Chapter 18

Jerome's silence exacerbated the hospital parking lot because he knew Drake would not play the law as he said. Such a man comes with anger and is sure to dig up everything about Jeremy. Think of this, what he is most afraid of. . .

... . Jeremy was exposed as Omega.

It suddenly struck me that it was wrong to try to get Jeremy to live a normal life, that he should have kept his son out for a while, but at the time I just thought that everything had to work normally so as not to be suspected. But who knew his good son had been in trouble since day one?

"Find a reliable team of lawyers and wait for me at home." He went to the car and said to the secretary, who was waiting in the car with the driver.

When Jeremy heard this, he tilted his face and muttered to himself, "It's no big deal, I'm just preaching."

Jerome turned around, and his calm expression suddenly became aggressive.

"If you were just preaching, Theo wouldn't be lying on the ground like that."

"It is fragile." Jeremy still said unconsciously, as if what happened was just a joke.

But it's not. This is a crime!

"Don't pretend to speak well. If it was a joke, I wouldn't follow it like this."

Jerome was angry at what his son said, but his voice was steady, but it sounded scary. Both the secretary and the driver could feel that Jerome was getting angry. When Jeremy came back,

"So Dad just stayed where he was, drinking tea and discussing trivial things with his friends, and so took me to heart, leaving these trivial things alone, because Dad interfered in my life too much. Is it Omega? If you don't arbitrarily give me an injection and pretend to be sick, it won't."

That's weird, that's weird, that's weird, that's weird, that's weird, that's weird, that's weird, that's weird, that's weird, that's weird, that's weird, that's weird, that's weird, that's weird, that's weird, that's weird, that's weird, that's weird, that's weird, that's weird, that's weird, that's weird, that's weird, that's weird, that's weird, that's weird, that's weird, the fact is , it prevented him from doing so.

"You'll think it's all my fault,"

"If you had killed me when I was born, or sold me to the slave market, I wouldn't have gone mad. Well, Alpha? What is Alpha? I just don't want the dignity of my proud family to be mentioned having a member of the Omega family whose duty is just to speak for Alpha, right?"

A vicious remark came out of his thick lips. Jerome heard what his son said and shouted angrily.

"Think about it, Jeremy!"

Plum blossom!

Without speaking, one hand accidentally fell off and punched his son on the cheek.

Jeremy, who had just been taught the first cane of his life by his father, sat motionless on the floor with one hand on his hit face. When the secretary and the driver came forward to dissuade Jerome, there was a salty blood stream from the tip of his tongue in his mouth, but it didn't work. Jerome now looks scarier and more aggressive than ever. A little impatient with Jeremy's evil deeds.

"Realize that what you have done is to get back at you, remember your bad brain, if you were not my child, without my blood, I would not look as black as you!"

His father never said such a thing in the whole process of raising him. Jeremy is really unbearable now. Now he thinks. . . Scared. He was afraid of the man in front of him. His father, no matter what bad things he did, never scolded him, only wanted to solve his problems, and was now impatient with him, and gave a cry before he gave a stern order.

"From now on, you must, under my orders, go from getting up to going to bed, and then roll into the car. I have a lot to do." Say that finish, you are the first person to get on the bus.

Jeremy gave a slight cry, pretending to resist, but when he saw his father's secretary nod, with an embarrassed expression on his face, and said let him do it, if he didn't want to cause any more trouble, the young man had to bite the bullet and get up and get on the bus. When I felt that there was a wall in the relationship between him and his father.

Jeremy came home panting with his injured face, which brought great shock to Maria. When she knew it was her husband, she burst into tears, as if she had encountered some special blow. Jerome didn't say anything. She didn't even have the consolation to let a distressed person keep describing and accusing him of hurting her son like this, when she may have forgotten to be beaten to the shit by fists. That blow doesn't compare with what Jeremy did to Theo at all.

The tension in the family lasted for several days. At first Jeremy was so disturbed by what his father had done that he said nothing, but he obeyed the order, this time not out of fear. But because the young man did not want to see his mother shed tears every time she spoke to Jerome, Maria was too sensitive to accept any other problems, and now there was only one small thing that made her cry easily. This is entirely out of concern for his son. Jeremy doesn't want to see his mother cry for him again, so she can only be docile and let her father take him away without any controversy. Even in her heart, she wants to go on the rampage again.

But when I see that tonight is another night without sleep, this thought will disappear. . .

It should have been almost a week since the day something happened to him. Even if he only slept for a few hours, he was not sure whether he didn't sleep because he was worried about him or because he was too busy. But I think I should worry about him. Sometimes I see him drinking alone in the living room late at night, looking irritable.

His father must care about him very much. . .

Never guilty, Jeremy suddenly realized how much his actions had affected those around him, felt uncomfortable with the situation and didn't know what to do. Today, too. He was uncomfortable because in the car, when Jerome was taken to the hospital to carry out the project of heat suppression on the fate of the companion.

Without conversation, as on arriving at his destination every day, he was taken by the matron to change and met Chris in the observation room. The drug trial went well and Jeremy didn't show any aggression. To the doctors' relief, they saw a calm young man, and only Chris was surprised and didn't see each other's attitude. After the drug trial, the medical team left them alone in the observation room, and a simple conversation began in the young prisoner's mouth.

"What struck you in the face?" With that he nodded and put the end of his chin on his slightly green cheek.

Jeremy turns to the side where Chris can see, looks a little at the interrogator, then turns away, muttering.

"Stay out of it."

Chris didn't want to be too busy either, but it looked strange to see Jeremy today. On closer inspection, he took his father very seriously. I think Jerome must have done the marks on his face. Before he came to the hospital, he had heard that the man in front had beaten the general's son, who was now lying in the same hospital, badly wounded. This may be the cause of a young man's conflict with his father. This made him think that Jeremy's behavior was a bit stupid. He also thinks Jerome had recklessly allowed him and Jeremy to do Omega trials in the same hospital, even though he was taken in the middle of the night and in secret.