Chapter 6

It took me a while to calm my frightened heart. But my face wasn't rosy yet. If you see clearly, you would see a trace of paleness on my skin. Closing my eyes, I raised my body and rested my back against the wall.

That was when someone knocked on the door, gaining my attention.

An old lady—white hair adorning her head—entered my bedroom. She was wearing a big pink gown that ended above her knees. It waved as she walked to add me at a slow pace. Was she a human or a vampire? I couldn't tell. My worldview about vampires had changed ever since I heard that story from Liam's father, the old king.

I shifted uncomfortably, trying to distance myself from this unknown old woman. What if she was a vampire? I pursed my lips, thinking of that. But if she were a human, my actions would truly hurt her.

When did I become so biased?

It was all Liam's fault! I gritted my teeth in frustration.

"My Lady..." A soft old voice spoke, leading me out of my daze. "Do you want to take a bath?"

I swept a glance toward her to see a dazzling smile on her face. Her eyes were softened as she stared at me affectionately. Then, she put her hand on my head, gently caressing me.

The actions of this old woman baffled me. "Yes, please." The words blurted out of my mouth before I could even think about it.

"Alright, I'll prepare your bathtub." My eyes stuck to her as she slowly walked toward the bathroom.

It wasn't until she closed the door that I woke up from a trance.

What the hell! Did I really just agree to take a bath the second time today? What was wrong with me? That woman had just looked at me lovingly. Did I have to become a puppy and wave my tail behind her to agree with anything she said?

I rubbed my forehead at my stupidity.

But it did feel good. I pouted at my thoughts as I got up from the bed and strolled toward the bathroom.

"My lady, please forgive the master for his rudeness." She filled the tub with hot water as she sprinkled a drop of bathing oil. "It is easy to misunderstand him because of his rough tone. I have never seen him talking softly to anyone, not even his mother."

"His mother?" I raised my eyebrows at that. If I said I wasn't curious about his mother, I would be lying.

Daleri nodded and dipped her hand inside the tub, moving back and forth. "She was a good young lady back in the 1920s. I wasn’t even born when she came here with my mother. When I was born, I instantly became one of her favorite servants."

So this old servant was a human? Otherwise, who could explain the wrinkles on her body? Not even the king, who was decades old, had so many wrinkles on his body as Daleri. I let out a breath of relief at that. At least I had one human companion at this hell hole.

"Where is she now?"

A sad smile formed on Daleri's face as she continued to stare at the water. "She died decades ago before Liam turned ten."

Wait, I didn't notice it before. Liam's mother was young in the 1920s. That meant Liam was probably a hundred years old...

"Liam is a hundred years old?" The words flew out of my mouth, making Daleri chuckle.

"Ninety-five to be precise." She stood up and prepared a towel, hanging it beside the bathtub. "I've seen him grow. He had always been distant, especially from his father."

"Really? Why?" I stripped off my pajamas and held the top over my head, dropping it off on the floor. "Now that I remember, Liam didn't really talk to the old king at that time. And he was even surprised when the old man talked about his history."

"That’s because he hated his father."

"Why?" My ears perked up at that. A vampire who had just scared me to death a few minutes ago actually hated his father. That was the news! How could I not be curious?

The old woman licked her chapped lips and stepped aside, standing behind curtains. “As a kid, he would see red dots on his mother’s kid and often ask my mother about it. Back then he would only think it was because of a bug. It was not until his vampire bloodline was born that he finally came to the realization that it was his father drinking his mother’s blood.” Daleri sighed and said, “That was when he started hating his father not knowing that the process of drinking blood was necessary for the mating process.”

I shuddered as I imagined that. A five-year-old kid could be looking at his father drinking blood. Anyone would end up hating his father. But wasn't Liam a vampire? He shouldn't be afraid of blood, should he? My eyes narrowed, and gazed at the warm water as I rubbed the soap on my hands.

Seeing my expression, Daleri thought I misunderstood and explained. "Master Liam didn't know he was a vampire back then. You could only grow your teeth after you're ten. And that boy." Daleri sighed. "He had nightmares for months after that."

"So the Prince lived for ten years without knowing about his father's history..." I registered this information, imagining a little boy curled up in a corner every night. My eyes softened at that. "But that didn't explain why Liam hated his father."

"It was all a misunderstanding. You see, when Master Liam was nine, his mother suddenly died. Everyone said it was an illness, but Liam stubbornly believed that his father had sucked all her blood. That was when the hate was ingrained in his heart." Daleri paused. I didn't know what she was doing behind the curtains, but when she uttered words after that, her voice had a touch of bitterness. "There was no mother to take care of Master Liam when his canine appeared. Master Derrick forced him to drink blood against his struggle, and I just couldn't do anything!"

I sympathize with Daleri. Pursing my lips, I rubbed the soap on my body.

"Master Liam was a smart kid. He excelled in everything, but he was rebellious." Another sigh echoed in the bathroom. "But he didn't care about his father; neither did he try to know more about him, always believing in rumors."

Was that why he was surprised after hearing the king's history? Was that the first time he ever heard what his father went through decades ago?

"Melody was the only Queen we have ever had, who lived for not more than 15 years." Daleri went further to sit on the toilet seat. "What I don't understand is why did he think of choosing you? I was sure that he would ignore his father’s command like always. But then, he suddenly chose you. Why?"

How could I answer that? Perhaps I had the power to attract the devil. I pressed my lips in a thin line as my hands rubbed away the soap with water falling from the hand shower.

"Emily, tell me about you. I'm curious as to why he would suddenly choose a human partner and not even mark her for two days."

I was stunned after focusing on the last part. Marking? Didn't he already do everything he was supposed to not once, but five times a night? And Daleri said he hadn't marked me yet. Why? I tilted my head in confusion.

"That's another kind of marking I was talking about." Daleri sensed my confusion and said, "After that, you two would be officially married."

Get married? My eyes widened as I stood up from the tub and wrapped my body with a big towel.

"God knows what he's waiting for. But I'm really curious about you, Emily."

I pursed my lips and stepped out of the tub. Daleri smiled and handed me my clothes, walking out of the bathroom. It was a simple combination of a cream colored top and pink pajamas with flowers adorned on the surface.

"I was two when my parents died in an accident. And I don't remember anything about them except their faces." I wiped my body and took underwear. Standing on one leg, I wore it, grabbing for the bra. "I've lived my life with Gramps and Lucy. I love them, but I never thought I'd be selected by some vampire prince."

I muttered the last words that came out rudely. I instantly regretted saying that. After all, Daleri was like another mother to Liam.

The old maid was silent for a moment, and I opened the door when I was fully clothed.

"Let me comb your hair, okay?"

A trace of warmth flooded my heart. No one had ever taken care of me like this. My Gramps wouldn't know how to tie my hair, and Lucy used to help me with my hair when I was a kid. As I grew up, I ended up doing things my own way.

This was the first time someone was willing to take care of me. I smiled at her and nodded. Walking toward the dressing table, I sat down and saw my reflection in the mirror.

As a kid, I used to sit like this, and Lucy would comb my hair with her small hands. Tears formed in my eyes at her remembrance. Where was she?

"What about you, Daleri?" I asked her, trying to control my emotions.

"My mother was a maid at Melody's home before marriage, and I had lived with her since birth. After marriage, Melody brought me here."

"Did you ever get married?" It was hard for me to imagine an old lady living alone in the palace all these years.

A sad smile flashed on her face as she lowered her head. "I was until my husband died, and when my daughter was just three, I lost her in a park."

"I'm sorry." I wasn't the only one dealing with a loss, but somehow, knowing this made me feel more depressed. "I've lost someone too."

"Your parents?"

"Yes, but I was a kid, so I don't even remember them." A bitter smile formed on my face. "Lucy is the one I lost recently. She was taken away before me, and Liam didn't even let me see her."

This piqued the maid's interest. "Can you tell me the appearance of the vampire who chose her?"

I scratched my head, trying to remember the strange guy. "He was wearing black. In fact, I felt like he liked the black color way too much. That's all I can say."

"Black..." Her hands stopped while combing my hair, and I could see her frowning from the mirror. After a pause, she started coming again as if nothing happened. "Liam is right. It's better if you stay away from Lucy."

Stay away? Why? It was my sister! How could I stay away from her?

I turned back at her and caught her wrist. With tears in my eyes, I looked at her and said, "She's my sister. The only motherly figure I have known since childhood. Even though she's as timid as a rabbit, she's still my big sister. How could you tell me to stay away from her?"

I let my tears fall on my cheeks that rolled down to drop on my top, wetting the surface.

Daleri shook her head and twisted her hand out of my hold. "My lady, please listen to me this time. The man who caught her shouldn't be approached, especially because you're master Liam's human partner."

"Why?" Words choked out of my throat as I looked down, hiding my tear-stained face from her.

"How should I start?" Daleri pursed her lips and gently caressed my head. "He's George Evans, master Liam's cousin, and the second Prince, a leader of the Blark City."

"Blark City?" This was the first time I heard this name. I wiped my face and turned to face her, staring at her ignorantly.

"Chicago and all the cities near it." She started combing again as I faced the mirror. "Vampires have a different state border as compared to humans."

My eyes widened at that. I didn't know that. My curiosity increased as I looked at Daleri, urging for more explanation.

"That means the cities near Los Angeles are Liam's domain, while cities near Chicago are George's domain."

"That's right." She combed through my hair and put the plastic comb on the dressing table, patting my shoulders. "Do you know why the king of Vampires is more powerful than both George and Liam?"

I shook my head.

"Because he leads the entire USA. Master Liam is the next in line to become a king, but George wants the throne instead."

"But why? He's already a leader."

Daleri let go of my shoulders and sat beside me on the cushioned chair. "It's a political drama. Before the master was born, George was going to be the king. But something happened, and the title of the crown prince was taken away, giving it away to the unborn son who was still in Melody's womb." She paused and opened a cabinet, taking out a nail polish from the drawer. "Where we live is famous as Vance city among the vampires."

"But what does it have to do with Lucy? George is Liam's cousin, right? No matter the differences, they are still a family. He shouldn't have rejected my request so bluntly!"

Daleri put the nail polish down and shook her head. Keeping her hands on my shoulders, she said thoughtfully, "You don't understand. The hostility is deep, so deep that you will be drawn in forever once you jump in the lake of their hatred."