Chapter 19

But above all, he thought Jeremy was a little silly, not too silly, and it was better to call him silly than to know what he was, and his father would stand up for him and get into trouble. This is trouble for yourself. He thought, there is nothing wrong with Jeremy's family, how difficult it will be to act.

Impatience, stubbornness, arrogance, conceit, conceit, frankness … all these behaviors bring trouble.

It's really troublesome. . . This leaves Christ unable to utter a warning, which is not a worry, just to advise you on how to stay smart in an alpha society.

No. . . Not smart. I have to tell you how to survive in an alpha society.

"I don't want to disturb you, I just want to remind you to be careful of your behavior."

When Jeremy heard, he raised his voice, frowned, and turned to look at the speaker.

"I said stay out of it."

"I told you, I don't want to disturb, just to remind you," Chris Garden "reminds you that you live to this day, it's not because of your father's protection? What don't you think you would be without your father? Alpha society is not as elegant as it seems, it's just been provoked a little bit, and there's no need to turn it into an emotion."

"What are you going to do?" Jeremy said distractedly, stay out of his business, but Chris wouldn't listen at all.

The young man sighed, and, seeing each other's rebellious expressions, did not want to say more, but out of sympathy for Jerome, as the villain's father, he was obliged to tell the truth, and it was not because of his sympathy for Jerome. Jeremy's situation reminds him of his father. He wouldn't live to this day if he hadn't been protected. Chris said the hostages between the territories were not because of Pearl City's suggestion, but because of his father's opinion. At first, I didn't understand why he used him as a bargaining tool, but then I realized, because I knew that Dieng D.C. could not stand up to its rivals anyway. To hold him off is to let him experience the terrible fate that has happened to his family.

... . Family massacre.

When there is no confrontation, at least one heir can survive. Not to survive, but to get justice for the whole family. That's to protect the beloved. His father's decision was wise, and he minimized his loss because he was too young and grumpy at that time to think as carefully as others. His political role.

What his father did was the same as what Jeremy's father did. . .

Therefore, what the protected person should do is to keep good posture, not to be targeted by anyone, and not to make enemies. If someone doesn't like your face, wear a mask. When you have a chance, you will find a clever way to get revenge. Instead of walking through the middle intuitively like Jeremy.

"I don't know, I just want to remind you that an Omega like you, if no one takes care of you, you may be on the black market, but you may be killed worse," said Little Lollipop.

Jeremy didn't think he was horrible, and while it was a bit offensive, it was all because Theo made him lose his temper. If he doesn't provoke, he will retaliate. But this is not a logical reason for anyone, even Kris, and Jeremy doesn't want to waste time explaining it to outsiders, so it can only make people feel depressed.

"If you don't shut up, I'll bite all your teeth out."

"That's rude," Chris said. "I'm sure your parents won't teach you to be such a person. They will be disappointed in you."

Not a curse, but a shrill voice, as Chris said, Jerome and Maria never described Jeremy as such a person, and it was entirely because he gained freedom of thought and action from his family. It made him a little manic at times, not completely unaware. This time, he realized why he was called a villain.

Make my father sad. . . Let my mother cry day after day. When he saw his mother's tears and his father's frustration, his pride in his terrible heroism completely collapsed.

He is a useless child. . .

Jeremy kept silent for the first time. He didn't show any angry expression, only bland, but there was a sadness hidden in the bland eyes. Deep down, he wanted to go back to the day when Theo was enraged. If he can do it, he will control himself instead of acting rashly as he did.

Jeremy's silence gave Chris a look.

"I'm sorry," Jeremy said to Chris, turning around and frowning. "If you feel guilty, apologize. It's too arrogant and nothing will happen. When we quarreled, we probably didn't say sorry yet."

"You have a good mouth. You talk too much. You are annoying."

Chris smiled when he saw Jeremy frowning.

Yes, as the young man said, he hasn't said a word to his father since it happened, only ordering him to apologize. That's why his mood is uncertain.

Feeling guilty, feeling down, if sorry, it's easy to say, for someone like him, he said it a long time ago.

"Go apologize, say whatever you want and do it before everything is late … just like me," Chris said.

I know Chris's history, for what reason he left his family, and he hasn't seen each other since then. Jeremy didn't argue even at the last moment of his life, but accepted his suggestion.


Maybe he forgot something, groaned and answered, and then leaned wearily in his chair.

Chris saw this action and wanted to know that Jeremy was no different from a child, but that the child was too stubborn and radical, and at the same time embarrassed his parents. He could not help feeling deeply when he saw the other person's kind expression, so he stretched out his right hand and motioned Jeremy to turn around.

"What?" When Jeremy was interrupted, his cloudy tone slipped out of his lips.

Chris smiled and said, "Do you need comfort? Hold on to it and I'll comfort you."

"Shut up, you son of a bitch." He dumped Chris's big hands, but didn't shout.

Chris was amused, and neither distressed nor desperate, Jeremy left the mark of a villain, which, frankly, made him want to pretend.

Like a teenage penis. . . It was fun for Mosuo.

Jeremy, who loves her and wants to pretend to have big hands, gently slides onto the blond hair of the man next to her. Jeremy quickly took a step back, showing an angry expression on her face and saying some bad things.

"What the hell are you doing!"

It wasn't because I wasn't used to doing it, but because I was worried that Chris's screams would cause his fever symptoms. The doctor said that as long as the medicine is not perfect. He will still have the Heat and fate companions without waiting for the Heat's moment, even if he has been sedated. Today's trial is even more unsatisfactory, and he is still waiting for the heat sedative to work on these two Chris alone. If his body suddenly reacts to Chris's pheromone, he will do anything without knowing it, which is very dangerous.

When Chris sees the other person shouting, he reaches out and smiles. It's a nice smile, but Jeremy doesn't like it.

"You are too stubborn. You are a cat, kitten."

Kitty? I don't think you've ever been scratched by a cat!

"Don't mess with me."

Jeremy can't wait to get up and hit the other person in the face. The other person pretends to be incompetent, but he still controls himself. Chris smiled, and after a while he spoke.

"You are very good at controlling emotions."

To say this just now is to deliberately let Jeremy Lin restrain his emotions, right?

Yes, of course. You're done.

"You have to remember that every move you make has a reflex. You are like a mirror, and your actions are a beam of light. If your action is not serious, it is like a soft light. If something is serious, it will affect people around it. Remember, you are not the only one in trouble, and your family and people around you will also be in trouble. If you want to get into trouble, you should be careful. When you have the right to be dug. "

"Son of a bitch like you, don't show up and teach me a lesson."

"Digging is Omega, which is not an interesting story." Chris, instead of stopping the sound of coming back.

Jeremy said with all his mouth that he hated Chris as much as he hated Theo, but his hatred disappeared when he heard the next sentence from the other person's mouth.

"What I say, whether you listen or not, it is your problem, and I warn you, except because of your family, because you are the companion of my destiny, take care of it."

"Who goes to bed, open your legs, don't say that again, you bastard, you are my nonsense."

Jeremy's dirty words made Chris laugh.

"If I don't lie down, my legs will stand, and I can't hold it anyway."

Instead of stopping provocation, it annoyed Jeremy, from the stench just now reduced a little, and now it became contemptuous of handsome men.

You lie down, stand, in any position, you don't open your legs! This is intentional! Say.

Jeremy almost got up and beat Chris with a chair, leaving him in bed like Theo, but luckily the guards brought him back to prison and he had a narrow escape. Jeremy alone shook his head in the observation room. After a while, he calmed down and suddenly remembered Chris's previous words.

"You are like a mirror, and your behavior is a projection of light. If your behavior is not serious, it is like a projection of light. If it is serious, it will hit people around you. Remember, you are not the only one who has caused trouble for your family." People around you will also be in trouble... "

It was indisputable until Jeremy put his hands over his face and laughed in his throat.

"Learn a lesson and let us save ourselves, you fugitive."