Chapter 14

What got him removed from the family, registered by Omega, auctioned, or disposed of or something like that? You think he will degenerate himself!

That's why Jumpuk sits in the waiting room of the hospital, known as Mahanakhon Pearl's largest medical technology center. Only the Alpha team, but he didn't come during business hours like everyone else, but at night, of course, smuggled in.

Jerome's influence and power satisfied everything. As long as Matthew knew what he wanted, Pearl's health minister assigned him everything. The medical specialists experienced in the Jeremy treatment program are ready to act on the master's orders.

But not only that. . . Not only those people, but others were taken away by Jerome's power.

He was called a mouse. . . Chris Fox.

Jerome ordered his close warden to order him to take a felony prisoner to the hospital. Although Chris didn't want to come, when he knew why he was called, he was adamant.

Impotent, impotent, impotent, impotent, impotent, impotent, impotent, impotent, impotent, impotent.

That's why I sat in an empty observation room with only one bed, two chairs and a white table connected. There is a loudspeaker around, which is used to listen to the voices of those behind the big glass. It can only see one side and make a sound through the microphone. Chris, who was arrested, changed his clothes from prisoners' clothes to patients' clothes, which were more like mental patients' clothes, because his arm was strangled before he was ordered to sit in a chair, so he could not move. Suddenly, the guards and hospital staff nailed him to the chair again. It's all about Jeremy's safety in case a prisoner like him wants to hurt him, even if the accusation is a political consequence.

Christo couldn't think that the person who would get hurt in this room might be Jeremy. In the previous conversation, the other person was dissatisfied that he was the partner of his own destiny, although he didn't want to be such a person. And the reason for this meeting was Jeremy's development of a heat sedative in response to his pheromone odor, and Chris realized that things weren't as good as he had predicted. It was not long before a man in a patient's suit appeared in his room, and as soon as his eyes were opened, his face grew more sombre, followed by another heap of disturbing swearing. It was not until Jerome looked at his son through a mirror and warned him with a microphone that his voice quieted down.

"Hi," but Chris wasn't quiet.

I really didn't say hello. Just trying to relieve Jeremy's stress. Look at each other's faces. Terrible point, almost killed him.

But Jeremy didn't answer, looked at it, and then said it to Chris again.

"We meet again."

Jeremy didn't speak, stared coldly, and left Chris to speak alone.

"Bring me to develop drugs for you."

Needless to say, Jeremy knew what medicine, but it upset him more than ever.

"Shut up if you want to bite the guard's child."

Krishna uttered another rude and insulting remark, but he was not interested in what he heard, and sat there until the doctor came to explain what had happened in the next few seconds.

"Why are you doing this damn thing?" Jeremy muttered to himself after a doctor had explained.

He already knew he would be in this room because Jerome wanted him to show heat and release pheromones while smelling pheromones from fate mate Chris to develop drugs. I knew it would help him, but it hurt me when I thought he was happy and young people didn't even touch it.

He is also an Omega, which is not enough.

My whole alpha life suddenly changed because of Chris's appearance, which is unacceptable in any case!

Now, his eyes are angrily looking at a doctor who is injecting his arm with a heat irritant, and then the doctor who is outside with his father guarding the main operation orders him to start everything by the department. Chris could only sit and watch him, he didn't want to do such a thing, but his choice had been lost, his freedom had been lost, and the right to ask for anything was no longer as humble as human beings, so he could only let it go. Whoever wants to do whatever he wants.

... . Just now. When given the chance, a young man will take back everything that belongs to him.

"After this time, you will have fever symptoms. It may be a little torturing, but be patient. If the pheromone is released to the limit, I will take a blood sample, check his hormone levels, and then inject him with painkillers," the doctor said.

Jeremy looked up and uttered a rude voice. "Do whatever you want, don't get too bored."

He nodded and said that when he had finished his task, he went out and observed through the window, leaving the two young men sitting face to face, with Chris still expressionless. When Jeremy stared at each other eating blood and meat, the young prisoner opened his eyes fearlessly, and he couldn't stand it.

"What are you looking at, don't you want to die?" Even if you can't kill me, I will threaten you.

Chris rolled his eyes and raised his mouth like a smile, which made Jeremy feel twice as angry. In fact, he didn't mean to provoke, but he was a little funny about the behavior of the people in front of him.

Not mature. . .

Not as mature as the young prisoner thought, just a small smile would drive Jeremy mad with annoyance, glad that the doctor's voice came out of the observation room speaker. Atmospheric pressure has been diluted a little.

"After about 15 minutes, the medicine will work, Mr. Morsi, please stay awake."

Everybody outside stood there waiting for the next thing to happen, but Jeremy wanted it to be over, even though he understood why he had to let himself fall into the Heat again. But. . . What does it matter if you get hot in front of this guy!

Although he was very cooperative, Chris didn't do anything to offend him. Jeremy just felt that the people in front of him always upset him.

Actually. . . It's just a shame, just smelling each other's taste will make you happy, which is too painful!

However, he pretended to sit still and try to control his emotions. Only when Chris noticed the symptoms that the other person's face began to turn red due to the rising temperature did he suddenly say hello.

"Control yourself, only you are not tied." He moved gently and saw that he was nailed. If he responded to pheromones, he could not move.

Jeremy Lin said, just like being left out, clenched his teeth, stared at each other and "shut up".