
It was the first day of class, new classmates were introducing themselves in front of class. A lot of professors were subtly admitting in a proud tone that a lot of their students failed their class.

It was the survival of the fittest, and those who adapt to college fast enough to save themselves by the skin of their teeth. However, it was not all stress and anxiety, some found love.

The moment that he walked in to that door, as he passed by Yvon was smitten by his smile. His smile eludes a warm feeling, and his eyes would squint as his checks would push up his eyes.

His gesture was full of self-assurance but not arrogance. He introduced himself as Justin Uy.

Yvon could not help but put an effort in remembering his name. Yvon slightly regretting her decision in sitting in front of the class when she saw that he sat in one of the middle rows. She could only sigh at the unfortunate event.

"Psst... Psstt Yvon" Abby whispered.

"He's quite a cutie." She said as she winks.

Yvon could not deny and nodded as she blushed. She looked back at him, his hazel eyes focused on the board in front and his skin glowed a honey tinted color under the sun rays that peeked through window.

She could not focus and would look back from time to time. Hoping they would meet eyes but afraid of it actually happening.

Abby, mustered up the courage and pulled Yvon with her. Standing in front of Justin, Abby went on and introduced herself.

"Hi, I'm Abby Beatrice." She smiled beautifully as she shook Kent's hand. She then nudges Yvon to promptly introduce herself too.

"I'm Yvon Calista Hermosa." Yvon said in a small voice as she held her hand out to shake his hands too.

"I'm Justin by the way." He replied.

A rowdy group of boys entered the room, they would unintentionally push people aside when they made their way towards Justin. Both Yvon and Abby was caught in the middle boisterous crowd.

She was shoved and fell to the floor but before she could feel the pain of falling down. Her eyes then again glowed golden.

She found herself in an alleyway, lying on the cold wet pavement.

She felt a deep fear within her, she crawled hoping she could find the way out of the alleyway into the main road to find help.

The obnoxious smell was overwhelming, she could feel a piercing pain in her abdomen. She looked down and saw that she was stabbed.

Blood was oozing to the pavement, mixing with the dirt and trash that was there. A metallic smell took over the funny smell.

She was getting dizy by every minute that passed by.

"I don't wanna die… I don't wanna die…" she kept mumbling.

When she looked up she a silhouette of a person walking away. She called for help but whomever that was did not come back.

She was woken from her vision when Abby helped her up. Abby was angry at their rude behaviour.

They seem to have settled down, seeing that they have accidentally shoved someone down.

Justin apologized for his friends' behaviour, Abby acknowledge his apology but could not help but held a slight grudge at his friends.

Yvon was back in reality but she could not get the feeling of fear off her chest. She picked up her bag and hurriedly ran out.

Everybody was shocked to see her react that way to being shoved. Some though she was overreacting.

Abby also ran to find her but Yvon was no longer in sight. Yvon stopped she felt her heart calmed down, although she was panting from running the fear in her heart had long disappeared.

Looking around her surrounding she realized she was in front of the library, the infamous library due to its numerous ghost stories.

She entered the library and log in her name in their system, she has no intention of reading. All she wanted was to take some rest in a quiet place.

She found a secluded place to sit and lay her head down on the table. She having a hard time processing what she saw. She banged her head against the table.

"I must be going crazy." She mumbled to herself.

She knew it was not just a coincidence, she either have a gift or she was hallucinating.

Her phone rang and everybody gave her the side eye.

She quickly turned her phone off in embarrassment. She stood pretending to find a book as if it wasn't her phone that just rang.

She found herself in the, lost in the horde of books. Somehow she ended up in the section for psychology majors.

Although she did not understand most of the jargon, she concluded she had a mental disorder one book after another.

Until she did not know anymore, she sigh as she regrets diagnosing herself knowing well she know nothing.

She tiptoed as she attempted into putting back the heavy book back into the book shelves. She was not able to balance herself for long and fell into the bookshelf.

Although she was able to support herself against the bookshelf. The book she attempted to put back fell through the other side, a loud grunt came from the other side.

Yvon immediately walked over to the other side to apologize. She saw him hunched over, holding his head while wincing in pain.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it." Yvon also hunched over to see if she caused serious injuries.

He looked up and their eyes met. His eyes was the most beautiful eyes she had seen, Yvon forced herself to snap out of it.

He smiled – it was more of a grimace as he was still in pain.

"It's okay, you didn't mean it." He replied politely which only left Yvon feeling more guilt.

Her eyes glowed golden again, but now she is in a busy street.

He only saw her staring blankly at him, he saw her eyes turn golden and was freaked out. However, it was only for a moment when it turned back to normal.

He though it was only his imagination.

The neon signs of the stores and bars were harsh on her eyes. She wasn't sure of the time, only she knew she was not in the library anymore. The moon provided a dim light on to the busy streets.

She was running and bumping on to strangers coming and going into shady establishments. The loud music was irritating, her heart was pounding on the beat of the music. It was pounding relentlessly and erratic.

She kept looking back and she saw a faceless hooded figure following her. Her breathing hitched as she saw the figure gaining pace; whoever it was, they're getting closer.

Worried about the approaching figure, Yvon did not notice a rowdy bridal group on their way to a bachelorette party. Yvon bumped to them and fell down.

She mumbled a sorry and hurriedly got up and ran as fast as she could. She found a subway station, hoping she could lose the one following her.

Luckly it seems that it was a rush hour, a lot of employees just got off work. It was even more crowded compared to where she found herself in.

She stopped to catch her breath.

No one paid her attention most of the people around her were on their phone or was too tired to meddle in someone else's business. She walked further into the crowed, trying to hide.

Feeling her pockets if she has anything on her so she could take the subway train but Another feeling of anxiety crept up when she realized whomever this was had no personal belongings with them, not even a phone.

Before she could look for any reflective surface to even have an inkling who she was, the hooded figure came down the stairs of the subway station. The figure stopped on a few steps and seemed to be assessing the crowd.

Yvon immediately ducked her head, hoping she would not be noticed. All she could see was shoes as made her way out of the crowd, softly mumbling an "excuse me" and "I'm sorry" once in a while.

She could not catch a break when once a again she bumped into someone, looking up she recognized him.

As opposed to the faceless crowd and her pursuer, this man has a face. It was the guy she just met at the library.

He momentarily took off his left earphone and said "Oh sorry" and gave way to Yvon.

Goosebumps ran on her back, as a cold sweat rolled down her forehead. The hooded figure had spotted her. The figure was shoving people one after another until the crowd gave him some space as the grunted at the inconvenience.

He then ran straight to Yvon, her heart almost skipped a beat. She also ran as fast as she could heading for an exit out of the subway station.

She was running aimlessly, when she found herself back into the same dark alleyway on her first vision.

She could hear the sound of plastic bottles being crushed under the weight of her pursuer. The inevitable has come.