Test Answers (2)

Her eyes were golden, a shade deeper than before. Yvon could hear the clock ticking, the sound was getting louder by a second. The air turned cold as everybody stayed motionless.

In the limbo of nothingness, there she exists. Outside of time, and the physical limitations of the universe.

Yvon is both in the present and not.

Her hair fell, covering the faint golden glow and her hallow gaze. Her once trembling fingers suddenly stopped frozen. As if all anxiety were driven out of her system.

Her consciousness pulled into another vision. Standing by the door, the bright incandescent lights were blinding, the white walls of the classroom she has been into for a hundred times seemed all too unfamiliar suddenly. In this uncanny valley of familiarity and unfamiliar.

An unsettling feeling she could not get rid of was weighting down her heart.

She opened her eyes once again and what greeted her was her test paper but on its upper right corner, a bright red glaring mark could be seen.


She found herself sitting, with her test paper at hand. She could feel the smooth texture of the text paper, it felt too real for her to consider as a 'hallucination'.

Looking around, a cold chill ran down her body. It was a room full of faceless people. They moved rigidly, akin to a rusty motor in desperate need for an oil. They were talking amongst themselves in the most mundane gestures.

She barely managed to score more than 25% on her exam, she sat there just staring at her test score. She was filled with regret and self-blame. Silent tears glided down her face and into the test paper.

A deep seething hatred erupted within her, she could not accept such mishaps on her part.

'If it wasn't because of that good-for-nothing Professor, I could have passed this easy-peasy. And if I didn't have those god awful dreams maybe I could have gotten some sleep, sh*t."

Quickly flipping through the test paper aggressively, she could still not believe it. She was too confident, and too proud to admit it. She didn't understand most of it, much less how to calculate the answer.

"What the," she mumbled in an exasperation and disbelief. She could feel the judge filled gaze of others burning on to her skin. It made her feel dirty.

She could feel herself itch, it took a lot of self-control for her to stop herself from scratching herself until she bleed.

"How could I fail?!" she unconsciously a bit louder than she should have.

The room when silent and still, noticing the sudden lack of noise. Yvon raised her head to see only but faceless humanoids facing her direction. She stared back at them but it was only met by a collective head tilt by them as a response.

Spooked by the sight of them, a cold sweat run down her spine. Still she sat there in her seat, mulling over what to do. As if struck by lightning, she came up with a bright idea. Without second guessing herself, she starts memorizing the answers.

"A, B, B, C…" she mumbled the answers into a made up melody.

Those faceless classmates of hers where still facing her direction, now their full attention attached to Yvon. The clicking of a pair of heels reverberated unto the silent room, one after another they approached her.

They walked towards her in tune of a silent beat, walking mechanically and uniformed.

They have surrounded her, however, they did not stop her. They were merely observing, maybe too intensely as Yvon felt the suffocating gaze despite them having no eyes. Nor mouths to speak of insults she swore she could hear.

Guilt swelled within her conscience but it was not enough to overcome her fear of failure.

"C, D, A, B, …," She continues to memorize as many as she could. She could hear the clock ticking away getting louder.

The faceless figures did not touch her but that did not prevent from one of them from 'observing' Yvon's face only 2 inches afar.

It was getting difficult by the minute to completely memorize all of the correct answers.

She didn't know how long it took her to memorize all of it, all she know is the back of her uniform is soaked through with sweat. Her skin peeking through the fabric. Standing up, the chair made an awful screeching sound as it scraps against the tiled floor.

The faceless humanoids all took a step backward.

She once again glanced at the test score, putting her faith blindly into s vision she though was just a figment of her own mind.

Feeling drowsy suddenly she sat back down and laid her head. The last thing she was a hooded figure, half of its face shrouded in darkness, she only saw its toothy mocking smile. Maggots wigging their ways in their mouth.

She suddenly found herself back into reality as her eyes have gone back to its hazel hue only leaving a tint of gold. Her consciousness back into her body in the present.

She saw the same question right before her, she couldn't believe it. In lightning speed she finished filling out the answer sheet without even touching her calculator.

She would silently hum the tune she made up last minute to memorize the answers. Her fingers moving in the speed of light, one after another she wrote down the correct answers she could remember.

However there were still a few questions she was unsure of.

"Time's up, pass your papers up front." The professor's voice echoed into the room.

His remark was met with grunts and moans of disapproval but no one was brave enough to go against his instructions. One by one, students made their way albeit reluctantly to pass their paper. They came back to their seats with a disgruntled expression.

Some were in the brink of tears, and some could be heard cursing under their breath. It was obvious, no one had a good time taking that exam.

Yvon was the last ne to pass her paper, going over and over her paper. Double, triple – no, quadruple checking her paper. Making sure she left to blank questions.

Sitting back into her seat she could not stop herself from biting her pen. She could not wait days, the anticipation was eating her alive.

The day has come and their test papers were returned bearing the results.

She could hear the sigh of both acceptance and disappointment coming from her classmates. Despite feeling happy, there are other emotions too. Just drowning and overwhelming her.

The beat of her heart, she could feel it in the entirety of her body. Her hands trembling at the sight of her test paper filled of answers she did not know how to solve. Vigilantly looking around, guilt swelled in her throat.


What lies ahead is something she can never escape – destiny.

It has been days since the exam, she couldn't believe herself. Putting her trust into what might have just been just a have been a hallucination under all that stress.

However, reality likes to play games. In front of her is her test paper.

'Sh*t... Sh*t… SH*T!'

A glaring 94 in red, on the upper right of her test paper. Skimming through the paper she could barely understand the terms. Relief washed over her, a moment of peace before the cold water was poured over her head.

She flipped through her paper as slow as possible, she wasn't dreaming or hallucinating. It is real.

A million thoughts crossed her mind as she thought of all the possibility she could do. The premise of having such power was over taking the joy she felt passing the exam.

She could someone tapping her shoulders. Her train of though was cut short as Abby's face came into her vision.

"So how did you do?"

Before Yvon could answered, she followed her question with another one.

"No, did you fail? Let me see." Abby grabbed the paper in Yvon's hands.

"Oh, you passaed. Oh my God, you should've said something. For a moment there I thought you failed." Abby exclaimed.

An awkward smile hang on at the edge of her lips. As overjoyed as she was not falling her test, there is a looming thought she had kept looked and tucked away in the back of her head.

Along with the realization that what she see saw is a vision of the future another daunting realization came to mind.

Those 'hallucinations' she had previously though were not just a fiction of her mind but a reality that is yet to come. A herald of the imminent, an oracle or superpowers, whatever you may call it. At the end of the day it still remains as a fact.

What she saw was in fact the future. It also a matter of fact that sometime, someone's life blood will bleed into her hands — her responsibility.