Chapter 11

Freya Rose

Tristan, Tyler and Cassie walked into the kitchen, so I put my phone back in my bag. I began pouring out five glasses of orange juice.

“Hi, Mrs. Rose,” Tyler and Cassie greeted my mom.

“How many times have I told you two? You are family, call me Eleanor,” she said while folding a tea towel.

“Sorry, Eleanor,” they apologized while taking their seats at the other end of the dining table. Tristan sniggered as he picked up the plates of pancakes from the worktop. He walked over to us and placed them in the middle of the table. My mom followed over and sat in an empty seat to my right. Tristan came up to me and held my face between his hands and then softly kissed my lips. I slid my hand through his hair and pulled his face in closer, deepening the kiss. I heard Cassie whistle.

“Ewww that's gross, get a room will ya.” Tyler whined in disgust.

I smiled into the kiss, pulled away, then laughed. Tristan leaned over the table, grabbed a piece of bacon and launched it at Tyler. I was stunned when Tyler caught the bacon with lightning reflexes. He smirked at Tristan as he took a bite out of it.

What is it with these boys and their lightning reflexes? Must be a family thing.

“Bro, you're just jealous cos you’re not getting any,” Tristan mocked then pulled out the chair to my left and sat down.

“How do you know I'm not getting any, hmmm?” Tyler replied as he lifted one eyebrow and then flashed Cassie a sideways glance.

Cassie immediately choked, and orange juice shot out of her mouth, covering the table. She quickly raised her hands up to her mouth and tried to stop any more escaping. Tyler patted her on the back, and she managed to swallow the juice that was still left in her mouth. She then began to cough a little as she tried to clear her throat.

Once Cassie had stopped choking, she looked up and saw, that me, my mom, and Tristan had stopped eating and were sat there staring at her with wide eyes. She covered her face with her hands and shook her head in embarrassment. My mom laughed as she stood up. She smiled at Tyler and then walked around the back of me, and with her spare hand gave my shoulder a slight squeeze.

“I'll give you guys some space. I’ve got to pick up some last-minute things from the store anyway,” she said in a calming voice, she then turned and walked out of the room.

Tyler was the first one to break the awkward silence that weighed heavy on the room,

“I... well, we... um,” he stuttered when he realized that he'd opened up a can of worms, that he was now struggling to explain.

He looked at me and then at Tristan, before lowering his eyes to the table and letting out a defeated sigh. Cassie dropped her hands away from her face and turned to look at Tyler. She cupped his chin in her hand and pulled his face up towards hers, then out of nowhere, she kissed him.

“Oh my God!” I squealed. “You two?” I questioned while pointing a suspecting finger at the both of them. They each turned to look at me and nodded.

“I am so happy for you guys!” I squealed again with excitement.

They both exhaled with relief, as Tyler looped his fingers with Cassie's. My brow then furrowed as I asked them,

“Wait, how long?” I paused and squinted my eyes at them then asked, “and why didn't you tell me?”

They gave each other a questioning look. Then their faces began changing expressions like they were having an in-depth conversation, but they weren't speaking any words. Tristan scowled at them for some unknown reason to me.

I didn't have a problem with them being together, in fact, I thought it was amazing. Two of the people I loved the most in this world had found each other and had fallen in love. I was a bit worried just in case it didn't work out. Because, that would make it very awkward for me as their friend, but I wasn’t that selfish to let my worries come in between two people's happiness. My problem with the whole thing was that they had hidden it from me, but why? We were best friends and had been since we were ten years old. Why wouldn't they tell me? Did they think I wouldn't approve? I needed to know why they hadn't told me.

“Hey!!” I shouted and clicked my fingers at them in annoyance.

They both stopped their weird mime act thing, then turned to look at me. Tristan growled at them and shot them both a thunderous look. They instantly made this strange whimpering sound like dogs, then lowered their heads in some sort of weird bow of respect.

What the hell was that? I thought to myself.

With their heads down they carried on staring at the table. Tristan huffed through his nose, looked away from them, then carried on eating his breakfast. I suspiciously watched the three of them and I felt utterly confused with their behavior. I skidded my chair out with the backs of my legs and stood up. I then bent over slightly and slammed my hands down onto the table with a loud bang. All of them looked up at me in shock.

“What the hell is going on with you three today?” I shouted angrily.

Not one of them tried to answer me, they just all kept staring at me with worried looks on their faces.

“No one's going to say anything huh?” I asked them, then paused for a response. “Fine, I'll go, first shall I? Why didn't you guys tell me that you were dating?” I asked as I looked directly at Cassie and Tyler.

I sat back down while I waited for one of them to answer me. They looked at each other, then at Tristan, then back at me.

“Well, we only got together a few weeks back Frey,” Cassie answered in a low voice, “Tyler came around to my house to wish me a happy eighteenth and...”

She raised her eyebrows and stared wide-eyed at Tristan. Tristan closed his eyes, pressed his lips flat together, and then nodded as if he now understood clearly what was going on.

More weird behavior! I thought to myself. What the hell is going on?