The Three Muses of Kismet

Eons ago, time was in disarray and chaos. No one knew when or how the three muses appeared and have put order in to the world.

Three of them are weavers of fate, and one of them, the oldest cuts the thread of life. One weaves the past, another is the present, and the youngest weaves the future.

At first people sought the three muses for their blessings to change their fate into a favorable life.

Nothing good last forever, humanity was too greedy. It wasn't enough to lead a good life, everyone around them should not surpass them. They have to be on above everybody else.

This brewed jealousy among humanity and resulted them hunting the three muses not only to control their own life but others too.

Many people said that they have died in the sea, some said they returned to the place they came from, some say they exhausted their last power to put a curse on humanity and continued to live as a human now that they don't have powers.

No one really knew what ensued after humanity have waged war with celestial beings.

Yvon woke up groggily, there was yet again a stinging headache. Attempting to get up but her head laid back on the pillow as she felt the dizziness intensified.

She's seeing spots of red, blues, and black. Irritated, she closed her eyes again and fell into a deep slumber. Hours pass by and Yvon was still asleep.

A soft knock came.

"Yvon, we have to eat something! Come out we have to go somewhere." Abby reminds her.

However there was no response from the other side. Abby knocked again, this time a little louder than the last.

"I'm coming in!" Abby shouted as she turned the door knob. It wasn't locked.

Yvon opened her eyes just as Abby sat at her bed, Yvon's face was pale.

Abby put her hands against her forehead, Yvon' was having a mild fever.

Yvon remember vaguely promising Abby to go shopping for supplies. She forces herself to get up, the abrupt movement worsened her headache.

"Are you feeling okay? Do you want something to make you feel better?" Abby's voice was full of concern.

"Tea please." Yvon answered in a hoarse voice.

"Okay don't push yourself. I'll be right back."

Despite Abby's insistence to stay home and rest, Yvon was eager to go out despite her condition. Abby could only sigh at her friend's adamant attitude.

Yvon was too muddled headed to realize when they got to the mall, the smell of food in front of her seems to be the only thing that eased up her headache.

For hours they have brought school supplies and things they needed in their dorm. Yvon was glad that she had gone out to calm herself down after what happened but it seems that bad lucky could not let her go when she also saw her father with Layla and their 8 year old son.

Yvon tugged Abby subtly suggesting that they go home but before she could take a hint. She heard her name being called by a familiar voice.

"Yvon! I'm so glad we ran to each other." All that effort in ignoring her father's calls to avoid Layla goes out of the window.

Abby was stuck in an awkward situation, she knew that Yvon did not like Layla, her step mother. It was natural that she would side with her friend and not with someone else.

A cute boy ran towards Yvon and hugged her leg, the boy looked up to her and said "Sister Yvon!" with a smile showing his cute dimples and incomplete set to teeth.

Yvon couldn't angry at her half-brother, he didn't know what happened but she just can't muster and will within her to just accept this situation at it is.

Yvon pried of the boy's hand from her and plastered a distant but polite smile.

"Sweetie, why don't you join us for dinner?" Yvon's father spoke amidst of the awkward silent.

Yvon held a deep breath, her mother wouldn't want her to cry. Abby held on to her hand as if to comfort her.

"Actually, Mr. Vermosa we have a group project and we're running little late." Abby made up an obvious lie, it will be weeks before the actually class to start much less give a project this early in to the semester.

Yvon's father understood that his invitation was rejected, and he lost his smile but he did not pursue any further.

When both Abby and Yvon got out of the mall, the sun was about to set. Abby was sympathized on what happened with Yvon's family but she did not how to comfort her.

She considers herself at least a bit lucky her family was able to overcome their problems. Abby did not made even a squeak not to rub salt in to Yvon's wounds.

Abby wanted Yvon to see the bright side of things but she was left with no words.

Yvon regreted her decision, Abby was right. She should have stayed home.

Yvon went to bed thinking of her father and what could have been. She blames herself, her father and with guilt she also blames her mother.

She feels as if, if only she did her part as a daughter she might have still kept her family together. However, love is a complicated concept for a child to understand.

Jealousy crept into her heart, her half-brother got her father's affection and love without having to ask for it. While she can't freely enjoy her father's company without thinking that all his fatherly words and acts was out of charity and obligation.

Yvon knew she was being selfish and unreasonable for envying a child for having a life she could not have. Nor could she blame her half-brother for simply being loved more than her.

Yvon deeply wished she could go back to the time when everything was fine. When her mother was still around and her father only had her as his child.

When her mother would read to her bed time stories or when her mother would lull her to sleep when she refuse to sleep after she told her a story.

She wished she did not grow up, that she could relive those moments again in a never ending loop. She could still feel the warmth of both her parents embrace, reassuring her that the monsters under the bed had gone away.

Now she felt a gaping hole, a numb feeling in her heart. She was too tired to even cry, like there's a heavy object pressing her heart — it was suffocating.

She wanted to scream and threw a fit but no one would care, she thought. As the night got deep, she felt asleep exhausted.

She dreamt being in Brian's shoes, her half-brother.

Both Emmanuel and Layla would read stories and lull him to sleep. Emmanuel have read the same story that he used to read to Yvon, it was "The Little Prince"

She remembered a quote from the story, "The Little Prince: Where are the people? It's a little lonely in the desert…

The Snake: It is lonely when you're among people, too."

The spark that was once within her, the drive to persevere through life was distinguish by her mother's disappearance. Those childhood dreams that she once hold dear were long forgotten.

Her memories are all hazy and unclear but the feeling of longing for missed opportunities was still fresh as if it was yesterday when it happened.

She could not help but feel detached from reality, she wanted to escape to a better place.

Yvon rarely talked to Abby about what happened but she did a bit from hearsays. She did not want to burden her only friend with her problems.

She did not want to lose the only person that was there for her. She felt that she was enough hassle for her parents, if she wasn't her mother wouldn't have left in the first place.

Yvon have gone into a spiral of self-blame all night. In the silence the monster that she have created in her head spoke louder than ever before. She could not escape it, she could only surrender and listen to it.

The most dangerous emotion is not sadness but helplessness. That belief that there is no way out, that there is no one, not even yourself that could help you. Deciding that you have already lost before the war even starts.

Assuming that fighting for your own fate that was already decided will only bear disappointment every time, so what's the point?

Leading a life according to other people's rules is such a pity.

It's the same desire for control for something that is not tangible that led to the pursuit of the three muses of kismet.

To be able to dictate and weave the life that one aspires to have.

The assurance that everything in their life will go according to plan. It is human nature to have the fear of the unknown, and the uncertainty that the future holds.

The deep obsession of having your life at your own palm to control. What is freedom if fate is predestined by the celestials? What is freedom if people on the top with all the power and money controls the fate of those bellow them?

Is there a difference between gods and those who willfully plays gods on earth?