Test Answers

The first class in the afternoon had started, Abby and Justin have been staring at each since the class had started. It was minor class and Yvon was distracting herself from boredom by doodling on the back of her notebook.

The professor's chalk would harshly squeak under the pressure when she writes on the board. The occasional yawns of students would be heard in the silent classroom. Each student had their own bubble, unaware of the things outside their perspective.

The afternoon heat was not helping either, Yvon yawned; her eyes squinting. The professor's phone rang clearly amidst the boring class. The professor stopped writing on the board and quickly answered her phone.

The phone had broken the drowsiness that had enveloped the classroom, suddenly the students were paying attention to the professor. Particularly trying to eavesdrop on her conversation over the phone, even Yvon stopped doodling on her notebook.

The professor would reply an 'hmm' occasionally as the other side took over the conversation. The students' ears perked up when they heard a particular phrase that slipped out.

'staff meeting'

They their smiles when they heard the other side of the conversation as it meant one thing: early dismissal.

They hid their overjoyed expression and put on a façade of a solemn and serious expression. The call have ended and the professor have started to pack her things into her bag.

"I'll have to dismiss you early because we have a staff meeting, it was just announced. So we will continue our discussion in our next time. I'll expect that the next time you all have already read in advance our lesson. Good bye class." With an authoritative voice she announced the end of the class.

The entire room was quite but not until the professor was far away to hear the shouts of celebration. However, instead of heading out and enjoying the free period most of the student brought out their books and notebooks.

Yvon, who had already packed her things and stood up to head out was astonished. She sat back down and asked Abby.

"What's happening?"

"We have a long test next period. You didn't know?"

Yvon almost cursed at the wind, she forgot that they have a test today. She had read the announcement last week but completely forgot to put a reminder on her planner.

She had spent last night watching k-dramas that she forgot. Abby was out again on a date last night, she enthusiastically asked Abby.

"Did you study last night?"

"Yeah, me and Justin studied together and I reviewed some of my notes again when I came home. Why?"

"I forgot the test was today…" Yvon whispered to Abby in shame.


Most of the students were put off their focus and directed their attention to the brewing commotion but a moment later you could hear their murmurs and the rhythmic taps of students using their calculators.

"SHHHH…. Quite down…"

"You do realize, the test is worth a hundred points? I thought you had gone over the materials last night, when I came home I found you on the couch again with your notes."

"Yeah, I was about to but I got distracted but it was from a different subject. What I'm going to do, I'm so dead."

Yvon held her hair, almost pulling it out of their roots in frustration. Abby sigh at her friend's unfortunate situation.

The commotion had garnered the attention of Justine, he walked towards the two girls who had been whispering to each other.

He leaned down by Abby's ear and asked "What's the problem? Why are we whispering?"

Both were shocked at his sudden appearance.

Yvon hung head down, she was slowly spiraling down. Abby explained what happened to Yvon.

Just walked back to his seat and grabbed his notebook and handed it back to Yvon.

"I already finished studying the material, here you can study my notes. I hope it helps." He smiles and ruffles Abby's hair before he walked back to his seat.

Now holding Justin notebook, Yvon was awoken from her delirious thoughts.

'The test is not here yet, why am I giving up?' she thinks to herself.

In the span of 30 minutes, Abby help Yvon review the key points of the material. Noting the important process and formulas used. However, it was not enough to cover all the material. Yvon's eyes were spinning from speeding through a thick stack of review notes.

"Are you okay? Are you able to remember some of it?" Abby asked.

"I don't know…"

The time has come for the next period, some of the students started to gather their belongings and headed out to their next class. While walking the students were busy reading their own notes, barely paying attention to where they are walking.

Yvon could hear her heartbeat getting louder and louder as she approaches the door to their next class. She felt like there was a big lump stuck on her throat, she slowed down her pace and letting others get ahead of her.

She was feeling nauseous, she knew they had high expectations and had a cut-off grade for their BS accountancy program. It was not enough to just pass, they need to excel.

'Why did I forget the test, and it's even a major subject. I'm screwed!'

Her hands and feet were getting cold, but since the weather was humid both her feet and hands were sweaty. She felt paralyzed by the door and couldn't muster the courage to enter the room.

Most of the students have already settled down their respective seats, while the three of them, Yvon, Abby, and Justin was just standing by the door.

Abby held Yvon's hands and felt the cold. Abby gave Yvon a big hug before urging her to enter the room. With Abby's encouragement, they walked to the room.

When they sat down, Yvon still felt quite jittery and focused on studying the hard topics she could not quite get.

A minute to a full half-hour has passed by and their professor still hasn't showed up. Yvon had slowly calmed down at this point.

"I think Prof. Steve is in the same staff meeting with Prof. Carrie." Yvon whispered to Abby.

"Yeah, I think so. Maybe it's a staff meeting for the whole department." Abby replied enthusiastically.

But before the sparks of joys had blossomed, there comes in Professor Steve with his record book in tow and a tall stack of test papers.

"Okay class, I'm sorry for being late. The staff meeting was longer than expected."

The silent disappointment of students couldn't be more obvious but the professor did not give any sympathy.

"Are you guys ready for the test?!" He asked too enthusiastically.

The students answered 'yes' in low spirits. A small voice amidst the crowd said 'no'. Professor Steve heard the despondent response and only smirked.

He started handing out the test papers by row, Yvon regrets her decision to sit in the front row more than ever before.

Professor Steve was already in his 50s, his bald spot would shine when the sun rays hits his head. He was a traditional teacher that held conservative views and most especially know by the students as someone who give students a hard time.

When Yvon took one look at the first question she almost cried and fainted at the same time.

"The total manufacturing cost…."

The questions goes on and on, Yvon spent an entire 5 minutes reading the first question. She barely understood it, she skipped the first thinking she can go back again after she answered the questions she knows how to calculate for.

But Yvon could only met disappointment, when she found out that to answer to the questions 2-11 all rely to the answer preceding the number, especially number one.

In the silent room, it was not only Yvon that broke down looking at the test paper. Their tears spilling into the very same test paper that brought them to tears.

Yvon skipped to the 12th question hoping it was not connected to the answer of the number preceding it. Yvon almost jumped in joy when she realized she knew how to calculate for the number 12.

'1 down 99 more to go!'

An hour had passed and ony 33 question did Yvon managed solve, most of her answers were like a Russian roulette of which letter A, B, C, or D does she put her faith into.

The panic starts when she saw her classmates was still solving and scribbling away, when she had managed to answer all of the question through a random system. She bits her lips to prevent herself from crying again.

Professor Steve only gave tissues to students who cried during his test but did not give any consoling words. He would walk down the aisle, with a watchful eyes he was always alert for students who's trying to cheat their way into a high score.

Yvon hung her head low, Abby saw this and though that her friend had already given up but unbeknownst to everyone her eyes had glowed golden.