
The sounds of chatter rang in my ears. The overwhelming smell of disgust prick the back of my throat. 'I knew this would happen'. The things I see in my dreams taught me. 'Whats the point of precognition, if I can't help. " Please, if I didn't interfere the tower would have been decimated, we have a duty as Gods to help our people". I pleaded.

"Our people, our people, don't make me laugh Dione, they gave up being our people, when they started dabbling in dark arts" Nile mocked, my own uncle, he has always hated human men but loved the women, but couldn't help but spread his seed. Nile had dark navy hair with a beard to match, and eyes as blue as the dark desalt ocean, his eyes full of hate lacking in mercy he only bestow upon his children. He hated me since birth, I guess having the same eyes and hair as my father had its draw backs.

"She made a mistake, but this is too extreme, can't you see this is all a ploy, they want to get rid of Dione, because she's the only one who has shown aptitude for the power of control the Gods, she's your daug-" My aunt Morana screamed, before getting cut of. 'She looks just like mother, the only thing left of my mother. My aunt had a slender frame, long platinum blonde hair that graced the bottom of her feet, flowers weaved into her hair so gracefully. Her eyes were light grey, so light they were almost white, I imagine this is what human believe what heaven looked like. My aunt was cursed to never have children but always treated me like a daughter.

"Whether she's my daughter or not, she broke the law and must face the punishment, however if you regret your actions, I may forgive this act of treason and lighten your sentence" locking eyes with me. I could tell he didn't want me to leave. 'But if say I regret my actions, it will effect my pride', 'And I would be lying'. It's crazy I look like my mother but my father genes are so strong that I inherited his red eyes and ebony hair. My father was built like warrior with a scar across from his face, ruby rose red eyes with raven black hair he towered over the over Gods.

"I don't regret my decision, give the choice I'll do it again with a smile on my face, Father"

"Dione, I hereby banish you to Earth for interfering in earthly matter, and for the murder of 250 soldiers from Northern kingdom, you will spend 500 years with the creatures you love so much"

The court noise level raised the mummering was deafening, I could hear their whispers

"Maybe, she'll die like her mother, how poetic, she was always a weakling"

"Death would have been a mercy"

"I heard her mother went insane by the torture and pleaded for Thana to take her soul"

"Wasn't her Mother, skinned alive by the humans, out of curiosity about our healing"

"I heard, she was rape over and over again"

"Well her mother was always weak, but my my my was she a beauty"

"Aphrodite was always jealous of her"

"500 years, Father please, Witches love to experiment on Gods, JUST KILL ME".