The Risk of Living

He shook her and asked out of concern, "Are you okay?"

Yvon felt that she was at least running for 30 minutes to an hour but it was only a few seconds have passed by. The fear she felt in her vision was still lingering, she looked around paranoid. Thinking that the faceless figure is still following her.

The dread of the inevitable catching up with nowhere to run to. Trapped and desperate to escape.

Still disoriented from her vision, she absentmindedly replied.

"I think I can see the future."

"Well I think you need someone professional. Why don't we sit first?" He replied almost immediately.

He guided Yvon to nearest vacant table.

He leans down and looked Yvon in the eyes, "My name's Mark Lopez, second year majoring in Psychology."

Mark held his hand out to Yvon, but she did not shake hands with him. She was still shivering from the frightening encounter she just had.

"I think I can see the future…" She spoke again… meekly.

He was stunned, but then laughed but he soon realize that he might have been out of line when he laughed. He sat back down, this time a bit more empathetic than before.

"What makes you think so?"

Yvon did not expect that he was being patient with her crazy declaration. It took a moment for her reorganize her thought to present her argument.

"Do you know Belle?" She asked carefully.

"What's her full name? I don't think so."

Yvon could only look down in shame because she also did not know. She only knows her first name.

"Then do you know what happen the first day of enrolment? The girl who was bullied, they wrote 'for sale' on her back." He looked at her weirdly.

"Yes I remember now, what does it have to do with you seeing the future?" He raised his eyebrow at her.

"I saw what happened before IT happened." Yvon emphasized.

He leans back and not replying to her statement.

They both sat in silence, both unsure on what to say next. Yvon felt like there was a heavy lump on her throat – her heart felt heavy.

"I also saw someone dying on an alleyway." Yvon mentions to divert the topic.

Gloom loomed over them as the mention of someone's death.

"And did you tell the police?" He spoke after a long awkward pause.

Yvon swallowed her words back, how can she explain that it did not happen yet. If she did go to the police she would be the first on their list of suspect if she reports it beforehand.

The responsibility of someone's life rests on her hand, with that though in mind she was paralyzed. She thought to herself;

'I can barely control my life, how can I save someone else?'

She could not go against what is already written. If she interferes, it would blood on her hands.

"I'm sorry for wasting your time, I'm just stressed. I must be seeing things." After having said that, she got up and solemnly walked away.

He did not prevent her from leaving, on the contrary he only watch her walk out.

Yvon desperately convincing herself that she was just seeing things, that it must not be true. There was a growing emotion just below her heart and was eating her away, the anxiety was growing, pushing her further down the abyss.

She shook her head, and pushed out all she remembers into the deepest part of her. Locked away and never to see the light of day again.

She pulls out her phone, there were a lot of missed calls and texts from Abby trying to reach to her. Their next class will be starting in a half-hour, pulling herself together and plastering a fake smile she made her way to her next class.

She arrived to her next class when Abby arrived too. However, Yvon did not notice her so Abby thought of surprising her friend. She sneakily followed her from behind when she suddenly shook Yvon.

She was thinking deeply when Abby shook her shoulders. She did not even notice when Abby arrived.

"I've looked everywhere for you, where did you ran off to?" She said out of breath. She sat sloppily on to the bench. Yvon turned towards her mechanically.

"I remembered, I not pull the plug on when I was ironing my clothes earlier. So I ran back to our dorm room. " Yvon made up an excuse.

"Really? Next you should be careful not leave appliances plugged. Especially things that might caught fire. Is our dorm okay?" Abby asked Yvon in a worried tone.

Seeing that Yvon was not following the conversation, she waved her hand in front of Yvon but still she received no reply.

"Hello, earth to Yvon? Are you there?" Abby raised an eyebrow at Yvon.

"Ah… ahhahh I was just wondering. Yeah, the dorm was fine." Yvon answered absentmindedly.

After a long day at school, Yvon was laying flat on her bed. Staring at her ceiling in the dark. She was deep in thought on what to do. She did not want the responsibility on the case that she was not just hallucinating the whole event.

She was reluctant to step up and risk it.

Maybe she needed help from a professional, she thought but every time she closes her eyes she remembers the dreadful feeling again.

The helplessness laying alone in the alleyway, slowly bleeding to death. To her it was as agonizing as living, the irony. Although she did not want for someone's death to be on her hands.

She stood up in conviction.

"Just this once."

Ever since her mother disappeared she had rarely had gone to someone to talk to. She thinks to herself that maybe getting check was not bad, maybe she was just stressed due to all that happened.

She opened the door, finding Abby on the living room smiling foolishly while sitting on the sofa. Yvon approached her and sat next to her, she saw she was texting someone.

Leaning forward she saw ambiguous flirty texts between her and an unknown somebody.

"Who are texting this late?" Yvon teasingly questioned.

"You remember Kent right? We exchanged numbers when you left." Abby was grinning ear to ear.

Abby's excitement is thinly veiled as she would suppress her shrieks of glee whenever her phone lits up from a notification. Yvon could only smile vaguely, she too has a crush.

She could never admit to herself, much less to her best friend. Yvon had this notion that she is already a burden to her friend and family. She did not want to add another name on her list of people she was bothering.

Yvon could only support her friend, even if her heart is slightly being torn. She comforts herself that it was just a small crush and it would pass soon enough.

She did not want to be the reason her friend cries, now or in the future.

"AAAHHHH!!!" Abby shrieked while jumping up and down.

"What is it? What is it?!" Yvon joined in with the excitement.

"He ask me if we could hang out tomorrow!" Abby wrapped her arms around Yvon's shoulder loosely as she shows the text.

"You mean by 'We', is it just you and him or am I invited too?" Yvon's desire to be included escaped from her lips before she could even think it through and retract her statement.

"Of course, you have to come. It's not like we're in a relationship yet and they'll be there too."

"Who?" Yvon asked with curiosity.

"His friends from earlier, are you still mad?" Abby's smile faded.

Yvon quickly realize that Abby misunderstood her.

"No, it's just I'm embarrassed that I overreacted." Yvon scratch her head while lying.

Yvon could only sigh.

After they have worn out themselves talking in the living room they bid their goodbyes and entered their respective rooms.

Yvon turned the lights on her bedroom, she dragged her bag near the door to her study table. She pulls out her headphones form her bag and connected it to her phone, Mozart's piano sonata no. 8 in A minor plays on her headphones.

Despite putting it on, the music manage to slip out. In the silent serene room a faint music could be heard.

She buried herself and poured all her attention to her books, not that they have talked a lot of lessons - the semester just started.

This was her comfort, burying herself into books without a care in the world. Her eyebrows would furrow in concentration as she's scribbling away or calculating numbers.

In books there are formulas that guarantees the results to be accurate and right. However in life there is no such thing, there is no formula for a perfect life with no struggles or sadness.

She could never take the risk of going out of her comfort.

However, avoiding it is as dangerous of outright facing it. People fear death yet people also fear the risk of living.