Chapter 7

That damned enmity! Even if it were someone who hated Liam, I'd still see my sister! Let's see who stops me this time.

Taking a deep breath, I turned to face Daleri. "Daleri, I know you're saying this for my benefit, but after hearing what you've said, I'm even more determined to see Lucy." Tears emerged and trailed a path down my cheeks. "She's my sister! And she's living with a madman. How can I stay away from her when I know Lucy would be suffering?"

A sob choked out of my mouth as I covered my face and cried.

Daleri patted my back and sighed. "Fine. But only we'll go only when I say. Don't you dare to run away from the palace."

I nodded and wiped my face as a smile stretched on my face.

But how could Liam just stand aside and let me do my thing? The next day, I spent an uneventful evening while gossiping with Daleri when a drunk Liam suddenly entered my room. As soon as I saw him, I ignor e his presence, and grabbed Daleri's arms. "Let's go. I don't want to see his face."

Daleri had just parted her lips when I felt someone's cold gaze darting toward her. It was Liam, glaring at her whole leaning on the doorframe. In an instant, I understood that he wanted Daleri out of the room. When Dwlerinsaw that, she shook her head, and said, "My lady, I have some work. Let's hang out later." And she instantly escaped.

I really didn't want to be alone with Liam right now. His drunken self seemed even more terrifying. And when I remembered what I had done last time, I feared what punishment awaited me. I trembled even thinking of it!

"Liam, can we just talk?" I tried negotiating. But he remains silent. Instead, he walked in, closed the door behind him, and took a few staggered steps toward me as if he was really a drunken mess. He looked at me with his half closed eyes.

"You're mine." He suddenly gathered me in his arms as I let out a squeal. "Only mine. And others can't touch my things."

"I'm not a thing!" I complained. What else could do? I felt terrified seeing his dark eyes. My body trembled, but Liam didn't seem to have any intention of leaving me alone tonight. "Leave me alone!" I struggled with all my might only to feel his arms tightening around me. He pressed his head against my neck and bit on my collarbone, making me gasp.

"Whenever I remember you kissing someone else, I want to continue to rub your lips against mine until your mouth has my mark! Let's see who would dare to touch you!"

This guy was a complete mess. What kind of things was he blabbering?! I looked at him in disbelief. But just as I was about to open my mouth, he pressed his lips against mine roughly. He took my lower lips between his teeth and sucked on it so hard that I couldn't help but whimper. But I didn't have a chance at backing up as he used his other hand to press my head and pull me closer.

There wasn't a little bit of distance between us and I even felt my chest constantly running against him! Damn it! I hadn't even worn my bra today!

Liam seemed to notice this as well as he smirked against my lips. His arm that was pressing against my waist went inside my dress and cupped my left breast, pressing it again and again. His fingers even flicked my nipples, rubbing them between his index finger and thumb.

This kind of stimulation was so great that tears emerged from the corner of my eyes. My arms latched onto him for support as my knees went so soft that it almost felt like a noodle.

And half a minute later, he threw my shirt off of my shoulders, still continuing to attack my lips and nipples. It seemed as if he was taking his revenge because of my actions that day.

When we both were done with our exercise, I found myself lying naked on the bed, completely exhausted and covered with hickey all over my body. I couldn't help but glare at the person sleeping above me. My lips were swollen enough to turn red and almost drip out blood

This animal! I cursed him in my heart. After this day, I kicked Liam outside and even warned him not to show his face again until I say so. At first, I thought he would attack me again, but he just nodded and left, really not showing me his face for a few days. it seemed as if he had realized what he had done in his drunken state and felt extremely sympathetic.

The only person with whom I was willing to see every day was Daleri.

"My lady, are you ready for breakfast?" This day, I had just gotten out of the bathroom, rubbing my wet hair with a towel, when I found Daleri opening the door.

"Yes, please." I smiled at her and picked up the hairdryer. "I'll be downstairs in a minute."

I blew my hair dry. As soon as I put it down the dryer, I heard her calling my name. Turning around, I yelled, "Yes, Daleri, coming!"

I walked downstairs calmly. Every step carried a rhythmic tapping noise that echoed in the corridor. I couldn't believe this is my life today. When I had just stepped into this palace, I was terrified to death, thinking the vampire prince could quickly kill me. But who would've thought that I would end up finding a motherly figure?

If it weren't for me worrying about my sister's life, I would have started living a carefree life at this place.

By the time I sat at the dining table, there was only Daleri in the room, serving me a plate full of pancakes. Looking ahead at the empty chair, I tilted my head and asked, "Where's Liam?"

"Master is out at a meeting."

I hummed in response, not caring about a certain cold vampire, chewing the sweet dish as it rolled across my tongue, mixing with my saliva. "Say Daleri," I gulped the food and glanced at her. "How about I visit my sister today?"

Daleri paused her hands and frowned. "Let's wait for a while, my lady."


"At least let me collect some information?"

What information would she want to collect? I narrowed my eyes at her but didn't say anything, continuing to eat my food.

After an hour, I was reading a book in the bedroom when someone knocked on the door. "Come in," I said, keeping the book away.

"My lady," Daleri opened the door. "Get ready. We're vising your sister today."

My eyes widened as a burst of excitement flooded my heart. I jumped on my feet and hugged Daleri. "Thank you!"

She shook her head and patted my back. "Hurry up, girl, we only have two hours."

I nodded and rushed toward the bathroom. It wasn't until half an hour later that I found myself sitting in the car that wheeled on the highway. Daleri was beside me, telling the address to the driver.

"Where's she?" I asked, fidgeting my fingers nervously.

"You'll know. George's here in Vance City for a month. So you'll get to see your sister."

It took us ten more minutes to reach George Evans' place. And when we arrived, my mouth hung open. What I saw wasn't just any beautiful palace surrounded by bushes and flowers, but a gray building with four to five floors and a closed window, surrounded by dark green trees. If you don't drive inside the narrow road hidden by the bushes, you won't even find this old house. The glass on the window was even tinted with black.

I stepped out of the car to see dried plants across the garden before the house. Were there no servants to take care of this shady place? I frowned and worked across the path, filled with stones and dirt. Wrinkling my nose, I said, "Are we at the right place?"

I didn't want to believe that my sister was living in such a place.

Daleri seemed to notice my mood and patted my back gently. "Don't worry about your sister. She's fine."

I pursed my lips and knocked on the door. Not once, but twice, thrice, and when I was going to knock the 4th time, I heard 'click,' and the door opened, revealing a girl wearing a long-sleeved cream-colored top and loose pajamas. Her brown wavy hair was draped on her shoulders as she looked at the guests.

I could see the look in her eyes changed from fear to surprise. She widened her eyes as tears trailed down her cheeks. "Em-Emy..." She whispered as my name choked out of her throat.

"Lucy!" My lower lips quivered at her crying figure, and I was to hug her tightly.

I felt her sobbing on the shoulder as she gripped my top. My clothes were wet because of her tears, but I didn't care. I was relieved to see that my sister was alive. Patting her back gently, I said, "Shh...calm down, Lucy. I'm here."

As soon as I said the last word, her body stiffened, and she backed away. Her eyes turned restless, glancing outside before turning toward me. "You shouldn't be here. Go away."

Huh? My brows drew together. This was the third time I heard this type of sentence. I clenched my jaw and said, "What is it with you guys? Always telling me that I can't approach my own sister! How laughable!"

"That's not it!" Panic appeared in Lucy's eyes as she showed a pained expression.

I raised my eyebrows at her. Crossing my arms around my chest, I patiently waited for her explanation.

"I-I..." Her gaze bounced from my face to Daleri standing behind me. Lucy's eyes were restless for a moment before she finally pinched her lips together. She grabbed my arms and dragged me inside. "Fine, let's talk inside. But I don't have all day!"

I frowned at her reaction and followed her. The corridor remained normal, with a woman's touch. Gray walls had a few dark paintings hanging lifelessly. But it was cleaned by someone. I knew it should be Lucy. I turned my gaze at my sister with a complicated expression.

At home, the maid was usually the one doing everything. Lucy only occasionally tried to do things, but she'd rather stay inside her room. The only thing Lucy was proficient in was cooking and taking care of kids.

But looking at the house that lacked even a single servant, I wondered if Lucy cleaned it all. It would be a funny scene to watch the ambitious and selfish George doing small things like this at home.

I entered the living room and sat on the couch, followed by Daleri, who was unusually quiet. I wrinkled my brow but didn't say anything. I knew she was hiding something from me.

"How're you doing, sister?"Lucy poured water in the empty glass and brought it before me. "I hope the prince is treating you well."

I snorted and said, "Like he can do something to me. After trying to frighten me to death, he does nothing but to hide his face all day long."

Daleri coughed at my answer, trying to hide her laughter.

But Lucy frowned and turned toward me. "He's a vampire, isn't he?"

I nodded and sipped in the water.

"Then why aren't you afraid of him?" Lucy rubbed her chin as her sleeves dropped, revealing her pale wrist covered with red and purple patches on the surface.

I caught her wrist and uncovered her hand before Lucy could do anything to hide her bruises. My fingers traced the purple bruise that looked fresh. I couldn't help but squint my eyes at that.

She flinched and took her wrist back, covering her hands with her long sleeves top. "I'll prepare something for you."

"Wait!" I stood up before Lucy could leave the room. "Take off your top."

I had an inkling that she had bruises on her entire body. Thinking about it made me grind my teeth in anger.

Lucy stopped at the door. "I have to cook." And she quickly left.

"Lucy!" I raised my voice, but she was already gone. What was happening? First, the Prince rejected me from ever visiting my sister. Then, Daleri hesitated for a long time, agreeing to come with me. And Lucy herself didn't want me to come!

Was the bruise in her hand the reason?

My chest tightened at that.

"Daleri..." I said in a shaky voice. "You know why she has those bruises on her body, don't you?"

"Yes," Daleri said, pursing her lips.

"I-Is it, Evans?" I continued to stare at the empty place for a long time.


My breath shuddered as I felt a lump in my throat. Emotions swirled in my heart, making me harder to breathe. Why? What did my sister do to deserve this? How much had she suffered till this date?

While I was at the palace, enjoying my daily meal and service of Daleri, Lucy had actually been facing life and death situations!

Tears formed in my eyes, just thinking of that.

"Gramps, why did Lucy have to face such a monster?" I whispered to myself as a sob choked out of my mouth.

Before I could rush after Lucy, I heard someone knocking on the front door. I stopped in my tracks as I heard Lucy's footsteps, hurrying down the corridor, dashing toward the front door. She passed by the living room and unlocked the door. As soon as she did, I heard more noises of footsteps. Followed by another noise that made my breath stuck in my throat. It was as if someone had thrown something heavy on the floor. Then I heard low whispers and groaning voices coming from the hallway.

I couldn't stop myself at this point. I just couldn't. Someone was attacking my sister, and it all happened in a split of a second! So fast that I couldn't even react!

I grabbed a table lamp and gripped it tightly. Raising it in the attacking position, I walked over slowly toward the hallway, only to find an astonishing image before me.

My sister was struggling while a man wearing black clothes had grabbed her hands above her head. His head was in the crook of her neck. I could hear the constant sound of someone sipping something.

My mouth fell open at this sudden attack. I was frozen, and I couldn't move a limb. The stomach churned as I stared at my sister's body falling weakly on the ground. And gradually, she stopped struggling.

The man backed up and wiped his mouth. Blood dripped from the corner of his lips as he wiped it with the back of his hands. "That's what you get for defying my orders, bitch!"

That voice! It belonged to the same man who took Lucy away from the party. I couldn't forget this rough, husky voice that had a touch of malicious intent.

George had crossed all his limits this time. Not even Liam dared to suck my blood. Other than pushing me on the bed, he did nothing but speak and yell. If I had to compare these two, Liam was a million times better!

No wonder the old King chose him to be the next crown prince of Vampires.

My fingers formed a fist as nails dug in my skin. Veins were visible on my wrist as I glared at the person in black before me.

"B-But...I...d-didn-" Lucy mumbled through her tired mouth.

"Shut the fuck up!" His cold eyes stared at the woman lying on the ground. "I've told you not to invite anyone, let alone a woman! I saw female shoes outside! How could you dare to make a friend?"

Just as he raised his hand to slap Lucy's face, I forced my legs to walk over. "George! Stop it!" Yelling at the man's face, I glared at him, catching his wrist.

"So, it's you, our soon-to-be queen." He spat and snatched back his wrist, pushing me back.

I stumbled and held a cabinet for support. That was when I noticed the difference between Liam and this man. The prince had never maltreated me like this. Sure, he had gripped my jaw, grabbed my wrist tightly, kissed me, and fucked me all night, but he never stared at me with such a killing intent.

This man in black could kill me in an instant!

Fear gripped my heart at that as my legs trembled.

"You shouldn't have come here, my dear Emily." There was the sentence again! My stomach twisted nervously, waiting for the man's reaction.

Sure enough, George didn't disappoint me. He pushed down and had just lifted his leg to kick me on my stomach when something happened.