Chapter 12

Tyler decided to help Cassie out and carried on the story where she'd left off,

“One thing led to another, and here we are.”

I thought about it for a second then replied,

“It still doesn't make any sense. You guys never seemed to like each other like that. In fact, I'm pretty sure you...” I paused and pointed my finger at Tyler then continued, “had a huge crush on Amber Wade!”

His eyes grew wide in shock at the fact that I'd just blurted out his most precious secret. He opened his mouth to respond, but before he could, Cassie shot up from the table and screamed at me,

“Well Amber fucking Wade isn't his mate, is she? I am!”

Her words dripped with pure jealousy and dominance. Tyler gasped, and Tristan slammed his fist down onto the table, the sound of it made me jump back in my chair. Cassie instantly lowered her head down and then showed her neck to Tristan again.

“You've said enough. Go and wait in the damn car!” Tristan growled at them both.

He stood up and pointed towards the door. Tyler slowly got up, and they both looked over at me with a mix of apology and guilt written all over their faces.

“Freya, I...” Tyler began to speak.

“Now!” Tristan barked.

They both nodded at him in compliance and quickly scurried out of the room.

I was in complete shock. I'd never seen Tristan get that angry before, and I didn't know what to make of what I'd just witnessed. Tristan and Tyler have always had arguments, but it was just silly sibling fights and mostly ended up with Tyler in a headlock and Tristan tickling him or messing up his hair. But this was different, Tristan was dominating and stern. I couldn't believe that Tyler had just bowed down to him like that. He'd usually put up some sort of a fight, but he just treated Tristan like he was a king, or some shit.

What is up with that?

Tristan sat back down while letting out a frustrated sigh. He rubbed his hand down his face and then placed one of his elbows on the table. He rested the side of his face on his open palm and just stared at me. He furrowed his brow seeming to try and work out what I was thinking.

What am I thinking? I don't even know myself right now.

All I want to know was why my best friends felt like they needed to hide their relationship from me. I was also wondering what the hell just happened between my boyfriend and my friends.

Why did Tristan get so angry? Why did Cassie and Tyler bow their heads to him?

Those were just a few things I want answers to, and I was determined to get them out of Tristan.

“So?” I asked him as I sat further back in my chair, firmly folded my arms and raised my eyebrow at him.

He huffed at me then closed his eyes. I ignored his childish reaction and asked,

“What was all that about?”

“What was all what about baby?” He asked casually while sitting back up in his chair.

I took in a deep breath and told him,

“Well, I get that they’re dating, and I get that they got together on Cassie's birthday. What I don't know is how or why they started dating in the first place, but that's a question I can ask them later.” I took in a deep breath, and then began my rant raising one finger with each point, “this is what I don't get. One. Why did it look like Tyler and Cassie were having a conversation, but they weren't actually speaking any words? Two. Why did they whimper and bow their heads to you? And three. What did Cassie mean when she said Amber wasn't Tyler's mate, and that she was?” I stared at Tristan waiting for his answers.

He didn't answer me, instead he stood up and walked over to me. He pulled my chair out from under the table, picked it up and turned it around to face him. He then set it back down onto the floor, all while I was still sitting in it, and I was utterly amazed by his sheer strength. He knelt down in front of me and took both my hands into his. With a soft sigh, he looked lovingly into my eyes.

“Baby, we have been together a long time now. Believe me when I tell you that I love you more than anything else in this whole, entire world.”

He placed a soft lingering kiss on the back of my hand, and then continued,

“There are things about me and my family that you don't know.” He paused again to see my reaction. I stayed quiet and squeezed his hands prompting him to continue. “You're going to think I'm crazy when I tell you this, but I think it's about time you knew the whole truth,” he said as he stood up and picked me up bridal style. I relaxed and put my arms around his neck. “I think we should talk somewhere a little more private,” he whispered into my ear and kissed my cheek.

I wanted to argue with him and yell at him, just to tell me already, but I didn't want him to back out of it. I needed answers for all of this strange behavior, so I let him take control.

He walked me up the stairs and into my bedroom, then gently set me down on the bed. He climbed on to the bed beside me and turned his body to face me. He began to speak in his usual low and husky voice,

“Right, here we go,” he sighed and then blew a bit of his hair out of his face. “I will answer your questions one by one. If you have any more questions afterwards, then you can ask them once I'm finished, is that understood?” He said firmly.

He'd never been so authoritative with me before and to be honest it was kind of a turn on. I blushed and nodded my head in compliance.

“Good!” He said with a sexy smirk on his face.

I guess he liked it when I obeyed him.

I'll have to remember that for later.