Chapter 12

Argus nodded.

" I met with Ms. Takahashi and here's her proposal. " he places the brown envelope on the table.

I frowned. I had no idea what he's talking about.

What do I do? I don't know who was Anika Perez? I don't know what she does or what was her role in her life?

I don't know this man too or what was his connection In her life?

I was only a simple and married girl from my past life. I ran away from my husband when I shifted into my werewolf form.

What if he noticed that I was not Anika?

Ariana Pov (as Anika )

I'm like a mannequin in this body with my soul. A walking robot without intelligence. A mortal with a fake personality. What should I do with this guy in front of me? I'm looking at the wall clock in the hotel restaurant and it's nine in the evening. Maybe it's time for me to tell him, I better go.

" Ms. Perez? Are you listening to me? Are you sure you're alright?" the Argus guy waving his hands on me like a crazy man.

I looked around and stare at him strangely.

" Ahm, yes? What are you doing? I'm just here in front of you sir!" I said but he looks like he's surprised.

He sneered and move backward with his back touching the back chair.

" Sir! You're calling me by that? Whoah! You're strange tonight Anika " he laughed at me.

I narrowed my eyes on him trying to figure out why he's acting like that. He looks like a King to me though. I remember my husband with his tantalizing blue eyes. If I could go back to the past, I will find him. As I'm longingly thinking about Arem, I heard howling sounds inside my head.

It's a call from nature. A call of a wild pack. Maybe a call for their Luna. I don't know how I tell this, but I was inside Anika's girl body, and I naturally feel it.

Suddenly a link from someone pinches my head.

" Luna Sangria, are you there?" I heard a voice coming from the east.

I flinched in my seat like something was forcing me to get up. I'm hearing the voice of my packs. I don't know that this lady was skin and shapeshifter too. The worst part is, she's the Luna of the packs.

I was a runaway and a coward league of a werewolf in my time so how will I manage this.

" What? Wait. May I know who are you?" I was hesitant at first to ask because he might think I'm an impostor.

" I'm Debora, Anika? Is that you? Do you sound like a scared kitten? " I nearly spilled the food on my plate after knowing that the one who links me was a girl.

" Ms. Perez, are you done? I'll take you home" suddenly Argus breaks our conversation.

I automatically nod my head and smiled even I'm still hungry. I want to go home and think about how I was going to solve this problem, for being in someone's body and who belong to live in this modern era. It's way too far from my said Kingdom. This place never exists until after one hundred years.

I went back to cut our link.

" Let's talk when I get home!" I muttered.

" Hurry! Hunters are attacking us!" Debora shouted like a tone of survival. I could feel the tension in her voice.

Anyway, back to being Anika Perez.

Finally, Argus Mateo brought her back.

" Thank you for the dinner! I said to him which he looks surprised about It. His lips moved to make a smile.

" Wow! I hope you won't change. I love the new you today Ms. Perez!" He told me while the smirk on his face stays.

I only smiled back at him.

" Bye!" I said as he was inside his car.

" Bye," he replied and start his car engine and vanished in front of me.

At last, I was left alone again. I go inside the big house and I saw a heavyweight guy who was sleeping on the couch.

Who is he? Another man again? I want to close my eyes and wish that if I peeled it open again, I'm back to where I belong.

When he slowly opened his eyes, he saw me and I just screamed.

" ahhhh!!! Who are you? What are you doing inside my house?" I yelled at him.

I saw him froze and his face frowned like he's not wondering why I was shouting at him.

He stood up but I'm positioning my hands in a fighting position like Jet Lee.

" Ma'am wait! It's me! Sebastian, your P.S!" He defended himself trying to calm me.

I scratch my head trying to know what P.B means. It's my first time to hear that dialect.

" P.B? What is that?" I asked him until an old lady came wearing a white dress.

In our time, when a woman or a man wears a white dress, meaning they're already dead.

" P.B means your "Personal Bodyguard" ma'am! " she said.

My face became red. I was like a crazy woman here. What kind of world is this? I'm still innocent of everything. I had to find the real owner of this body, I mean I need to find her soul.

I can't take it anymore. This place has too many dos and don'ts. I had to do adjustments to act like her or else, they will suspect me.

I fold my hair at the back of my ears. I shyly smile at them to correct my mistakes.

" I'm sorry ahh..your name again, ?" I mumbled.

" Sebastian ma'am!" He answered like a soldier. Very manly.

I shifted my eyes to the old woman. I smiled at her and asked her name too.

" And you?" I said.

At first, she looks confused but she directly replied to me.

" I'm your Aunt Celine honey. Anika, did you bump your head on something? You act strange tonight!" She said worrying about me.

The small visible wrinkles on her forehead twitch as she talks.

I took a deep breath. It's not the time to think hard. I'm exhausted from this and I want to sleep. I want to relax my mind in the meantime and wait for tomorrow to tell my fate.

" Luna Sangria! Where are you? I tried calling Sebastian but his link was a block and the same as Celine! Where are you? I'm trapped!" A helpless voice slipped into my head again.

I'm trying to stay calm. I want to rest but this voice called Debora to keep calling me.

" Luna? I think we need to go to the east. Debora and her packs were trapped!" Sebastian mumbled and I was surprised how he knew.

" Are we like a werewolf? Do you hear her too? Debora?" I asked him.

Sebastian and Celine look puzzled. Their facial expressions changed. They glared at me and walked closer to me. I walked away from them. My heart raises and beats like a drum. I think I'm dead here.

" You're not our Luna do you?" The old lady tightly holds my arms. I took it away but she's gripping it more.

" Everyone, can we go to the east first? I'll tell you everything in one condition. Don't tell anyone about me okay?" I tried to be cool and if not, they're going to kill me.

Sebastian interrupted.

" Leave her Aunt Celine. Let's heart her side later!" He said while his body slowly turned into a wolf.

" I hope you can be the best Luna like Anika!" Celine warned me before they ran outside the mansion.

I almost cried in fear. They found me. I'm a moron but not tonight. I need to focus on saving her packs. I need to follow them. Suddenly, I saw a glimpse of the full moon in the sky and when I look at myself, I'm now covered with thick white fur.

I have to prove to them that I can also be a good Luna.


The year 1970

Anika POV ( as Ariana )

I cupped my head because the pain doesn't stop. I slowly opened my eyes when an image of a man was here right into my face.

I quickly got up.

" Hey, what are you doing? Do you take advantage of me while I'm sleeping? " my voice roared like a tiger.

I remembered what happened. I saw the date and year in their Almanac and I fainted.