chapter 53 Peaceful Morning

Zhang Jian had woken up that day early in the morning before the lazy Wang Yan to prepare breakfast as usual, after washing up and putting on a fresh set of robes, he headed picked up a large water bucket and headed out in the well's direction to fetch water, he felt really lucky for having it otherwise he would have to go down the river to get water, such a bothersome task, it would definitely exhaust poor Wang Yan who struggles with pulling up a small water bucket from the bottom up.

He truly wondered how can someone abandon this hut with a well on its side and a farmable land behind it, it was equivalent to finding a gold mine for farmers, yet no one inhabited it for so long. Maybe the villagers were too used to their own homes, also it is a bit closer to the woods of the mountains so they have thought it was dangerous.

As he was walking towards the water source, he couldn't help but take a look around his current home, ever since coming to this world he never missed his noisy home in the previous life, and was thankful for whatever mysterious power that brought him here to live the rest of his days peacefully.

The shabby hut where the former businessman Wu Ming resided looks to be in a poor state, but despite that it stood tall and strong against the heavy rain and the scorching sun, Zhang Jian made a mental reminder to get materials for the old hut and reinforce the housing of his steward's lodging.

Although Wang Yan and Wu Ming were his servants by name and were supposed to fetch water, cook, and do labor, Zhang Jian still loved to cook, and felt life would be too boring if he didn't use his hands as much as before.

Cerberus was nowhere to be seen, he must be patrolling around the premises, Zhang Jian wasn't worried about him, the glutton will come running home as soon as he smells food.

With that thought, he made it back home and started making breakfast.

As always his heavenly hands made food that can start wars between cultivators without the slightest idea, the man just wanted Wang Yan to grow plumber and show signs of healthiness.

As soon as he was done, Wang Yan ran in excitedly like a child and threw herself to the table ready to corgi all the delicacies. She has been cultivating and practicing all night, and that made her extremely hungry. Even though, cultivators in her stage can go a few days without food or sleep, Wang Yan's stomach with too spoiled for that.

Before her hand reached the chopsticks, Zhang Jian slapped her hand and gave her two bowls of food,'' Go feed the pheasants and give Cerberus his breakfast''.

Wang Yan pouted and took the plates from his hands grumbling under her breath, ' they can wait until I'm done eating, she disliked the two pets for separating her and her food, she was soon again stopped by Zhang Jian's voice, '' And tell Wu Ming to get inside, we can't have a repeat over this every morning, he doesn't need my permission to come in and eat ''. Little he knows that every time Wu Ming entered through the hall, the pictures in there exerted a scary force, they were brimming with qi and he felt that he would be trapped in any moment, so he so much rathered to get permission by the creator of these paintings before stepping in.

Wang Yan did as told, and to her surprise, Wu Ming, was standing awkwardly near the door, how could her master sense his presence outside? He was truly a force to reckon with!

She shoved the pheasants' bowl of nutritious rice towards him and said '' if you're going to stand there like a tree, do something productive and go feed the pheasants'', Wang Yan didn't spare him another look and went to give Cerberus his meal.

The running dog met her halfway as he smelled the food from a distance, and wanted to go back and eat with his master, but this Wang Yan was bringing him a bowl to eat outside, he won't accept.

Cerberus trotted past her slowly to annoy her, and walked straight inside the house, Wang Yan stumped her foot and went to eat with Wu Ming who had just come back from feeding the pheasants.

After a hearty meal, the day started with a lively mood for Zhang Jian, and he felt peaceful.

He spent the rest of the day doing farm work and had lunch that he had already prepped in the morning.

After handling their daily tasks, it was soon the afternoon, the trees of Mount Dabie swayed under the gentle breeze, and the sun cast its golden gleam on earth on people returning from the fields in the nearby village.

On a comfortable chair that he made with his own hands, Zhang Jian lay down on her back with his eyes closed to the warm sunglow that shined through the window.

Wang Yan, sat on a cushion, right beside him, trying to focus on her cultivation, but she found herself secretly admiring the serenity of her master and how modest he was even if his power can shake the heavens and earth combined.

As she was shooting heart eyes towards the sleeping Zhang Jian, Cerberus who was napping under the foot of his master's chair scoffed at her attitude but didn't say anything.

At that moment, Wang Yan, couldn't help but take notice of her surroundings, Cerberus was napping near the master, Black Pheasants was asserting his dominance over the cowering Bluebird, who himself was a powerful demon, they all were high-level spirits, who can cause her serious harm.

To have so many powerful subordinates act like ignorant animals in front of him to avoid offending him, her Master was simply too great!

As Wang Yan continued admiring Zhang Jian, Black Pheasant's eyes darted towards her, and couldn't help but think out loud, '' this silly girl is hopelessly in love, and master seems to care quite a bit about her, I shall protect her for his sake to earn his favor''.

It was obvious that Black pheasant didn't mean for anyone to hear, so Wang Yan blushed and lowered her head to concentrate on her cultivation.

As everyone was doing their own thing, Xiao Luo made a quiet appearance, so he wouldn't disturb Zhang Jian's nap, after bowing respectfully to the napping Cerberus and glaring Black Pheasant, he beckoned to his former disciple to come closer, and whispered '' How are you liking it here ?''

''Master is so considerate I'm learning so much from him! I would never leave his side''

Xiao Luo was satisfied with her answer '' Good! Good! That's what I wanted to hear, no matter what happens, stick with him he'll be able to protect you'' Xiao Luo wanted to say more, but he noticed Zhang Jian's figure moving.

Zhang Jian was pulled out from his peaceful relaxed state when he heard a familiar voice, ''Old Xiao, what brings you here today? Are you worried I'm not treating little Yan well ?''

"Not at all, I know she"s in safe hands''

''Wang Yan is safe and eating well, you don't have to worry, I recently got some delicious pheasants that she liked so much, maybe I can prepare one for you to taste ''

Old Xiao felt cold sweat drip down his back, and nervously said,'' You don't have to trouble yourself, Master Zhang, it would a waste of precious eggs''

''Nonsense, I'll make sure it's a Pheasant that doesn't lay any eggs''

The gloomy Black Pheasant shot Xiao Luo a threatening glare, that made him shake in his clothes,

Seeing this Old Xiao jumped in place and said, '' Oh I have so much to do back at the sect, I only stopped on my way back after saying hello, if you'll excuse me now!''

Xiao Luo, hurriedly said his piece and rushed away, afraid of getting a grudge from Black Pheasant.

But Zhang Jian, as usual, thought the man was just too busy after regaining his health and vigor and went to prepare dinner.