Chapter 6: New threat or new alliance?

" Siesta, how much food do we have left? " Ask a small boy wearing exquisite covered in a thick blanket. They are in the middle of a forest with snow raining above. Many men are lying around breathing heavily, eating some random rotten fruit. These people have been traveling in the wild for a long time and their food is not abundant. Siesta is a young woman, with long dark hair and dark skin, her body is not the type of an ordinary woman but a warrior one. She is wearing iron armor specially designed to protect important parts only. Although it's a bit revealing, she can move much faster with this. Siesta lowers her head:

-" Prince Legolas, don't be worried. We still have enough food, I'll find a northern tribe soon and force them to pay tribute to us. "

-" I can always count on you. " Legolas speaks with a happy smile on his face. Then, he quickly falls asleep under the warmth of the blanket. Siesta looks at the young prince, admires the innocent of children even in the hardest situations. She acknowledges that everything is not going well.

The Kingdom of Albion is a minor kingdom in the south of the Arcondale Peninsula. It is known for the well-defined fortress and strong warriors that have pushed back many invasion attempts from northern tribes and non-human beings of the Peninsula. Unfortunately, a succession crisis has occurred and Prince Legolas, who Siesta believes to be the rightful heir to the throne is not supported. Legolas's uncle has rallied his men and besieged the castle where they live. Siesta has no choice to lead her men and Legolas north to the land of their foes to survive. They do not have enough time to gather supplies and equipment. Now, 300 men Phoenix Legion are facing starvation and winter.

" Commander, our scouts have spotted two settlements 10 miles from here." A soldier reports to Siesta.

His words awake Siesta from the confusion. She mounts her horse and observes her men. All of them have their standard equipment on iron armors, long spears, shields, and short swords. Among them, there are 100 Phoenix Knights who are proud of the legion and the Kingdom. However, well-equipped can not cover the fact that they are fatigued and hungry. She wonders if they can fight with half of their normal strength at the moment.

" MY BRAVE SOLDIERS, I NEED YOUR ATTENTION " Siesta shouts, catching the attention of her men. Then, she continues to speak:

" Carrying the honor of protecting Legolas, the rightful king of the Albions, we are now in a tough situation, as everyone knows. However, there is a solution for us. There are two settlements of the northern creatures that have raided our lands for a long time. Now, we will go there and take back what is ours"

Her speech wipe out the fatigue of many men and with discipline, they get in ranks under the command of the sergeants and begin their march toward their destination.


Perseus carefully observes the enemies. There are at least 200 men, or even 300, they are well-equipped and disciplined. More troublesome for Perseus and his men is that there are around 100 horses and all of them are mounted. These cavalries will be deadly for them if they want to break out in case of a siege.

Perseus notices a woman, who seems to be the commander of the enemies ride forward:


" Interesting. " Looking at the woman, Perseus is impressed by her immediately. It has been a long time since he encounters a woman with a strong personality like this. She reminds him of his girlfriend who never cries even in the toughest time and always faces challenges with a bright smile on her face.

Wiping the unnecessary thoughts, Perseus knows this is not a time to think about it. He gives the orders:

- Bring rocks, arrows, and bows to the walls. Ask Miss Freya to send a letter to chieftain Kurk not to send his men outside the settlement, we'll be destroyed if we face them on the open field.

Then, Perseus mount his horse and ride to the gate. His bodyguards have already waited for him there; the settlement gate is opened and they ride forward to meet the commander of the attackers.

"This man is not easy to defeat. " Siesta thinks when she notices Perseus approaching. He has the body of a commoner but he is carrying an iron war hammer that weighs at least 100 kilograms if she does not mistake. Shake her head, her fighting spirit appears.

" No matter who I'm facing, I'll do anything to bring Prince Legolas onto the throne of the Kingdom of Albion. "