

I felt my body smash into the wall, the brick cracking against my skin. The room air wrapped me in ice, the windows were bricked up and there was no fire place. The room looked abandon with little furniture, there was a lonely bed fit for a king. In the pitch black Castor icy blue eyes loomed in the darkness, slowly approaching, his eyes grew hungry. I felt compelled to tilt my neck. Using his index finger he traced it along my neck, lowering his head to my neck, he began to dancing his cold tongue.

"Ahhhhhhh, don't bite you're piercing my skin" I yelled. 'Shit he's a vampire'

He slowly dug his fangs deeper into my neck, I could my blood trickling down my breast, something warm was coming out his fangs. I could feel myself loosing all sense of reality, whatever it was it made me feel hot.

"Castor, I feel funny, stop drinking so fast"

"It's my venom, it's toxic to humans, but makes I guess its like alcohol to you" he said smirking. Looking down at me he grin "I'm sorry, I'm not usually a messy eater, but how can I help myself when you taste so good". Pulling me closer to him he lifted me up with ease. Instinctually I wrapped my legs around his waist. "Let me clean you up" whilst licking his lips. 'Shit, I'm in trouble' he's presence was overwhelming I could feel myself, drowning in his body. I could feel his sliding down my chest, cleaning up the body before it could touch my dress.

"We, we can't do this" I said hesitantly. 'Why do I want him to convince me'.

"Look me in eye and tell me you mean that, and I'll stop" with direct eye contact

"I-, I was sent here to kill you"

"I don't care". He brings his lips to mine and kisses me. I feel my body temperature raising, my sense of reason drifting. ' I guess I've already broken one law what another one', I feel his soft hand gliding up thigh under my dress. 'Shit this venom is driving me crazy, I can't get drunk usually', the venom cursing through my veins is making my body feel light, I feel relaxed. He pulled away "I didn't realise my venom works like alcohol for Gods, I won't bite you anymore though, I want you to be fully aware".

"We should go to the bed, I prefer being in control". He carried me over to the bed and threw me down.

"Really, have you ever been dominated"

*gulp* "No I haven't"

Smiling he slammed his hand next to my face and started coming closer. I grabbed his shirt and started pulling him closer.


The door fell down on the floor and Pumpkin walked in nonchalantly.

"Master, whats been taki-"

Before I even realised Castor stood in front of me guarding me with one hand blocking me from Pumpkin.

"Heyyyyy, Pumpkin, why did you come I'll said I would handle it". 'Is she old enough to know what sex is'. "We were just making the bed"

"I know what sex is" she said sighing.

"You have a child" Castor said surprised lowering his arm down.

"Yeah, well kinda of she's 9, she's my familiar"

"I'm 22 not 9"

"Same thing"

"No it not" she said while flaring her nostrils. 'She's so cute'

"Wait why do you look like a child" Castor said astoundingly. "Shit, am I gonna turn in a child?"

"Why do you sleep with the brainless one, wait you drank her blood"

"You won't turn into a child, my blood just stops her from aging, and no he did that all by himself"

"Why is drinking her blood bad, its the best I've ever had"

"She's Zeus's daughter, you dimwit, the last vampire that acted us had a seizure from one drop and died"

"Wait your from the royal blood line, are you crazy you can't be here you need to get out of here, it isn't safe"

"What do you mean not safe" Pumpkin said now on guard.

"My father has always wanted to drink the blood from a God from the royal bloodline however, only Zeus's and his only daughter contain the blood, he's the only that probably put the hit on me, shit its a trap you need to leave now, before he senses your blood"

Before I could blink Pumpkin picked me up and ran. 'Oh shit here we go again, my hair is gonna look awful'. Pumpkin speed is unmatched travelling 300 miles is only 3 minutes for her. 'I guess this explains how she got here so fast'.

"We here" she said coldly.

"Whats wrong with you"

"Why-, why did you let him drink from you"

"I got caught up in the moment he did it before I realised"


Before I could stop myself, my hand already went across her face. The anger bubbling up in my chest what unbearable, the lava scorched the back of my throat, bubbling, bubbling to the surface. Overflowing.

"Get out, before I beat you worse than your mother ever did"

Pumpkin looked to the floor and left the room. I threw myself onto the bed then turned over to looked and the mirror next to the bed. Staring back at me in the mirror was a man with black hair and red eyes, the splitting image of my father he was 7ft 1 inches just like father but looked my age. 'Who are you'

"Don't worry sister, I'll protect you, I'll save you, no one will hurt you again". He reached out to me, almost calling me. 'Save me, save me'. Why do I want to reach out, why do I trust him? I extended my arm, before I could reach the mirror, everything went black. Closing me eyes to pain, sleeping. 'Another vision is coming'. 'I'm sorry Pumpkin, I'm sorry'.