Chapter 16

"Are you all right? If you are all right, will you go out?" Jeremy kept his face on the table after waiting for the teacher in class this morning. Albert could not help but skip classes, and though he was usually trying to dissuade him, he felt sympathy to see his friends in such a way.

Jeremy Mersey can't do this. . .

In the past period of time, Jeremy still can't accept his situation. He didn't want to do anything when he realized what the drugs he injected every day were for, and wanted to lock himself up in his room all day. I don't want to meet people anymore, because my mood is unstable recently, but I still want to return to normal life, and I don't want others to notice Jerome's worries. But it was not easy to control his emotions, and even Albert himself angered Jeremy. The other party also waved to the other party to go away, not wanting to vent their emotions on friends who are worried about themselves.

But when Albert repeated the same question, he raised his head and growled.

"Go away, don't you understand?"

Not only Albert, but also the rest of the class was startled. Before Jeremy sucked into his lungs and made a steady sound, the noise around him quieted down like a cemetery.

"Sorry, it's too hot."

Albert did not mind; He knew clearly that the other was in a state of anxiety, and it was not a good thing to ask.

"It doesn't matter, I'm just worried. So, if you want to go somewhere, let me know so you can accompany me … if you want." End with this sentence, in case Jeremy prefers to go alone.

The young man nodded, and then muttered to himself, "Now it is enough for me to be quiet alone. Your voice really gives me a headache."

Albert admitted that it was not only Albert's voice that gave Jeremy a headache, but also other sounds around him, but it almost exploded. This is the voice of a big man with freckles on his face. It made him nervous, and he wanted to kill him.

"I thought where the bastard was shouting. In fact, the famous Mr. Morsi has been gone for a long time, and he finally came back, and he misses it very much."

Theo's voice. . .

Jeremy couldn't help knocking the man in front of him when he saw the other party and his minions coming in. But because his father's voice echoed in his mind, he was forbidden to do anything. Don't want to get into trouble until he enters the traditional alpha seal ceremony. In fact, this is an excuse for Jeremy not to get into trouble. Even if seal Alpha, try to make yourself no problem. It is not a pleasant thing to be stared at, because it will make anyone stare at him and want to knock him down. Therefore, people who are called by their last names pretend not to hear, but turn a blind eye, which satisfies Theo. Say it again.

"Your face is gone, your eyes are gone, for what? I happened to hear a rumor that you are ill … something is wrong with your body." Theo wants to talk about Jeremy's response to Omega pheromones and know each other's situation.

Jeremy didn't want to respond, but when he saw someone coming to him, he couldn't help but get angry and chose to leave.

At first I wanted to be normal, and once I met this, I skipped class.

The tall man got up from the table and was suddenly stopped by Theo.

"Where are you going? I haven't answered my question yet," he said, smiling and putting his face closer. "Why? Or your dick is very alert, which I can't accept. Oh, that's what the new one wants. Little girl, have you ever helped yourself?"

This insulting remark slipped out of Theoma's mouth, and Albert looked at him with his most disgusting eyes.

What kind of person insults others like this?

But not to say Theo, Jeremy himself is there, and if not banned, he might have knocked the other side down by now, unless Jeremy doesn't respond this time, try to restrain himself and say his voice is steady.

"Back off."

Theo raised his high eyebrows and laughed. The other party's reaction was beyond his expectation. He must have hit him in the face.

"Oh, it's just that your dick is old enough to grow up, isn't it shocking? Come on, come on, it doesn't suit you at all."

Jeremy knew that he would be turned against when he said these words at ordinary times, but now if the other party doesn't respond, he will be laughed at. I don't know if Jeremy wants to throw his fist in his mouth.

You know how many patient efforts there are to suppress your emotions!

Only Albert would know that his gloomy face and the clasped hands of his best friend were trying to dissuade Theo from remaining calm. It is unwise to provoke Jeremy at such a time. If it breaks out, no one can catch it. If it is too late, Jeremy will go, but Theo and his men will still stand in front.

"Hurry up and learn to be free, Mr. Mersey, lowly people like Omega, it is good to lie in bed, and don't tell anyone," his mouth kept laughing.

Jeremy pretended not to hear it again, but when his ears heard Theo's words again, he couldn't help holding a grudge.

"But the Omega is good for the Alpha. Do you want to try it? I'll lend you the Omega in case you're interested in the smell of pheromones, so that we can talk more. I'll teach you how to master your penis."

Jeremy trembled with anger when he heard Theo say this about Omega, which was more terrible than the mocking action, because when he finished speaking, he covered his crotch with his hand, which made him a little crumpled. Glad Jeremy was able to leave in time and then hit the bridge of his nose with his fist instead of his.

Before the huge body fell to the ground, the fist slammed and all eyes were cast to one place. As soon as Theo's face was covered with bright red blood, his nose came out of his nose, and his eyes widened in panic.

"Will... my nose! Ouch!" If you move your finger up a little, you will scream.

His friends hurried over and saw that the bridge of his nose was twisted, and they began to shout again.

"Hey! Your nose is broken. Are you playing too hard, Jeremy? This guy is just joking!"

Are you kidding or something? I know Jeremy looks scary now. The radiation of threat from him is like an cartoon, and suddenly it becomes more terrible. Thick lips also raised a smile.

"Then I will play with you!" Then he rushed in, lifted his legs and kicked his face full, his mouth full of fresh blood after he was hit by heavy boots.

This action caused panic and screams in the whole class, and Albert, with his eyes wide open in panic, turned to try to stop Jeremy, but his spine suddenly jumped when he saw the mocking smile of his best friend.

That smile. . . Really is the smile of death!

Without saying anything forbidden, Jeremy went further and further, kicked Theo's friend away from his opponent, and then turned and grabbed the iron-legged chair in his hand.

Albert saw his bad posture and suddenly panicked and shouted, "Jamie! Don't..."

But when Jeremy growled.

"Well, don't tell anyone! If you drown a pile at my feet, it's better than using an omega in bed!"

Then, the chair was thrown over Theo's body, and when the solid hit his skin, the sound sounded, and then, amid the screams of the abused, the sound sounded several times again.

I don't know how many times I was beaten. . .

I don't know how loud Theo sings. . .

What is the sound you can hear. . .

The sound of steel hitting meat,

Theo's crying,

Sound, partial bone fracture.

No one can be sure except to hear the laughter of the devil on the rampage in front.

Albert alone dared to hold Jeremy with all his strength, but he was dumped and knocked him over, and no one else dared to stretch out his hand to help him. Theo's face and blood were growing and he was hiding in the corner, only a few people running to find someone to take care of it. Theo's fate seemed a little late, however, and he was almost hit by the chair but still sober. Jeremy certainly won't let the other person faint so quickly and throw away the chair in his hand. Panting, I stood by and looked at my work. For an instant, my face suddenly smiled.

"It's not bad for people like you when they sleep hard at my feet."

Theo could have known Jeremy wouldn't stop. This is just the beginning. Look at that villain's eyes. Trying to kill him. This is a very painful way. Better calm Jeremy down.

"Yes... enough is enough... I think..." Said an apology, hoping Jeremy would ease his anger, but before he could finish speaking, his face was kicked so that his upper and lower teeth collided with each other.

"Leave your mouth in hell, you bastard."

Then he lay on Theo's body, grabbing his almost fainted collar with one hand and punching him in the face with the other, unreservedly venting his resentment.

Albert threw himself in from behind, hugged Jeremy and shouted, Don't scream.

"Jamie! Stop! Enough is enough, he will die!"

Jeremy paused … actually paused, if only paused, then turned, stretched, and smiled at Albert.

"I'll kill him at your hands. Don't worry."

I swear this is the most creepy smile I have ever seen.

"Go away, if you don't want to make me more sad."

Albert dared not say anything, but suddenly the command slipped out of his lips, let go of his hand, and lay on the ground without strength, watching his friend turn to deal with Theo until he fainted. Only the laughter in Jeremy's throat echoed.

More frightening than Jeremy's inadvertent realization that he was an Omega, he was terrified and completely turned into a devil.

Jeremy. . . That's too bad!