I entered the room and my heart was filled with vivid emotions. My same old room, with pink bed sheet, white walls and white cupboard. I looked out of the small window, near my bedside, and immediately felt nostalgic. It was overwhelming. I stared at my clothes that were on the chair. The books that were scattered all over the floor. That day when Alex and his fiancée moved in, I was devastated I cried for hours and messed up my whole room. It was still in the same condition. It felt like I just left yesterday but in reality more than a year had passed. I picked up the clothes from the floor. Each dress had a fresh set of memories with him. We had spend three years together. Each second of this three years had been spent with him except the sleeping hours, that too usually ended with us sleeping on the sofa together. I stacked all the books on the bed-side table. I noticed a box near the bed, I opened it ajar to find several art papers in it. These were the drawings, I tore in anger that day. Someone bundled all the torn pieces of my art and mend them altogether with a transparent tape. Every time, I was free, I used to paint, draw the memories of us together and my dreams on the paper.
I picked up a bandaged paper, it was a colorful abstract painting and on top of it ‘Alex & Sasha’ was written in white paint.
Right below it was a silhouette painting. Amidst the colors of sunset stood a girl and a boy, holding each other’s hand. I draw this on the day when we visited the Baiyun mountain. We watched sunset together, holding each other’s hand.
I spend my night looking at the drawings that hold our memories together, the drawings that I tore apart only for Alex to mend it again.
I picked up a brown diary lying on the pillow. I remember tearing it's pages and tossing it into the bin. I opened book to find it mended too.
'Like a fire in a forest,
As fierce as a volcano,
His eyes weren't less than a destruction.
Flaring with the sparks,
It was an eruption of emotions.
A set of feelings in my heart was embarked,
As I peeked in the pools of magma.
For them they were just green orbs,
But for me it was a forest on fire. '
I wrote it when I saw him for the first time. I love the gold streaks seen in his green eyes. Isn't it mesmerizing?
I could hear a man shouting at Lily, "How can you all be so dumb!" I booked a room a week ago and now you are telling me there is no room booked in my name! I want to meet the senior manager! Just call him."
I rushed to her side, to tackle the situation, "Excuse me, May I help you sir?"
He averted his eyes at me and it felt like everything stopped, the world was frozen just like my heart. I was lost in dark orbs. We stared into each other's eyes until Lily nudged me.
I quickly looked down and felt him checking me out from top to bottom. It felt like my whole body was on fire. I cleared my throat to grab his attention.
"I need a room." he said in a tone as smooth as cream, but his eyes were still on my face.
"He says he booked a room in our hotel but I can't find any bookings, on top of it, there are no vacant rooms." Though this hotel was a well-known three star hotel, the management is still lacking. Few staffs in this hotel are ruining its reputation.
"Leave those boring simple rooms sir, I would love to offer you our best room, on a high floor with the best ever balcony view. It have an in built Jacuzzi to wash away your stress." I offered, "And all this for you with 20% off."
I looked up at him for an answer, but he was just peeking at me. Blinking my eyes, I smiled at him.
After that meeting, I just couldn't stop thinking about him. Whenever I lay on my bed to sleep, all I could see was those gray eyes.
I caressed the words as I looked at the bottom of the page, where few words were jotted in a different hand-writing.
'If my eyes are like fire, yours are like an ocean,
Filled with waves of love, they are the whirlpool of emotions,
As fierce as a thunderstorm,
It is the only thing that can extinguish the fire in me
Alex. (Bear with my poor writing skills.:)'
My heart fluttered as I read the text written by him. These words really brought a whirlpool of emotions in me. Oh Alex, you are driving me crazy. No matter how much I try to hate you, you always force me to fall back for you.
You are so confusing. What you did today, was too overwhelming for me. I couldn't get over his words. I felt that he feels something for me in the past, his words, his actions forces met o think that I mean a thing for him but when I think about Daisy in his life, when I see Daisy with him everything feels unreal. His care, his emotions everything vanishes and all I could see is his ignorance towards me. If he loved me, he wouldn't have engaged Daisy, even if I was a friend to him, he would have let me know about his engagement, he would have told me about Daisy. we were so close and he never ,mentioned about her to me. Thinking about him, I don’t know when I fell asleep.
I was sitting on the sofa when Sasha stepped out of his room, wearing her pink night wear. Her eyes were still a little droopy as she ignored me and walked towards the kitchen.
“Sasha.” I called her out, “Come here, talk to your mother.”
She raised a brow at me and came to me.
I handed her my phone.
“Mom.” She whispered, “How are you? Ma.” Her eyes softened as she looked at her mother with a smile.
“I am fine. How are you darling.”
A tear tripped down her eyes and she smiled, “I miss you. How's Baba?”
Her mother grinned on the video call and turned the camera towards Sasha’s Baba.
“Baba!” She cried seeing her father walk through a walker.
“Hey, Sasha look I can walk.” His father squealed with a smile, “Yet not all on my own, I need to use this thing now but soon I will be able to walk and run like before.”
“Baba! I am so happy for you.”
“Your Baba’s operation had been successful, and in a month he will be able to walk again, like before. All because of you my sweetheart. I had lost all hopes of his recovery but you made that happen. You are the gem of our eyes Sasha.”
Her mom cried over the phone and saw Sasha reciprocating her with tears and sobs escaping her mouth.
“Mama.” She cried.
“Why are you crying sweetie?”
Sasha breakdown in tears.
“I love you two Mama. I miss you two.” She sobbed.
“Don’t worry my child once your Baba is recovered, we both will come to you.” Her mother smiled with affection.
Sasha hung up the phone and looked at me with tears in her eyes.
“Thank you, Thank you so much Alex.” She cried, “I...I don’t to ...t...thank you.”
I moved a little closer, wiping her tears with my fingers, “Shhh..”
She held my hands and bowed down her forehead on our hands, as hiccups left her mouth.
"I had lost all hope for his recovery. I never thought I will be able to get him operated. You don't know how happy I am to see him walk. It had been years since I saw them laugh like that."
I stroked her back, consoling her, "okay now get up, we are getting late for breakfast. Stop being so emotional. "
A week had passed since Sasha's conversation with her parents. She video call them every day and I had seen her smiling more often. She cries less, though she is quite upset sometimes specially when Daisy sticks to me, or tries to come closer to me. But the best part is she don't ignore me now. She keeps our conversation brief but I am happy with it. I couldn't bear her anger. Daisy is also getting along with her quite well. And finally I stopped Sasha's medication. She haven't experienced any nightmare since that day and I am too grateful for it. She had stopped asking us questions related to that night and I feel she is forgetting about it. And the case is all in our favor but still I am scared. We haven't heard anything from Salazar but he is not a guy to be silent. I think he is playing a lion's trick, he had stepped back only to pounce on his prey.
After breakfast I was about to leave when Sasha called me.
"Alex. Can I go out?"
"Out?" Why? Where do you wanna go?" I started interrogating her, "If you need something you can tell me I will get it for you."
She sighed and said, "I am just home sick. I want to go for a walk."
Letting her out is a danger for her but how can I explain it to her?
"Why don't you both bake something new?"
"Alex! You can let me go out for half an hour can't you."
I scratched the bridge of my nose and declared, "Okay you can come with me."
"Can't I go alone?"
"No. If you wanna go out you are accompanying me or staying at home."
She groaned, "I am fine now!"
I narrowed my eyes at her and she sighed, "Fine. I will get my bag."
Sasha looked happy and her happiness made my guilt flatter. I didn't realized it until Daisy pointed it to me that I had started to smile too. I am returning home early and after the last outburst that was days before, I have been quite lively.
Sasha stepped out wearing a black cold shoulder top paired with a mini skirt that flaunted her white legs perfectly. She wore black heels that made her look taller and confident. She hung her black sling on her shoulder as her baby-cut hair kissed her cheeks perfectly. Her face was twinkling and she had a million dollar smile on her face. I felt myself paralyzed by her beauty. I saw the silver bracelet, I gifted her before on her wrist and my heart jumped with happiness. She went passed by me, towards the elevator.