
Hi, my name is Yasmine Osbourne and I'm the writer of this novel, this chapter is here to briefly explain why I made this novel. It's not necessary to read this but I highly recommend that you read this as well as the prologue otherwise things will be confusing. Here I will state who the main characters are what they look like and their powers and I will also be explaining the lore of this and its Law novel so it is not too confusing as this is my first time writing a novel. I also want to ask the kingdoms and the laws of the supernatural creators. I will also be explaining the rules of God and the royal blood of the Gods (original Gods), and Gods that came to exist. I'm also planning to do a prequel to this novel explaining how Gods came into existence and the birth of Dione, and her relationship with her father as it won't be explored in A Goddess's Wrath.

Main characters


Age: 256

Strength: 100/100

Intelligence: 80/100

Power ability: 20/100

Speed: 30/100

Durability: 70/100

Fighting Skills: 40/100


Age: 22

Strength: 55/100

Intelligence: 50/100

Power ability: 45/100

Speed: 60/100

Durability: 30/100

Fighting Skills: 35/100


Age: 90

Strength: 90/100

Intelligence: 60/100

Power ability:50/100

Speed: 70/100

Durability: 60/100

Fighting Skills: 50/100


Age: 300

Strength: 90/100

Intelligence: 25/100

Power ability: 20/100

Speed: 100/100

Durability: 80/100

Fighting Skills: 60/100

Supernatural Beings

Were created by Nature and Zeus, they are the workers of Gods and carry out the demands of Zeus to keep balance among the different worlds. They consist of Fairies, Sorcerers, Angels/ Guardians, Hunters, and Aura readers.


Keep children pure and help steer them away from darkness and evil, their powers are: Dream manipulation, flight, and can make them small or human size. Typically only children and other supernatural beings can see fairies. Fairies tend to stay away from adults, as they find it painful to be around evil thoughts, this significantly weakens them.


They use elemental powers (Fire, Water, Earth, and Air), they can heal however Gods cannot be healed through their magic. Sorcerers are forbidden to use the dark arts, as although it significantly increases their power it taints the soul, turning them into witches.


Also known as guardians are humans who sacrifice their lives and drink the blood of a God and become their servants. However, the human and God must both consent to this otherwise the human will die in agony. Although, not every human can survive the transformation, and side effects could give the familiar powers.


Were created by Nature to kill demonic supernatural beings, there are a few types of hunters, they tend to specialise in a field: Witch hunters, vampire hunters, and demon hunters. They have increased strength, intelligence, speed, endurance, and slower aging. However, Hunters are extremely rare as they are the Witches' favourite prey.

Aura readers will be explained in the novel as the main character hasn't discovered it yet

Wolves will be explained in the novel

Demonic Supernatural Beings

Demonic supernatural beings in this world came into existence through the dark arts. The dark arts are basically black magic which requires spiritual sacrifice, so it could be their soul, humanity, or a consequence when using it.


Witches were the first Demonic Supernatural being, this is where the sorcerers used dark magic and lose their souls and become witches, witches have the same magical powers as sorcerers, however, they use dark magic and lose their beauty and ability to have children, but they stop aging.


They were created by witches to rival the Gods. Vampires die in the sun there are also rankings among the Vampires in terms of power (explained in the novel). Vampires are as strong as a God not as strong as the Royal Bloodline. Some Vampires have magical abilities depending on their age and if they are from the royal bloodline. A vampire that is born is stronger than those who are made. There is also a royal bloodline that will be explained later. Vampires don't age but the older they are the stronger they are. However, vampires don't follow the rules of the royal bloodline.

Demons will be explained in the novel


The kingdoms are, Southern, Western, Northern, and Eastern. Further explanation in the novel


Gods are forbidden from interfering in human matters, such as war or genocide.

Gods are forbidden to have relations with demonic beings, having children with demons and vampires.

Bringing the dead back is forbidden.

Immortally is forbidden.


The first God was Nature and she and her child were Zeus, and Zeus's daughter Dione is the Royal bloodline. Zeus created two other Gods, Thana the God of Death ruler of the Underworld and Nile God of water, and ruler of Seas. Nature maintains balance but doesn't physically exist. Gods have super strength, enhanced speed, and endurance. Gods don't age. But can die, through magic, other supernatural beings, and other Gods can kill them.