chapter 20 Seducing

The news broke out immediately in the devil world that the mighty young master of the Shadow Kill Pavillion had been killed. Most of the people who held grudges against him found it to be a happy occasion and celebrated while some of the clever ones knew that a storm could have been brewing in the Shadow Kill Pavillion. The young master was the future Pavillion Master of the Shadow Kill Pavillion, not to even mention that his father was the current master.

These speculations were currently the hot topic among the gossipers who stealthily discussed this subject.

Lin Xi heard the news almost immediately after the soul jade belonging to Ge Ta got shattered at the Shadow Kill Pavillion, after all she was the "so-called" beloved of Ge Ta.

She was not at all surprised at the death of Ge Ta. To her, this result was inevitable since the stupid idiot went looking for death himself.

She gave it a moment of thought before going back to figuring how to achieve her goal of leading Yin out of its eternal seal. It was not the first time that someone had the same intention.

But the problem was that the scale of difficulty was immensely high. Despite the countless desperate attempts of the devil world, the seal acting as the prison of Yin refused to budge at all.

The level of power required to achieve that end was so immense that there was not a single entity capable of such feat in the entire devil world; even if there was someone like that, they refused to put their stakes in this venture.

These people weren't necessarily wrong in their stance as the devil world couldn't necessarily return to their past glory even if Yin was released. They were worried that history would once again repeat itself and their efforts would be rendered useless.

Thousands of years ago, the human world existed as the separation between two opposing behemoths; the Immortal World and the Devil World. It was the membrane that separated the Immortal World which was the residence of holy immortals from the dark Devil World whose inhabitants were evil monsters filled with destructive and demonic urges.

The immense grudge and enmity that existed between the Immortal and Devilish forces ensured that the two factions could not coexist together peacefully. Eventually it led to countless unstoppable skirmishes whenever the two met. The scale of these skirmishes increased gradually before they turned into full blown war between the opposing factions.

Countless sects from both the worlds took part in the bloody battle and both sides suffered huge casualties. The foundation of many sects was destroyed after their inheritances were lost. Some major sects were downgraded into middle and small scale sects.

The long drawn war resulted into unbearable losses on both sides until the higher ups of both the factions decided to stake it all on a final battle; their pride, their honor, and the right to have the ownership of the middle ground. Moreover, the losing party was not allowed to crossover to the other side.

The battleground of the huge battle was decided to be Earth in order to curb the losses on both sides as the commoners of Earth were nothing more than insects from a lower plane in their eyes.

The huge battle caused the world to tremble. Hundreds of thousands of roars shook the heavens as bloodthirsty warriors from both the factions rushed towards each other in frenzy.

Both sides were lead by various leaders who were both powerful cultivators and competent strategic commanders. While the power of Immortal World was spread out evenly among various powerful individuals, the Devil World mostly relied on the potent fighting force of a single individual demon, Ying.

Although the Devil World had several other powerful demons, not a single being could match up to the charisma and the might of Ying. Under the Ying's leadership, the demons fought relentlessly with madness and brutality.

The Immortal World sent out their most capable leaders to counter Yin and its destructive might. These sect leaders might not have been as powerful as Yin individually but their collective might was barely enough to keep Yin at bay and stop it from causing any further destruction.

As Yin was tied down by the collective forces from the Immortal World, the Devil World suffered at the hands of Immortal forces as the average strength of their forces was lower compared to Immortal World.

The Devil World attributed this difference to the lack of resources in their world. No matter the reason, they were at a disadvantage against the enemy forces and were gradually forced to retreat.

Seeing the fate of its subordinates, Yin furiously roared and pounced on the Immortal forces surrounding it. The result was a terrible massacre of the elite forces of the Immortal World.

Although Yin had gone berserk, it could not maintain the same level of power for long. Taking advantage of the fact, Immortal forces chose to sacrifice many of their own to slowly tire Yin out.

After Yin could not keep up any longer, many sect masters channeled their power together and were successful in sealing Yin in a state of eternal slumber.

The seal was so strong that despite the countless attempts of the Devil World afterwards, it still had considerable strength to instantly kill an Ascension Stage expert.

Despite the history of failed attempts, Lin Xi was confident in succeeding in this impossible venture because she had met someone who could make this task as easy as snatching candy from a kid; Zhang Jian was the key to solving this puzzle.

"I am sure he is the key to solving this. That power is not something that can exist in this world." That horrifying presence still gave her goosebumps.

She planned to use Zhang Jian to release the seal on Ying. It was a means to exact her revenge on Zhang Jian for defeating and humiliating her previously.

Yes! Lin Xi was holding a grudge against him. Lin Xi had tried to kill Zhang Jian before and failed. Yet she was the one holding grudge against him for defending against her. This was just one of the examples of how unreasonable women can be, especially beautiful women.

Although she was sure that her plan would succeed, she was unsure about how to handle the huge forces which would come to stop her in the event she decided to implement her plan.

Ying had been a menace for the Immortal World and Earth was the colony of the Immortal forces. The slumbering Immortals on Earth were sure to show up.

"Since I can't deal with them on my own, I have to create a distraction; a distraction great enough to divert the attention of all the powerful figures on Earth." Lin Xi thought to herself with a serious look on her face.

It was a moment before the serious look on her face turned into an enigmatic smile before she muttered to herself in a low tone, "Purple Sect…Yes, Purple Sect….seems like I will have to make do with you."

This was one problem off her plate. Now she had to figure out the solution to the last problem in her foolproof plan which was also the most troublesome one.

"Arghhh…how am I supposed to get that monster to help me?" Lin Xi covered her face with both her hands out of helplessness.

"Am I really going to have to resort to that?" Lin Xi slowly moved her hands down from her face before she clutched them into fists at her sides.

The look on her face seemed to indicate that she had made a very difficult decision after thinking about it for a long time.

Lin Xi had finally decided on how to get Zhang Jian to help her out; by seducing him!!