chapter 55 Fence

Zhang Jian of course didn't realize that his fist startled everyone from their sleep, Wang Yan, Wu Ming, Cerberus, and Black Pheasant, thought that their master was irritated to be the one to wake up and make breakfast for lowly servants like themselves.

Powerful Masters had unpredictable moods, and even to Zhang Jian was nice to everyone during this period, there was still a marge of doubt in their minds.

So as soon as felt the vibrations of that fist, all of them scattered to their feet and rushed into the kitchen.

Zhang Jian not realizing what he has done smiled at everyone, but they still took it as a warning sign, so the usually lazy Wang Yan took out the rice and went to feed the rest of the Pheasants with Black Pheasant hot on her tail, and Wu Ming snatched, the water bucket and went out to refill the water, followed by Cerberus who didn't want to face the master's wrath alone.

Zhang Jian, waited for everyone to sit down and eat before he spoke his idea, " I want to build a fence around the property to protect you guys from the animals of the wildlife "

Touched by the kindness of his Master, Wu ming jumped out from his chair, " Let me go and gather materials for you then! "

Zhang Jian nodded a thank you towards him, as he got up to clear the table, but Wang Yan got up as well to help him, but Zhang Jian insisted on doing it himself.

Wu Ming, left the arguing two behind, as he picked up the magical bamboo basket, and went for the Black Pheasant that he previously captured.

"Master wants to build a fence, and he asks us to go fetch materials, hurry up "

The sneaky Wu Ming just wanted a companion along the road, so Black Pheasant doesn't need to know that the master hasn't ordered him to do anything.

The gullible pheasant, brought along his followers and walked along with Wu Ming, and they both headed for another mountain's forest.

" I lived in the area for a while, and I hear that this mountain has some good trees ", said Wu Ming.

Black Pheasant beckoned to his followers, " Let's bring back some good materials to the master, and prove worthy of the rice he feeds us, otherwise, that woman Wang Yan will eat it all"

The two had been walking for a while now, and they were yet to find the perfect tree for their master's fence.

As they approached a patch of land filled with trees, on the rocky mountainous area, the two paused for a moment as they gazed at the land in front of them.

It seemed rather suspicious, there were no small animals wandering around this area even when the area had the lushed grass and the tallest trees.

The sturdy plants in front of them seemed to be protecting something in their core.

Black Pheasant and Wu Ming locked eyes and gestured to each other towards the suspicious land, both understanding that there is a treasure hidden behind.

Forgetting about their current mission, the two-headed deeper into their new destination, and soon saw a clearing, where stood a huge tree, it's with seemed to have the width of a small village.

The bark on the tree's body looked strangely like an old man's face that had its eyes closed, the tree emitted a strong qi and wasn't like the rest of the trees surrounding it.

Black Pheasant and Wu Ming were lucky because while abandoning their main task searching for treasure, they found out that the treasure itself was what their master exactly needed, a good material for his fence.

The tree was the size of a small mountain that rose to the sky, its branches were as thick as what other people would consider a big tree, but strangely it had no fruit.

The two were disheartened by that fact, but still felt in a good mood, just chopping off a few branches of this odd tree, would be enough to accomplish their task, so there was no need to dig up, the enormous body in front of them, as that would take them days of arduous labor.

Since they intended to go back before dinner, the two approached the dormant tree with the intention of borrowing some wood.

To their surprise, when they neared, the eyes of the old man embedded in the tree opened and focused straight on Wu Ming and the rest.

" Who dares disturb my peaceful slumber ?"

" We came on order of the great Master Zhang Jian, to collect some wood for his fence, we'll be borrowing some, from this dried up old tree"

The tree's branches started shaking as if they were arms, they came to life ready to ward off the intruders.

" I've lived for a thousand years and I've never heard of the master you speak of, leave before I hurt you, lowly villagers"

Any villager would be scared to death by now, but the two loyal servants, were not backing down, they could not go back to Zhang Jian empty-handed, who knew what a mysterious master like him, would do to them.

Wu Ming unsheathed his golden dagger, and Black Pheasant, flapped his wings ready to bring a storm of Phoenix flames upon the tree, while the rest of the fowls readied their magical attacks.

All of them were strong and possessed weapons that were the enemies of all trees, but because the two wanted to bring back more woods, they spent hours fighting the tree but was too big for them to cut out on their own.

They had the capacity to fight for days, but the ancient tree felt like it was about to deplete all the qi it gathered over 1000 years, so it cursed its bad luck and gave up some of its branches for the sake of peace.

After gathering enough materials in the magical bamboo bucket, the group went back home.

Zhang Jian was sunbathing in the courtyard, while Wang Yan was meticulously trying to dust the house and clean it, as Cerberus snickered at her misery.

Zhang Jian stood up as soon as he saw, the small fowls, each trying to drag huge pieces of wood, even when Wu Ming was carrying most of it, the scene was too funny not to laugh at.

He was a nice person, so he shouldn't be making fun of people running errands for him, he soon collected himself and received the first batch of materials, with his head lowered, otherwise, he'll laugh them in the face.

" Is that all ?"

Wu Ming proudly reported, " No there's still more and we couldn't bring back everything in one trip"

" I see, this is a good material, you guys did a great job", Zhang Jian tapped Wu Ming gently on the shoulder, but the other felt like a building was suddenly weighing down on him.

He skilfully evaded his touch and bowed down his head, " I'll go bring back the rest", and hurriedly winked to Black Pheasant to follow him and help.

Black Pheasant, heard that he did a good job, and pridefully trotted past the jealous Cerberus to spite him.

Seeing this scene, Zhiang Jian, shook his head at how silly but smart his pets were, and picked up the wood to inspect it closely.

He already had the necessary materials to build a fence ready in the shed, so he brought them out and soon got to work.

Zhang Jian's hands, were fast and skillful, by the time Wu Ming came back from his second trip, Zhang Jian had already finished building the fence with the materials he had.

This continued until the whole fence and its gate were completed.

When he finally completed his latest work, Zhang Jian backed out proudly and looked at his fence.

Wang Yan had long since been watching Zhang Jian's every move, trying to pick up anything useful to aid her cultivation.

Seeing this, she and the rest thought that their master was casting a spell on the fence, which was surging with defensive qi.

Wang Yan looked at him in admiration and at the moment Zhang that Jian turned his head and smiled at her.

" Your safe now, you don't have to worry about any attacks as long as the fence is still standing upright"

Wang Yan blushed and lowered her head.