chapter 48 Bluebird's Dodge

As such the Fox brought out a pearl that was patterned with milky cloudiness in the center and placed it near its feet. It then raised its hind leg and flattened the pearl.

The pearl didn't release any explosive sound or some flashy firework but a jade around Ge Kai's neck started to glow like the moon in a dark night.

Ge Kai knew that this was a signal from the Fox, who had been stationed outside Zhang Jian's house. He hurriedly gathered everyone including the World-Serpent.

Ge Kai and the World-Serpent then led several of the Demonic cultivators to attack the hut in order to retrieve the Purple Sapphire in the hands of Wang Yan.

As it stood, Ge Kai didn't even want to take the World-Serpent with him if he could do without it, but according to his Intel, there was another master beyond Zhang Jian, Cerberus. Someone needed to handle it until Ge Kai could pry the Purple Sapphire out of Wang Yan's hands.

Bluebird that had just come back to the hut from Lin Xi's place was looking to rest for a while when an alarm rang in its head. It had been very perceptive towards auras for as long as it could remember and the auras that it was sensing at that moment were definitely antagonistic and one of them was even more powerful than what they were capable of handling.

It needed to inform Zhang Jian and Lin Xi otherwise, Lin Xi's plan might just collapse. Before going to inform them, it needed to gather some Intel first. It needed to know who the assailants were. As things stood, one thing that was sure was that the enemy was from the Demon World. Only they had something they needed no matter the power that Zhang Jian held. They wouldn't want to offend a master at Zhang Jian's level if they could do otherwise.

Its thoughts proved to be accurate as it could see Ge Kai and the World-Serpent leading a bunch of mongrels behind them towards the hut stealthily. What they didn't know was that a bird had been spying on their movements from the air, an angle that they were unable to hide from no matter what they did.

Bluebird wanted to stay a little longer to identify the strong aura that it had caught in his senses previously but was unable to find it any longer. Therefore, it decided to go and inform Lin Xi at Mount Xiaobie.

Fortunately, the Bluebird had flown away in time; otherwise it wouldn't have been able to. Ge Kai had messed with the space as soon as the Bluebird had left. The chaotic mess that the space had turned into was restricting the space around the hut. It was not only capable of hiding sounds but also of hiding auras and qi as long as they were not too obvious.

The Bluebird flew like the wind itself. It was not worried about Zhang Jian or the other residents at the hut after all; it only received mental anguish, hellish bullying and painful mind torture at that place. It was only worried that Lin Xi's elaborate planning and hard work would suffer a blow if that idiotic Ge Kai were to disrupt her plans with his stupidity.

Its lightning speed and the adrenaline rush helped it reach its destination a tinge faster than it would have at its top speed in normal situations.

When it arrived at the cave, it heard Zhang Jian's shameless and evil laughter along with a slightly low but muffled laugh that belonged to Lin Xi.

The Bluebird had been with Lin Xi a long time and it knew that the voice of laughter that it had just heard from Lin Xi was far from normal. It was like she was being forced to do something against her wishes.

Before the Bluebird could get closer to the sources of the laughs, a shocked and terrified shriek reached its ears which nearly gave it a heart attack. The scream belonged to Lin Xi. The Bluebird swore in its heart that if anything had happened to Lin Xi, it was going to fight Zhang Jian to its death.

As its vision reached the two of them, it was furious to see the scene in front of it. Lin Xi was sitting there with a face that was clearly flushed red due to shame and embarrassment.

"As I thought, this Zhang Jian is nothing good. How DARE he do such shameful things to my miss? He is clearly harassing her by taking advantage of her desperate situation."

The cup containing tea in front of Zhang Jian had been empty and the tea had been spilled all over Lin Xi. Her clothing at her chest area was visibly drenched making it fairly transparent. The wet clothes also elaborated her breathtaking figure. The Bluebird condemned the shameless Zhang Jian who had been staring at her chest with a lustful face.

The Bluebird was so biased that he had turned the situation that Lin Xi had carefully created herself into a harassment scenario where Lin Xi was the victim and Zhang Jian was the perpetrator. It didn't even see the cup lying near Lin Xi on the ground that she had used to spill tea all over herself.

It was so furious that it even imagined that Zhang Jian was staring at her chest after it had gotten wet, while in reality Zhang Jian had been looking sideways especially in order to avoid that scenery.

Bluebird took special care to avoid getting in the sights of the two and landed far away from them. In its overflowing fury, it had decided to keep the information about the attack to itself for a while.

If the attack under the lead of Ge Kai was successful, the advantageous party would be the Demon World and Ge Kai. The same would have happened, had Lin Xi succeeded in her scheme. In the end Demon World was the only beneficiary.

As the situation was going to be in favor of the Demon World either way, the Bluebird chose the situation that would save its miss from the harassment of the evil and perverted Zhang Jian. It was going to withhold the information from the two. This method would cause Lin Xi to lose some prestige and power at the very most, but she wouldn't have to suffer humiliation such as this at the hands of Zhang Jian.

Poor Bluebird never understood one thing that Lin Xi had in fact been the actual perpetrator and Zhang Jian the victim in this story. The unnatural expression that it had seen on Lin Xi's face was not because Lin Xi was being forced, but because it was her first time trying to seduce someone like that.

No matter what was the reality, Bluebird had made its decision whether out of fury or out of jealousy, only it was aware of the actual reason.