Chapter 13

A man called a villain whose arrogance, stubbornness, all pride was destroyed before Jeremy made a dry voice.

"Who can tell me how this started?"

The two middle-aged men look at each other, and Matthew suddenly asks the doctor in charge of Jeremy's drug project to explain.

"Usually, Omega people who enter puberty around the age of twelve or thirteen develop a symptom called fever. This symptom occurs once a month and lasts about seven to ten days. But for those who have never experienced it, it is because we have paid for drugs that inhibit it and have been developing them to effectively inhibit more hormones that are produced as the body grows. Drugs taken daily reduce the risk of heatstroke. I can say that the risk is equal to zero. "

"Equal to zero-sum ghosts. What was I that day!" Jeremy growled. He meant the reaction to Chris.

People were startled by the shouting and Jerome was locked up.

"Didn't you get an injection that day?"

This fact made Jeremy's face tense before his father said.

"It's your fault," and then turned around and nodded to the doctor. "Go ahead."

"If you don't inject it, it actually has a certain inhibitory effect on heat, but there are exceptions, such as …"

Jeremy was very angry when he suddenly stopped talking.

"Like what?"

"You meet the partner of fate. In this case, if you are not sedated, you will get hot as soon as you smell each other. But meet again later until you get used to each other." Except in the recent period before the Heat broke out, if you receive anti-tumor drugs, you can keep calm. "

No wonder Chris didn't have any symptoms when he went to see him this morning. Perhaps because he was very close to Chris and sedated him, nothing happened like the first meeting. But when the other party spoke again, he had to frown.

"But it's not so bad because seeing the alpha matches the chemical and sometimes causes some heat symptoms. I haven't developed this drug yet because I don't know who your fate is, so I developed it as a whole."

"Then why don't you do it so well?"

But now it seems that young doctors have become accustomed to this behavior.

"Normally, Omega doesn't smell alpha. When alpha matches the chemicals in your body, you smell it. It takes time to study how high your level of chemical compatibility is before you can start the experiment of drug development."

As Chris said, there is nothing wrong with chemicals, and Jeremy wants to make a mess of the house, but he can only close his eyelids. Try to stay calm, although his hands are starting to tremble now, before he hears Matthew's voice in both ears.

"I told you, it's not easy to fight instinct. Suddenly an accident like this will calm things down. It will take a long time besides the backup plan for Jeremy to escape. Do you have any other plans, Mr. Mersey?"

Jerome nodded. He was ready as soon as he knew what had happened.

"Rumors make you understand that you are an Omega. No one but us knows that my son is an Omega yet. If you can do this, it will not be difficult."

Jerome's answer silenced everyone. As he said, it is not difficult to make up stories. Just ordering everyone here to shut up and let rumors. No one knows who causes the pheromone smell. Easier. Jeremy and other alpha institutions. But never showed symptoms when he showed up. This is not difficult to understand.

"And after that?" Matthew asked again, making Jerome look at it.

"Go and take it. Do whatever you do. Just produce drugs as soon as possible." Orders. "It" doesn't mean anyone but Chris.

Before the conversation continued, the doctor nodded suddenly. Jeremy couldn't stand it. He wants to have a rest. However, I can't imagine whether his chemical polarity match with Chris is a problem.

... . Yes, yes, this is a big problem.

Although there is no law, the chemical polarities of Alpha and Omega must match. But he knew that it was one thing that attracted them, no matter how hard they tried to escape or were unwilling. Even if they don't have souls, their bodies can't resist this attraction. Like his first meeting with Chris, Jeremy has reached the point of happiness when the other party has done nothing, which is why he is called "the companion of fate".

When I realized that I was Alpha, I was relieved that I had no partner of fate, and even if I did, there was no risk, because Omega was only a small part, but when I realized that it was Omega. I know, because he found the mate of fate, it made him want to go to prison and kill his own people.

Without you, I wouldn't be in such a terrible situation!

You deserve it, Chris Fox!

At Jerome's command, the invention and development of painkillers for his beloved son began. From then on, Jeremy was no longer allowed to study in the college. His daily life has been adjusted according to the doctor's schedule, and he is called mouse. He must obey the rules, whether he gets up. . . Eat. . . Exercise. . . Everything must be on time. Repeated, must be placed according to the item, without sound right, which makes him uncomfortable and can barely breathe.

It's like going to jail. . .

Jeremy couldn't help feeling this feeling, and was asked more. . .

"In the meantime, don't go out at will unless you can be sure that no one knows about you."

Jeremy has stayed at home until now, and his home is like a prison. To make matters worse, after a few weeks of regular living, Jerome told him to prepare to check blood samples and hormone levels. If this is not a man named Chris, he will have no problem. But it was all inevitably intertwined, and Jeremy almost broke the house as soon as he knew it, thanks to his father's fear. But when Jerome reminds himself if he doesn't make the plan, Jeremy agrees, but well, though reluctant.