Chapter 15

Chris kept silent in the threat, then sat there, waiting for Jeremy's eyes to observe. After a while, the pheromone begins to work, and his nose smells a sweet smell, which then becomes more pungent. Jeremy's symptoms were several times more than before, initially just blushing, then spreading to his throat and ears. Hot air permeates all parts of the body, the center of sexual desire becomes active, and breathing becomes rapid. He hates this crazy symptom that he can't control. Strictly resisted, but could not help it any longer. He staggered to the table, his hands clenched tightly in front of him, and his face turned pale.

Torture. . . Tortured almost crazy, he may really be crazy. His brain suddenly blurred when his nose smelled Chris's pheromone releasing automatically and this scent from Jeremy reacted. The slender eyes drooped, staring at the handsome face.

Chris didn't make eye contact at all. His red face and some uncomfortable movements showed that he was suffering, but his mood was better. As for Jeremy. . . Has collapsed.

"I... can't." A huge body groaned, trying to get up and go out. He is in urgent need of an injection of painkillers. But when he got up from his chair, his legs trembled and he knelt on the ground. Unfortunately, it was so close to Chris's chair when he fell that his nose smelled the double scent of fate.

Jeremy tries to get back on his feet, reaching out and grabbing each other's ankle, trying to support himself with it, but suddenly he loses control and looks up into Chris's eyes as everything spins.

"Ah... Chris..." I accidentally called each other's names in my mouth.

Chris didn't respond, just panting, and Jeremy slowly pushed himself forward and pressed his face against his stomach.

"I can't take it anymore..." Then there was moaning.

This action made Chris cringe a little, and then to his surprise, he suddenly heard a strange sound slip out of the lips of the man kneeling in front of him.

"Ah..." A huge body twitched, two strong arms tightly supported Chris's back plate, and his face pressed against his abdomen. This situation makes the young man realize that Jeremy has reached the level he wants, and no one touches his body again, which is why the smell of young Omega pheromones is fully released.

When the sweet smell drifted into his nose, Chris suddenly turned black, and he was also greatly stimulated, and his thick lips clung together and became pale and uneasy. Moving the chair, struggling to get himself out of all the bondage, to instinctively satisfy his body in his lap.

Almost went crazy. Fortunately, nothing has happened yet. I can only stagger, just like struggling from pulling. A medical team wearing a pheromone filter mask entered the observation room, quickly drew blood and measured Chris's hormone levels in a short time. Jeremy was quickly carried to the bed in the room and immediately sedated the Heat.

During that time, both young men went through many hardships, when everything calmed down. Then they regained consciousness and vividly recalled what had happened a few minutes earlier, and Chris spoke ill of him, and he breathed a sigh of relief. I can't imagine how bad it would be if he went on the rampage in response to each other's Heat, even if he and Jeremy were each other's destiny.

The duality of fate is very dangerous.

"You're done, wait a minute, I'll have the guards take you back," said the doctor, who had just injected Chris with an omega anti-pheromone.

Chris nodded before the other person turned to tell Jeremy something.

"As for Mr. Mercenon, please take a break and wait until the medication is fully used before leaving, or others will panic."

Jeremy, no, no, no, tell the doctor to leave the room after explaining. When he and Jeremy are now fully awake, Chris can't help but say, of course, about things before. . .

"You just..."

"Shut your rotten mouth and don't spit out anything." Before he could say anything, Jeremy's wobbly forehead broke out.

In fact, Chris meant to apologize for something bad happened to Jeremy accidentally, because he knew how painful the other party was. After realizing that he was Omega, even though he knew that he was Alpha, he had strange symptoms repeatedly all his life. Unfortunately, when Jeremy said this, Chris's sympathy changed into another way, with his mouth raised and smiling.

"Just said the pants were wet."

I said don't spit anything out. What kind of trouble are you looking for, you bastard!

Jeremy nodded, grabbed the pillow and threw it hard at each other. Chris, whose arms were tied up, couldn't dodge well, just turned around and smashed the pillow into one and a half of his face. Glancing at the culprit, Jeremy was raising his middle finger.

"Go to hell."

It's rude. This is a good root from Pearl Alpha family. . .

Whether Alpha or Omega, his rudeness caused Chris to sigh again, frightening Jeremy out of breath.

"What's the problem?"

"I just feel how sad your parents will be to have children like this."

I don't know what it is, but it's not a good thing. This made Jeremy want to find something to put in front of him, his hand almost grabbing the table and putting Jerome's voice through the microphone.

"Well, stop playing. We have work to do."

Jeremy fought for a little while, then he agreed, but he was delighted when doctors and paramedics examined him again and removed him from the observation room. Let Chris sit there until the guards come to help him untie him, change and go back to prison.

After his date with Chris, Jeremy never returned to school until a month later, when his disappearance surprised his classmates. But it was only in the early stages, with rumours being spread that "bitter rivals" like him were humiliated by the odor response to the Omega pheromone because the man's notoriety had been heard all the time. There is also a story that he didn't respond to stimulation. Young people with this symptom feel more special than other alphas.

In fact, all alphas do not respond to Omega pheromones. Only Albert knows the truth. He is not happy to hear about his best friend. If, but don't say anything. Realize Jeremy's safety. Above all, his father's safety. If anyone knows the secret between his father and Jeremy. His family will be in trouble.

It's good that Jeremy's story hasn't been discussed for long throughout the institution, when that prisoner was replaced, yes. . . Chris Fox, now this young man is widely mentioned, is not actually Alpha. This is an Omega adopted by the Fox family in Dean D.C..

Glad everyone was talking about it, so Jeremy came back and was very unhappy. . . Very unhappy.