Chapter 5: Create, Improve and Improve

It's late at night. Freya is still awake in her house given to her by the chieftain drawing something on a hide.

"Few, finally I've finished it"

On the hide is a map of Neverwinter and the surrounding area in a 100 kilometers radius. Dozens of eagles have been flying around to investigate and learn about this. All of the witches are exhausted and Freya doubts they'll recover in one or two days. Their chieftain, Perseus has specifically ordered them to make this map. " We need to understand where we live. We must know where to gather fruits, where to hunt, or where to defend in case of being attacked. " Freya remembers the words of Perseus.

In Freya's point of view, Perseus is a thoughtful man whose mind is extraordinary. Although some of his actions are unpredictable or not easy to understand, they always bring value to the tribe. Everyone questions his action making friends with the goblin at first, but after seeing the profits gained for that friendship, they become more loyal to him than ever.

Aside from making the map, Freya knows Perseus has ordered Clovis to note down the names, families of every member of the tribe. The tribesmen are given a password to speak to each other when they pass the gate. She reckons Perseus worries there can be spies from other tribes entering the settlement.

All the warriors of the tribe and their families are now allowed to live in the barracks. Due to lack of manpower, the warriors are assigned farming or building tasks when they're not in training. Every day, the warriors are ordered to do exercises with the new bronze armors (Iron is heavier and not as suitable as armors for horse archers as bronze is). Their gears have changed as well: now they are equipped with iron head arrows, composite bows which the goblins know how to make but cannot use due to their lack of height, and iron swords whose lengths are around 40 inches. Also, a warrior is given a small iron round shield that can be attached to his left hand without hindering his hand.

All of the warriors have a hard time adapting to the new equipment and the exercises that they have to do every day. Some complaint but after Perseus activated Heracules's Strength and throw a large rock for about 100 meters, they shut up and follow his orders.

The horses are given new gear as well. Perseus works with some goblin blacksmiths to introduce horseshoes and saddles to these creatures. Perseus understands that those with these equipment are much stronger than those without.


Winter has come, covering the land with heavy snow and delivering cold wind to the settlement of Neverwinter. Different from the last year, this time the Fortunians live in wooden houses designed to withstand the wind. The heat from fireplaces brings warmth to families. In the winter, 12 new members have been born. Perseus gathers everyone to celebrate since at this age, delivering a baby successfully is not easy due to poor medics.

Food does not become a problem for the Fortunians like Perseus predicted. With the map made by Freya, he has known exactly where the animals seek shelter in the cold winter. A group of hunters is dispatched to the place with another group of goblin hunters. With good sneaking, the goblins ambush in places where the deers and rabbits are likely to run through while the Fortunian hunters make noises and lure the packs to their ambushing places.

In a 100 kilometers- radius, there are five more civilizations aside from the Fortuna and the Redhorn. Perseus knows them through Freya's eagles' investigation. There are 3 human tribes, a kobold tribe, and another goblin tribe. The humans are all nomads while the other two have built their settlements. Perseus wants to establish trade and diplomatic relations with all of them but it's difficult to travel in winter as well as he is not sure that he can talk to their leaders without a fight.

In the meeting hall, Perseus is sitting on a chair by the fire enjoying the hot soup.

" There hasn't been any news about an Elf Civilization" He whispers. If his girlfriend is reborn into this world like him, there would be no doubt that she'll choose to be an Elf. She always loves this race due to their enthusiasm to protect the mother of mature. But Perseus can't be even sure whether she is reincarnated or not, maybe he is the only one that's given a new life.

" CHIEFTAIN" Otto rushes into the hall, disrupting Perseus's thought.

"We are being attacked, there are hundreds of them. "Otto shouts to Perseus "Please give the orders "

Perseus freezes for a moment before giving the command: " Ask Freya to send an eagle with a letter asking for help to Chieftain Kurk; besides, get every warrior and every man capable of fighting to the watchtowers and the walls, I'll be there right now."

Wear his armors and raising his newly forged armors and a large war hammer, Perseus gets out of the meeting hall with murderous intent on his face.