shuting became dizzy and fell to the floor, hitting her forehead on the table and chairs, and her whole body ached .

Mr, Zhang angrily walked towards her and picked Yang Shuting up as if he were picking up a rabbit, and he raised his hand again .

But his hand was grabbed by Ling Weihao.

Mr. Zhang turned his head to his icy eyes, as if looking at a corpse, and dropped his hand, trembling.

Ling Weihao's lips curled into a grin as Yang Shuting was forcibly pulled out of the bar. He opened the car door, threw her in, then sat in the driver's seat, started the engine and drove the car.

Yang Shuting collapsed on the seat and tried to get up, but she had no strength left. Suddenly, she felt a strange sensation in her body, followed by a very uncomfortable heat all over her body.

She curled up in pain, her face flushed, and she kept making soft moaning sounds.

"So hot!" Ling Wei Hao looked at her coldly, thinking of the glass of wine she had just drunk, and suddenly realized that it must have been Mr. Zhang who had drugged that wine.