Chapter 5

Inside the hotel's presidential suite.


"Good ... So hot ......" Yang Shuting twitched, her body seemed to be on fire, making her dry and hot ... She gasped slightly, her hands unconsciously tugging at the clothes on her body, revealing her chest.


"Pop!" Suddenly, her palm touched the wrist of Ling Weihao...


At that moment! A trace of coolness emanated from her palm, making Yang Shuting comfortable and seemingly relieving some of the dryness in her body.


"So pleasant! Give me ......!" She clung to the firm arm with both hands,


"Hot ... please ... ... so cuddly!" She leaned against Ling Weihao's arm, her cheek gently rubbing his arm, she wanted more.


Ling Weihao looked at the woman on the bed from above, he frowned slightly, under the effect of drugs, the woman seemed more sexy and charming, she slightly opened her lips, her face flushed. At the sight, he could not help but tighten his abdomen.


He sat down on the edge of the bed, leaned down and lightly grabbed her earlobe, Yang Shuting whispered in his ear, hooking her hand around his neck and pulling herself closer to him, looking at him with seductive eyes, turning her body and whispering in his ear,


"I want you!"


The man pursed his lips wickedly, and his voice was cold like Satan, "Beg me ......"


Yang Shuting's pretty face contorted hotly, she wriggled her body adoringly, "please ... I want ... ..."


Ling Weihao smiled icily, grabbing her slender wrist,


"If you want it, do it yourself! Take off your clothes for me!"


" I ... well ... want more ... " Her hand snaked tremblingly up the man's neck and unbuttoned him, but her whole body had no strength, it took a lot of effort to undress him .


The man grew impatient and waved the woman's trembling hands away and ripped her shirt open with his own hands!


The buttons popped, revealing his powerful physique, polished, marble-like muscles sat atop wheat-colored skin .


"Ms. ......," he leaned down, his icy breath spraying in her ear,


"Satisfied?" Yang Shuting 's eyes were confused, and she murmured in a low voice, "Who are you ......"


Ling Weihao 's eyes flashed a trace of bloodthirsty iciness, a large hand clasped her chin,


"Bitch! Tonight I'm going to make sure you know who you're sleeping with!


Yang Shuting was in a great trance, his finger seemed to carry electricity that stimulated her body tingling, instinctively she stuck out her fragrant tongue .


Ling Weihao's eyes became deep, a layer of lust floated, his large hands held her small head, his thin lips covered hers, he pressed a fierce kiss on her lips!


The woman in her arms made a soft sound, she gradually adapted to his dominance, danced to his tune, to the end, let out the left of the hot tide .


"Goblin ......" a deep growl of the man, she is pushed down.


The man's thick, strong body make Yang Shuting let out a sigh of satisfaction.


His breath became burning. Finally, when he could not hold back , he buried his head against the tender skin of her breast and licked it gently.


"It tickles ... don't ... ..." she let out an unconscious whimper...


He smiled coldly, and his large hands forcibly tore the covers from her body - revealing snow-white skin that looked unusually crystal clear in the light. Large hands tore away her underwear, a pair of beautiful plump round and smooth presented themselves before his eyes, he wanted to bite down ...


Ling Weihao was panting roughly, like a hungry wolf, sucking greedily on her plump softness!"Ah ... So comfortable ... Also ...


Ling Weihao curled his lips, stood up and took off his pants, silver-gray pants, tight around his ... Yang Shuting pressed, Ling Weihao's large hands wandered along the curves of Yang Shuting's body, as if he were playing the piano, her body was the strings.


He kneaded her breasts, her body trembling slightly and emitting a whisper, she straightened her lower body, rubbing against his body.


"Ah - it hurts -"Yang Shuting cried, whole body trembling,


"Let ... let go of me .."She wanted to push him away, but her hands were more caressing, and even her own voice was filled with eager murmurs.


Waves of searing heat continued to stimulate her body


Gradually, the pain disappeared, and was replaced by flames that flared up again, searing her entire body.


Yang Shuting was on the verge of insanity, only this man can bring her out of this abyss of pain ...


Finally, the intense pain turned into a burning desire, so she couldn't help herself and hugged Ling Weihao's back, small hands scratching a few bloodstains on his back, provoking his deeper lust for her.


The magical fingertips of Ling Weihao stirred, making her body tremble, punishing kisses violated her lips and tongue again, pliable tongue slightly provoked, then he thrust into her closed teeth, embracing her, sucking hard, fiercely, showing a dominant coldness.


A muffled grunt escaped from between his lips and teeth, followed by a fishy sweetness that quickly filled his mouth. He seemed to pause for only half a second, followed by even more violent movements that made Yang Shuting's breathing heavy.


Yang Shuting rolled, her body like a rising sea!


At the sight of her body writhing ceaselessly beneath him , Ling Weihao's gaze narrowed slightly, his icy eyes flashing with a hint of possessiveness, then he leaned down, without the slightest pity.


Finally, the intense pain turned into a burning desire, she couldn't help herself and hugged Ling Weihao's back, and her watery lips pressed together.


A night Ling Wei Hao's body was full of sweat, gasping for air, looking at the woman whose face flushed, and fell into sleep.


Ling Weihao went to the bathroom, came out and saw her lying on the bed asleep. Her back turned to him, showing her curvy back.


He went over and sat down, maybe because he was exhausted from the strenuous exercise just now, she laid down next to her and fell asleep in less than a few moments.


The next day, Yang Shuting slightly opened her eyes, staring blankly at the ceiling, hearing the sound of water, she rolled her eyes, through the glass door of the bathroom, naked body of the man was visible.


Where is she? How could she be here?


Yang Shuting frowned slightly, she struggled to sit up, only to feel a racking headache, shocked to see herself completely naked.


She struggled to remember what had happened last night, she remembered that she offended the president of Shengshi Group, Mr. Zhang, at the same time she met her boss Ling Weihao, then she lost her mind, panicked, spat at Mr. Zhang, which made him angry and enraged, suffered a severe beating from him. After that it was Ling Weihao, who came to her , and finally ... she remembered nothing.


Ling Weihao came out of the bathroom, he was wiping his wet hair, a white bath towel wrapped around his body, revealing his well-toned torso.


"What are you doing here?" Yang Shuting looked at him in surprise, she unconsciously clutched the bedspread , seeing him half naked, she couldn't help but blush and lowered her gaze to avoid looking at him.