chapter 78 Cave

Zhang Jian by this time had been foraging in the wild trying to find a semblance of what he knew as fruits. He wanted to find some as soon as possible but he soon discovered that they were rather hard to find even in the wild forests.

The only things he found in the forest were either fruitless trees like oak and thunder wood or small herbs which could be used for medicinal purposes. He was disappointed to see that it had been some time after he had left the hut and he had yet to find a single one.

After moving a large distance when he looked back, he found that there was a silvery fog in the surroundings behind him. It wasn't even that kind of season where fog would be present without a reason.

Even then, it wasn't very odd to find fog in a forest in somewhat chilly weather like that of the day. Some days in the early autumn brought with them a little chill air that washed away the summer heat.