Chapter 17

Jerome Waipan was trapped by the Rockets, and without delay, he quickly stood up and took responsibility for his good son. When he arrived at the hospital, Theo was quickly taken to the hospital, and his face was even worse when he heard the doctor say that the other person's illness was quite serious. There are multiple fractures of bones, bruises all over the body, and almost no space. The internal organs were also greatly traumatized, and there was no hematoma or life-threatening. But Theo was unconscious in the intensive care unit, and the ventilator made Jerome unable to figure out how his son dealt with the young man.

Jerome not only hurried to the hospital, but his father also sent someone to bring Jeremy here. The young man behaved calmly, for he knew that his behavior had caused great dissatisfaction with his father. He also didn't want to waste time explaining anything, knowing that it didn't make sense to say it now. When Jerome was so angry, there was no way to hear his hurt because he was provoked by Theo, even if it was too much, and his father was not interested in asking him anything now. There was an angry look in his eyes.

It was a terrible calm. . .

It's strange not to be angry. He made all the efforts to keep Jeremy with others in Alpha Society smooth and very careful, and no one would know that Jeremy is the secret of Omega. Although I had warned you not to do anything to attract attention for fear of future trouble, this hot-blooded young man never listened and never realized the consequences.

It's his fault. . . It is his fault that he turned his beloved son into such a person!

But now blame yourself or anyone. Jerome only knew that things would get more complicated. Theo was the only son of General Drake Harrison. He was a follower of the three clans and of course also opposed leaders like him known as the opposition because of their conflicts of interest. Besides, he knew Drake was a condescending man. Even Jeremy, he won't lose face, and no matter how dirty Jeremy used to end it, he won't give up easily.

In fact, as Jerome had expected, shortly after they and Jeremy had arrived in Theo's room, the sound of his boots on the hospital floor rang, followed by a cry of someone, and they asked the first owner to calm down. However, his shouts did not reach each other's ears. His steps were quicker when he saw the body of a familiar man standing in front of the intensive care unit.

"Mr. Mercy," he said strongly.

The Mercy family's two fathers and sons turned around almost simultaneously and what they saw was a general with a face similar to that of a man lying in an intensive care unit. Unlike this, it is a smooth expression, showing anger visually, and it is addressed directly to Jeremy, and when his eyes look at it, it is followed by a follower dressed like a military uniform.

"I hear your son is the culprit." Drake did not delay.

Jerome already knew that he would face each other in this awkward situation and didn't know what excuses to make, so he replied.

"I'm sorry, I must apologize for my son. Of course, I am willing to take full responsibility."

Jerome's words sound disgusting.

"If my child is beaten to death, how should you be responsible?"

The challenge of wisdom paused Jerome for a moment, and he couldn't tell how Jeremy would take responsibility if he killed Theo, of course, even for such a serious injury. He doesn't know how to take responsibility. If the man lying in bed is his son, Jerome will also be very angry. Drake's feelings.

But Drake is a good goalkeeper, standing in front and listening to others answer questions.

"Hey, merciful leader, how will you be responsible if my child dies?"

After repeated questioning, Jerome learned that the other party was trying to push him to a desperate situation, and suddenly sighed angrily before answering.

"But is your child all right?"

Not the answer, but the answer.

Only Drake knew that Jerome wouldn't let him make each other's character as arrogant as his kind, even if it was his own fault. Admit yourself, but don't bow to anyone easily.

"Nice to ask, the man who was beaten had multiple fractures, not your child, Mr. Messi," Drake smiled, then glanced at the man standing there, his eyes smooth. "Don't think it's going to end easily."

Jeremy frowned as soon as he was threatened. He and Theo were right, so he knew Drake didn't like his father's face any more than he did Theo. I heard that Matthew and his father often discussed his conflicts with other leaders' families, because Drake often put forward his own party interest policies.

Drake did this to his son to make Jerome talk.

"How much do you want, Mr. Harrison?"

I can't negotiate in the ordinary way, to be honest, Drake won't give up easily, just wandering in unattractive deals. It seems that the other party will find Jeremy in every way.

To tell the truth, Drake's indignant eyes immediately shifted to the speaker's line of sight.

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't beat around the bush, you know how to deal with these problems. Call me as much as you want." Jerome repeated, clenching Drake's hand.

"I don't need money."

"Recently, I saw your project draft, and I'm asking you to sign off on the budget. I don't think this project should cost that much, but I think your people will be hungry. If you finish, I'll sign it."

The typical solution for politicians … is the dirty one. Jerome knew, but in his community, the first step in solving everything was to use money as a bargaining chip. He just provided what Drake needed most, making his people feel their interests were worth it, and even forgetting some depressing stories.

But not this time, Jerome must have forgotten that the general loved him as much as his only son, Jeremy, and that being proposed was an insult to each other's dignity.

Do you think he would sell his son's life for money? He doesn't want money, he wants to see the behavior of the kid in front of him! As a result.

"If it's not convenient for you now, I'll let you contact through the secretary..."

"I don't need money, Mr. Massey! I'm going to hold your children responsible for this!"

Drake was furious when he heard Jerome coming up again, paused, and vaguely guessed that it would not be so easy to see the general's angry expression getting redder and redder. As expected, Jeremy was not far away when the opposition shifted the target to the defensive end.

"You'll be rewarded handsomely, Jeremy!" Roaring and calling his name, at last the lad burst in and seized him by the collar.

Jeremy moved a little and looked at each other's close faces. He rolled his eyes and tried to punch his father in the face while he shouted. His face also resembled the man he hated, and if Jerome had left out and reached for Drake by the wrist, he would not have sent Drake to intensive care again.

"It's not appropriate to beat a child like this, General Harrison. If you have anything, just talk to me."

Drake glanced through Jeremy's neckline until Jerome squeezed harder and the pain forced him to let go of his hand.

Jerome smiled slightly as he let go of his son's hand. In Drake's eyes it was a winner's smile, a cold smile, unable to read each other's thoughts. Just know that what's in your mind is right in front of you. Not very good, not very honest. People like Jerome are called honest politicians who only consider the interests of the masses. But he is not a clean man, and if anything is in his interest, he will exercise power without any interest.

Just like any politician, only not as dark. . . This made Drake guess in front of him that Jerome would protect his son at all costs. He's ready.

What makes Theo free to get hurt, he will ruin the father and son!

"Your children will be punished by the law," Drake said.

Jerome nodded slightly. He had understood this step. Drake wouldn't be stupid and accepted his proposal... of course, he didn't play the law as he said.

If they don't reveal their plans, then they are over.

"If anything happens, contact me through my secretary. I have done my duty fully, and the rest will be dealt with according to law. Today I have to ask for leave first. I'm going to see your son the next day. I have to find Jeremy a lawyer first." Then he turned around, nodded and told his son to follow.

Jeremy glanced at Drake, who stared closely at him and suddenly followed his father, but as he walked past Drake, he heard the general muttering to himself in both ears.

"I'll make you never see the sun again, you bastard."

Jeremy just smiled in his throat, as if challenging "What can you do?" Then he walked on and asked Drake to visit his sons and watch them disappear.