Chapter 274

I slid down the car and cautiously made my way over to her. She grabbed my head and pressed it into her ample bust and I couldn't help but blush. She could definitely get a guy or two into trouble, and I made myself feel sick knowing that she was my aunt, even if it wasn’t by blood.

“It's nice to meet you Coraline,” I said as I tried to pull myself away from her death grip.

“Just call me Cora. Now come on, I'll put a pot of coffee on, and I bet you boys are starving. I'll rustle us up some lunch, how does that sound?” She asked sweetly as she ruffled my hair and let me go.

“That sounds amazing mom, thank you,” Evan answered excitedly, and as if his mother hadn't just tried to kill us with a crazy storm and aluminous green lightning.