Chapter 34

The moment my consciousness returned, I felt as if a big boulder had hit hard and crushed my limbs so hard that my body went numb out of pain. I couldn't even lift my eyelids and see where I was, but I could feel a cold surface beneath me. A long time passed before I could move my fingers.

After ten more minutes passed when I could finally open my eyes. But as soon I opened my eyes, I could see nothing but darkness all around me. I squinted my eyes but I could still see nothing.

Where am I?

I wanted to mutter this under my breath, but as soon as I opened my mouth, my voice couldn't come out of my mouth. My throat was dry and horse as if I haven't drank water for a long time.

I could even feel something cold around my neck, but I didn't have the strength to lift my hands and see what it was!

That was when I suddenly remembered what had happened. I was with Liam a while ago when I was KIDNAPPED!