Chapter 13

He laughed at me again.

" I thought you will be normal after you lost your consciousness but I guess I'm wrong" he mumbled.

I don't care what he was saying. The only thing I must do is to find the soul and body of this poor girl. See, I look like a slave and a thief because of her dress?

I need to find her. I need Karl's help.

Ariana doesn't know where are they going or what can she do to prove that she can also a Luna of Anika's Packs.

They're heading to the place where their packs are in danger. She doesn't know how to do it but she had fate on her strength and besides, this is her body but with her soul.

She's in her wolf form. She's running with her slender and speedy furry four legs. Ariana saw Celine and Sebastian approaching towards a thick grass. They're now in the wilderness and it feels like they ran for seconds only.

There she saw blooded werewolves and some are still fighting for their life. We're in the east part of Miami and I can't believe, we got here in just split seconds.

Ariana as Anika PoV

Maybe, the one with a grey fur who's fighting like Athena was Debora.

I saw everyone battling the enemies which I noticed were black wolves. I don't know what they called but they're also like one of us but the difference was they have very black fur and red eyes.

I saw Sebastian, Celine and Debora have yellow eyes. I don't know what's my reflection is, since I ran away, I forgot anymore what kind of a wolf I saw in the mirror. But my white fur popped up after I shift to my werewolf form.

I felt sharp claws tracing the back of my tail. It's a black wolf!

" Rogue! Watch out Sangria!" Sebastian clamor over me.

Defiance flickers through my veins as a way of anger floods my chest. This one can never win against me. I'm their Luna and I will prove to them that I'm more than her duplicate. I can do this.

I moved my body to my opponent focusing my eyes on his claws. He's too big for me and base on his built, he was their Alpha. He's big than the other and I can feel the mobility of his wolf's body.

I restrained from the sudden attack of his claws. I ran behind him and bit his tail. It's wiggled in agony until it bleeds. He swooped in to get away from me but my canines were sharp to let it go. Instead, he uses his kegs to shove me on my face. I moved away and blink with my damaged eyes. It's a minor scratch was occurred by him. I will not let it slide.

My green eyes gaze at him fiercely and my canines are ready to clasp around his neck.

He was studying my movement and so was I. He growling like an angry monster. I howled with my soft and enchanting voice. I never thought that the sound of my voice became this magical.

I don't know what I did but my foe Ir let me say all of our opponents went to deep sleep. What did I do?

All of my packs who survive came over towards me.

"Sangria, we had no time! Let's kill them all except their Alpha! " Sebastian ordered me but I ignored his request.

Anika Perez maybe cruel I guess but I'm not like her! I'm Ariana Ferrer in my era and I don't do killings or sacrifices for anyone.

" Why? No need to kill them! Maybe they had reasons why they attack the packs while hunting! Right, Debora?" I asked her but she tilts her head sideways.

I think she knew what I'm trying to say.

" What? You can't do that! Our Luna is ruthless and heartless! She doesn't need sympathy to her enemies!" Celine protested in my opinion.

" What? I'm the Luna of these packs. Let's took them all and sealed them in our prisoner's cabin! That's final!" My voice echoed in the wilderness.

" Who are you? " Sebastian mumbled.

I set my eyes on him and just gaze at him.

"I do not belong in this world, Sebastian! I'm Ariana and I'm not your Sangria Anika. It's a long story so I need your help". I say and nothing more.

Debora and the others began to put the sleeping wolves in the truck.

" How about their Alpha?" Debora asked me with her confused glaring.

I made my way to get him.

" He's mine to investigate. I'll take him by myself " I muttered while placing the unconscious black wolf in my back.

Everyone went back to New York. Miami is a place for hunting but in New York City, a place for us werewolf to be part of mortals.


Two hours earlier

Argus POV

" Alpha Argus, the grey werewolves is approaching again in our hunting area! They would never listen! They want to get the whole territory!" My Beta Haru's links inside my head.

I was napping on my bed while thinking 5, about Anika. I immediately took off my half-naked body from my bed and commanded Haru my instruction.

" Slows them down! I think it's Debora again! How many times we talked about it but she's as selfish as their Luna!" I yelled and crossed his eyebrows while making his way to the main door.

" I'm on my way!" I uttered with sternness in my voice.

I took off with my Lamborghini car going to the east part of Miami.

I hated it when some outcast packs went inside our marking territory. This made me pissed.

Got out of my car, I quickly switched myself from my human form to a wild giant black wolf.

I saw my packs battling with the Canids, the grey wolves.

I saw Debora, the head of the Canids packs pouncing her hard head on one of my pack. I glared and growled in my position as I'm approaching towards her until I saw a very strange wolf with its two companies.

It's a color white glamorous wolf with eyes like an emerald. I quickly bit her tail. I bet she's a girl because Of her sexy figure.

She winced as I tighten my fangs and I saw it bleeds. She's leaping and bouncing until I let go of her tail. Her eyes glared at me indicating that she's angry about what I did. She whines pouncing on my back. She hovered her body above me until she began to howls. I heard her siren-like voice and I instantly felt the heavy feeling in my eyebrows like my eyes wanted to shut. Her enchanting voice put me into a deep sleep.

I was fooled by our opponents and this one made me think of going into confusion.

Anika POV (as Ariana)

" May I know where your restroom is? I mean, I was running the whole day in this kind of medieval era but I still haven't seen what do I look like!" I'm now a bit feeling itchy to my body.

Karl set a burst of huge laughter on his face. I don't know why.

" Why are you laughing?" I asked him while looking at my messy hair and fixing my dirty face.

He clears his throat and sneered at me like I was a clown to himself.

I hate people laughing at me especially those uncivilized people. I mean, yuck, I only act kind at him because I had no one to lean on here and call for help. Besides he's a good guy I think.

" I'm only laughing because you look like working as a concubine in the court. I mean as King Darius' pet. Did you run away from him?" He told me.

My forehead crumpled and my lips pouted. I put my head up to answer him. How could he call me a prostitute? I know what concubine means and she humiliated my personality. In my place, I'm a Luna of the pack and boss in my own company.

" What did you call me? How dare you! Hey, I'm not like that. " I shouted at him while putting my hands on my waist.

He became serious.

" I'm sorry but go and check yourself inside the restroom. It's right there at the back of the fridge, there's a door after" he instructed me in the direction.

I rolled my eyes at him before I left.