A Steamy Exchange

(Side note, I've added a context page that I suggest you read to clear things up, I've also change Poseidon name to Nile and Hades to a woman with the name Thana, I've also given Dione maternal aunt an name Morana.)

The Side effects from Pumpkin drinking my blood was beautiful, whilst it has it draw backs she was stuck at the age of 9 and had to consume 1 litre of my blood a week to maintain her powers. Her powers were super strength, stronger than an Alpha Wolf, increased speed and Pyrokinesis. Whilst her childhood was disturbing the kindest phrase to say the least. Her mother who raped at the age of 13 and forced to bare a child she didn't want with her childhood and innocence taken away by 30 year old lord. I guess it was a good thing that my precognition lead me there. Originally I was hired to find out information about her father so it could be used as blackmail to obtain land from him.

"What, should I wear to the Banquet, Pumpkin"

"Dignity, you seem to lack it as last time you went to a ball you came dressed in your under garments"

"Why do you humans insist on wearing so much clothes, its so restrictive"

"Master, even prostitutes wear more clothes than you"

"Thank you"

"That wasn't a compliment" she exclaimed while sighing looking up at the sky. "I'll pick your outfit, on Earth you would be consider beautiful, in fact I haven't seen anyone who rivals your beauty"

Northern Palace

The crowd of people dancing whilst classical music played. 'I wished pumpkin came, I hate socialising, I always say the wrong things' looking around the crown prince isn't here, otherwise it would be more lively.

"Welcoming the Crown Prince of the Northern Empire Castor Georgios Aetos"

'Shit everyone is clapping, I should do the same'. Out came the most beautiful man I've seen with clear pure white hair cold like the snow outside, melting and tickling the back of his neck, so tempting to stroke, to feel between my thigh teasing me. Crystal electric blue eyes calm and crazy, so magnetic drawing you in, hypnotic, tempting. Proudly standing at 6ft 4, he reeked of power. 'Damn why do they wear so much clothes I can't tell whats under his clothes'. I understand why my contractor wants him dead, he allures envious authority. 'This contract got 10 times harder, I didn't think torturing and killing those Northern solider would lead me to his golden pot'. As he made eye contact with me I found myself unable to move, 'break eye contact', I feel like his gaze is consuming me.

Castor POV

As I stood at the top of the stairs and looked amongst the sea of people something stood out 'who is she, I've seen her before'. Looking over to my assistant "I want a dance with that girl, one with raven hair and blood red eyes". She was wearing a silky red satin dress that dragged across the floor, it was tight and hugged her hourglass figure. Those tempting eyes, I feel as if I should get down on my knees, blood, red its all I see, pure but sinful. 'She looks like trouble'. Her warm silky soft ebony hair thick but contain, wildly kissed her arse cheeks. Her skin look like heaven, a place I've always wanted to touch, touch every crevices of her curving body, touch every hotspot. I want to hear her voice, maybe I'll know what angels sound like, hear the melody dance in my ears. As I descend the stairs still intertwining my eyes with her, I started walking towards her without breaking eye contact, she stood at 5ft 8 inches. All other sounds started dissolving as I grew closer to her holy presence. I offered my hand at heaven gates, praying pleading with my eyes. She put her hand out to me, and like a dog I touched it, cursing her gracious hand with mine. Her tantalising lips teased me curving into a smile. 'Perfection'

Dione POV

"May I have this dance Miss-"

"Dione, and yes you may Castor" I said grinning. The crowd stood shook and whispers started. 'hmmmm I guess I should have said your Majesty'

Grabbing my waist and pulling me in he whispered in my ear saying "You're quite brave"

We began dancing 'He sure is strong for a human' looking into his eyes it almost felt like I fitted like a glove in his arms ' I haven't felt this safe, since when my aunt would hold me and sing to me' my eyes began to close and I could feel myself starting to relax 'wait why am I feeling like this'. As I tried pulling away, I felt myself not wanting to let go.

Sadly the song stopped, as I looked into his eyes "Well it was a pleasure to dance with you, Casto- Your Majesty". I nearly forgot the contract, I need to kill the Crown Prince 'Fuck it, I don't need the money'. "I regret to inform you, but I was sent here to kill you, I still haven't decided if I will or not yet".

"I would like to see you try, foreplay is quite exciting" he said teasingly

"Those Northern soldiers, said the same thing, they're not laughing now, I'll give you a warning don't underestimate me, I'm as deadly as I am pretty, again thank you for the dance"

"Well here is my warning, I never underestimate a God, there blood is exquisite, a rare commodity" He replied with a serious face.

I felt my blood freeze, I may have had the upper hand if he didn't know I was a God but now it dangerous, if he didn't know he would have underestimated me like those Northern soldiers. With Pumpkin at the estate, I'm quite helpless, especially if he's a supernatural, I still can't use my power and my precognition is random, I have no control unless I torture myself, its physically painful., whilst Pumpkin enjoys it 'my lil psycho'.

"You don't scare me"

"Really" he pulled me in closer grabbing my hips. Titling his head down putting his mouth close to my ears. "Then why you're legs shaking, that something that happens after not before D".

"Cocky bastard". 'something poking me'

"No just cocky" he chuckled

I could feel my cheeks burning up 'Di, this isn't the time to blush'

"I'm definitely gonna kill you" I said angrily. Placing my hand on his I bent his fingers back till I heard a crunch. He grunted and loosed his grip, using this opportune moment I stormed off to find a bathroom.

"I've been looking for you all night, I'm a Lord I could give you anything you want" a strange man whispered in my ears. the smell of alcohol singed the back of my throat.

"Piss off"

"Cursing from your beautiful mouth is such a wast-" before he could finish his sentence I plunged my hand into his stomach grabbing his intestines out. I watch his warm drop to the floor like a rag doll.

"Wow, the maids are gonna scream" Castor said at the end of the hallway behind me

"He was annoying, and knew nothing about personal space"

"Well painful way to go, but I was thinking of ripping his heart out as soon as he entered your personal space"

"Maybe you should take notes"

"Well how about we go somewhere private to test out if the results will be the same" he looked directly in my eyes, piercing my soul. 'Don't for it Di, he's baiting you'.

"Leading the way, Your majesty"